Chapter 48

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Many days went by and so much has happened, so I'm gonna say everything.

So, me and Y/N managed to get out the forest and the B.S.A.A found us and took us back, of course we had to file a report about everything that happened. But me and Y/N got separated, she works in a different department and that sucks.

I miss looking at her from across the room, I miss seeing her smile and hearing her laughter.

Y/N works in a more safer place which is good but I miss her alot. She would always tell me a story something new and she'd crack jokes, chuckle and laugh but at least I'm seeing her when I get home.

Yes, we live together and its like heaven to me, every morning I wake up to her humming or singing a song while making breakfast, she'd wear one of my shirts that hangs till her knees and her hair is put up into a bun.

I love it when she sneakily comes up behind me and tackles me into a hug. I'd do anything just to hear her laugh and see her smile.

Sometimes after a rough day, she'd just let me lay on the bed and place her small and fragile body on top of me or she'd put my head on her chest and stroke my hair.

I'm currently sitting boredly in my office, tossing and catching a ball as I throw it against my wall. Its been a long day of huge amounts of reports and paperwork, surprisingly I finished it all.

There are some empty coffee cups on my table, I only had 10. Its normal having 10 cups of coffee at one time, right? Yeah, I guess its normal.

I looked at the time and guess what? I'm able to leave work and go home.

I jumped out of my chair, grabbed my jacket with a smile and made my way to my car. 

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