Chapter 9

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Leon P.O.V

I wake up, I felt someone stroke me hair, I opened my eyes, looking at the window that revealed busy B.S.A.A agents minding their own business. I turned my hair,catching Sherry gently touching my hair, I heard her soft sobs, I looked around the room Jake, Chris, Helena, Sheva, Ingrid, Rebecca, Claire and Piers stood together, in silence. They waited for me to wake up. I put my hand by her face and wiped her tears away. She looked at me and jumped out of her seat with excitement, she caught everyone's attention and they walked to me. Joy marked their faces as they turned their attention to me. They talked to me and I answered them, every question had a answer. They noticed my joy and questioned me and I told them what happened, every thing that happened. They looked shocked but they continued talking. Later when everyone left, I spotted Ingrid in the darkest corner in the room. She walked to me, angry and a hint of joy, in her face, she leaned over me and spoke

" Leon what is wrong with you? You could've died. You drank too much alcohol and it caused you to black out, if Claire didnt look for you, you would've been died" tears streamed down her cheeks. I was suprized Ingrid had feelings.

" wait,wait hold a second are you telling me that the serious crumpy Ingrid Hunningan, has tears" I joked. She gently hit my arm and laughted wiping her tears away. She opened her arms and hugged me and I hugges her back. Suddenly we heard the door open, revealing Steve, he looked at me and walked away.

" What it is not what it looks like" I yelled and Ingrid sighed.

" Its ok I will talk to him" she said and kissed my forehead , she walked out the room, closing the door behind her. I sighed and fell against the pollow behind my head, I looked at the roof thinking about her, remembering the times we had together, I will never stop thinking about her... (Y/n). I smiled just thinking about her

Sorry for the short chapter... i totally forgot about Steve lol sorry. Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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