Chapter 29

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We made our way out but Leon and Chris wouldn't stop looking around and taking photos of files and BOW's trapped in tubes, still transforming into a disgusting dangerous weapon.

"You two done taking selfies?" I asked sarcastically and impatiently.

"Only the best ones was taken" Leon says, sassy as he looks at me.

"Awesome. Now you can upload it to Facebook and tag Umbrella with it because I'm leaving" I said, shaky my head as I left them alone. What a bunch of idiots, whoever sent them must have seen thier performance and intelligence wrong, those two men are stupid. As I walked I couldn't stop thinking about them and thier naive mentality.

"Hey! Wait for us!" Leon calls as he jogs after me and Chris was behind him. I mentally rolled my eyes and continued to walk when a sign caught my attention. I looked at it, it had a bright yellow color that was in a triangular shape with a black skull in the middle. Yeah thats right, its a dangerous room and caution was written on there.

"Bingo" I smirked and walked to it.

"Really? And you complain about us doing our job" Leon says in a sassy tone.

"Well at least this is more fun" I said and walked to it. I opened the door and walked in. The room was cold and I immediately got goosebumps over my body. I looked around and saw different types of zombies and creatures that Albert created in tubes, floating in the water. All types of viruses, neatly placed next to each other in a row, on display and the antivirus, cure and vaccine was next to the viruses.

"Whoa. Good catch" Chris says as he walks to the viruses.

"Look around and take what you need for your 'job'" I said, smirking a bit and I walked through the spaces between the tubes, I looked at the creatures created from one mad man. I almost felt sorry. ALMOST. I stopped then I came to familiar tube with a figure in it. It was someone I knew, someone that was close to me. I looked up at the body of my best friend and placed my hands in my pockets. Her body floats and she was pale and her hair white.

"You know her?" Leon asks as he walks behind me.

"Yeah, she was a......friend of mine" I answered.

"How did you two end up here?" He asked and looked at him, over my shoulder.

"We were taken as kids, raised in this hell hole and used by Albert's words and being manipulated by him, he trained us to be killers and doing training he pushed us so killed her" I answered and my heart aches at the memory.

"Then he decides to keep her body as a sign" I continued and looked back at her.

"A sign for what?" He asked, curious.

"A sign of failure" I answered and I immediately darkened again.

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