Chapter 16

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I walked out of the tower and it's dawn and headed back to the warehouse. Everyone found a place to sleep. I layed across Chris, I kept wondering about (Y/n), the way her body curves and her angel voice. I was caught up in my thoughts that I never noticed that Lara curled up next to me. I looked at her sleeping form, as I looked at her I saw he body sirvering from the cold. I took of my jacket and placed it on her. She jumped up, looking at the jacket before turning her head to me with a smile on her face. I layed down staring at the ceiling before I felt a form touch me. I looked to find Lara curled up into the right side of my body. My vision started to blur then I sleep into a deep sleep.

I woke up and looked at my surroundings. I looked deeper into the forest and found a girl with a white dress standing next to a tree. I stood up and slowly walked to her. She giggled and ran behind the tree. I followed to her run to a woman, she looked just like (Y/n). As I walked crossed, I recognized this woman.

"(Y/n)" I gasped. She turned around looking at me with a bright smile.

"Leon" she ran into my arms. I kissed her forehead.

"I miss you so much" I buried my face into her neck.

"I missed you too" she said pecking my lips. I held her close to me and played with her soft hair and inhaled her strawberry scent. I placed my hands on her hips. She pulled my hand and I followed her into the forest. We came to a crystal clear river, she stood watching her stand in silence watching the water.

"Hey hun" I called out.

"Yeah babe" she turned around and I singled her to sit by me. I sat by a tall tree. She sat on my lap and I lend against the tree as I played with her soft hair. She curled against my chest as I wrapped my arms around her. She looked at me then softly kised me. I missed her soft lips. I pulled away and caressed her right cheek. I pulled her into a deep kiss, it was passionate and hot. She pulled away and a blush appeared on her face, I chuckled and kissed her neck, she moaned my name, I stopped and hugged her.

"Where are you?" I looked at the floor missing her.

"I am close,just keep an eye out" she smiled and she cupped my face as she tilted my head to face her. She kissed me one last time before everything went dark.

Wow thanks for 1.04K reads! Thats amazing, love ya'll

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