Chapter 1: Family Troubles

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Cover art by BlepeArt on Tumblr.

Rachel Amber.

The girl who saved Chloe from those skeevy assholes at the mill last night. Chloe couldn't get the thought of Rachel out of her head. She was such a badass the other night. They way she looked. Danced. Her smile. She really is Little Miss Perfect.

Chloe thought it was so awesome seeing Firewalk live. Especially with Rachel Amber. She really has this other side to her no one else has seen except for her.

Chloe just couldn't stop thinking about her. There was something about Rachel. Something that pleased Chloe. But why would someone like Rachel ever fall for someone like her? Chloe was the exact opposite of her. And she'd probably be highly judged if she ever acknowledged she developed a crush on the DA's daughter.

Chloe reached for a cigarette and lit it with her lighter. She smoked it and breathed out. Chloe only returned home hours ago from the Firewalk show. She knew her mother wouldn't be too pleased with her about it. Today was still a school day after all. But Chloe had no regrets.

Although, she had a sore eye after taking a hit from the guy with the hat. A noticeable bruise lingered just inches away from her right eye. Something that her mother wouldn't be too happy with either.

She rubbed her bruise with a wince and stood up and got into a fresh pair of clothes.

A dark blue t-shirt with a graphic on it. Black pair of jeans. And her pair of skater shoes.

A picture caught Chloe's attention. She picked it up and looked into the eyes of herself and her ex-best friend, Max Caulfield, who moved to Seattle just two years ago. Leaving Chloe to deal with the grief of her fathers death all alone.

Hey, Max. How are you? How's the big city? I bet it's great compared to the shithole I live in. How's Ryan and Vanessa? I hope they're happy. Happier than my mom is. Oh, did I tell you about the asshole who's been dating my mom? This dickwad's name is David. He's some hardass military veteran. But enough about him. I hope you're enjoying the time in Seattle. Without me.

Chloe set down the picture and sighed. A sudden voice called through the door.

"Chloe! Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!"

Joyce Price. The mother and guardian of Chloe. Aside from their rocky relationship, Chloe still loves her mother. But over the past few months, Chloe hasn't been happy with her mothers decision to date David. Chloe let out a sigh.

"Chloe! I said breakfast!"

"Yeah, yeah! I heard you!"

Chloe opened her door and started walking down the steps. Chloe's temper was brought higher when her mother said, "Bring my purse down with you, please!" And she was already halfway down. Chloe let out a grunt and turned and walked up the steps.

I'm pretty sure moms purse would be in her room.

Chloe grabbed Joyce's purse and pursuit her way down the stairs. Joyce's attention was brought to her daughters obnoxious steps down the stairs.

"Finally! You can put my purse on the dining table. Might still have time for breakfast if you hurry."

Chloe gripped the wooden pillar and swung around and walked toward the table. She held out her arm and dropped her mothers purse on the table. She took a seat and slouched in her chair. Joyce brought a plate of toast and bacon to Chloe and set it on the table.

"You look tired." Joyce said. Chloe responded with a shrug. "Chloe, what happened to you?" Joyce questioned as she took notice of Chloe's bruised eye. "I just walked into a door. No big deal." Chloe said. Joyce glared at her daughter and gripped her hips. "I know you snuck out, Chloe. Don't think you can skip school today because of that." Joyce told her.

"What makes you think I want to?" Chloe said. "Because you normally do." Joyce said back.

Joyce sat down at the table. "Chloe. We need to talk." Chloe sighed and locked eyes with her mother. "You can't keep doing this. Sneaking out. Especially when you have to go to school the next day. I told you, Chloe. I told you not to go to that concert. And yet, you disobeyed me and went anyway. You came back way after curfew. I was worried sick!" Joyce told her.

"Mom, you don't need to worry about me." Chloe told her. "I know what I'm doing..."

"Do you?" Joyce said. "David thinks you need discipline." Chloe's blood started boiling. "David can mind his own damn business!" Chloe said. "Well, I think it's great David's taking an interest. I know he's a good man. I'm sure he can help." Joyce said.

"You know who else was a good man? Dad..." Chloe told Joyce.

Joyce sighed sadly. "Chloe, please. That's not fair. I'm... I'm glad you still have a special place for your father. But when the time comes, we need to welcome new people into our hearts. I miss your father as much as you do... but David is trying his best." Joyce said.

"But when we're desperate and lonely, we always choose the worst of people to let into our hearts... Mom." Chloe told her. "David's a dickhole. He calls me "girlie" and I hate every single part of him."

"Chloe! Don't say that. You don't hate him." Joyce said. "Yes, Mom! I do!" Chloe said. "Let's not fight, please. I made you breakfast." Joyce said. "I'll just get something later." Chloe told her and pushed the plate away from her. She crossed her arms and slouched in the seat. Refusing to look at her mother.

Joyce sighed and stood from her seat. "If you're satisfied with what your doing, keep at it. Just let me know so Blackwell and I can stop trading fists to keep you on scholarship. Money isn't high right now." Joyce walked into the kitchen to clean up.

"Hurry up and eat your breakfast, Chloe. David's outside." Joyce said. Chloe arched an eyebrow at her mother. "Why?" Joyce turned to face her daughter. "I expect you to be kind and respectful... when he takes you to school today."

"Hilarious Mom. I'm already dying of laughter." Chloe told her.

"And you will say thank you." Joyce said.

"You can't be serious. This is such..."

"What, Chloe? Such what?" Joyce said. Using her power as the adult to interrupt her daughter.

Chloe calmly sighed and looked at Joyce. She stood from her chair and approached her mother.

"Mom... look, I'm sorry. I know you've been dealing with a lot lately." Joyce's expression softened. "Thank you. Apology accepted. I understand you don't need me as much as you used to. But... I need you."

"I do need you. You're my mom." Chloe told her.

Joyce smiled softly. "I'm glad you think so. Just know the world isn't out to get you." She said. "Tell that to the world then." Chloe replied.

"You're impossible... but you mean a lot to me, Chloe. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Okay, David's outside. You'll need to get his keys from the ashtray. Try not to kill each other." Joyce told Chloe. "As long as he doesn't give me some, life lesson, or gives me funny looks." Joyce raised her eyebrow. "Chloe..." "Or even makes eye contact with me." Chloe said.



Joyce smiled at her daughter. "Have a good day, sweetheart." Chloe replied, "You too." And walked over to the ashtray she made for Joyce and picked up David's keys. Chloe's face scrunched as she held David's keys in her hands.

Here goes nothing.

Chloe walked over to the door and left. And there he was.

David Madsen.

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