Chapter 8: Reconcile

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Chloe journeyed to Arcadia Bay's local park. Where she was sure Rachel was. A sudden raven flew overhead. Flying through the park. And then there was that large tree.

And there she was. Rachel Amber.

Chloe quietly approached Rachel. Not wanting to disturb any of her thoughts. But Rachel heard her footsteps and looked over her shoulder. Sending Chloe a small smile. "Hey, Chloe. You came. I'm... glad." She said. "Me too. I couldn't let the day end with... what happened this afternoon." Chloe told her.

Rachel turned to face Chloe. "I'm... sorry for leaving you. That must've upset you." Rachel said. Chloe nodded. "Apology accepted..." She said softly. Rachel smiled warmly at her. But her expression went blank and formed into a frown.

"There's something that I actually want to talk to you about, but... I just can't figure out the right words for this." Rachel said. Chloe told her, "You don't need to tell me anything you're uncomfortable with." Rachel looked into Chloe's eyes. "But that's the thing. I want to tell you. I need to tell you..." She said. Rachel took a deep breath.

"Earlier today... when I was walking home."


Rachel walked down the street. Happy about the conclusion of her day with Chloe. Feeling all sorts of joy and happiness.

Feeling that there was something special about Chloe.

She breathed in the fresh air and sighed happily. Excited to get to know Chloe more and hang out with her more. And even maybe to start something with her. If Chloe even felt that way. If not, Rachel was fine with being friends.

As she walked down the street, someone caught her attention with their familiar figure. She looked closer and noticed her father, James Amber, talking with someone. A blonde woman. Who she's never seen before. Or was even familiar with. Rachel was confused as to why he would be talking to a woman she never knew. Since he was already married to her mother, Rose Amber. But then he did the unthinkable.

James kissed the woman.

Rachel watched as they parted. She was in complete shock. Her father was seeing another woman behind her mother's back. Rachel was speechless. She turned on her heel and quickly ran away. Thinking that maybe the love James had for her mother was false.


Chloe nodded sympathetically as Rachel described her encounter with her father. That was probably a terrible sight to bear. Making Chloe feel more guilty for blowing up at Rachel in the junkyard.

Rachel sniffed and wiped at her nose. "I can't believe he would do that. I thought he loved my mom..." She said. "And I know... that woman... definitely wasn't my mom, Chloe." Rachel turned to Chloe. "The worst part? I'm not surprised. I felt like my dad was lying about something for a while. I just... never thought it was something like this." Rachel said.

"He said someone had contacted him. But he told me and mom not to worry about it as it wasn't important." Rachel crossed her arms and looked into the park. Obviously devastated from what she saw.

"I love my dad, Chloe. I do. And I never want to see his fucking face again." Rachel turned to Chloe with noticeable tears in her eyes that slid down her cheeks.

"When my dad died, I was so mad at him. But for months, I was mad at myself for being angry with him. It felt wrong, because half the time I thought of him, I wanted to scream. And the other half, I forgot-" "Forgot that anything had changed?" Rachel finished Chloe's sentence.

"Rachel, I know you're hurt. And you're going to be mad at your dad for a long time. But... at least recognize he still loves you. And that he wants nothing bad to happen to you or your mom."

"Thats bullshit, Chloe, and you know it!"

Chloe sighed sadly. Rachel's glare turned to a frown. "Sorry..." She said. "I know you're trying your best. Maybe... maybe I'm the one who's not as perfect as everyone makes me out to be." Chloe approached Rachel and softly wiped her tears away.

"You're perfect to me..." Chloe told her.

Rachel softly smiled at her. "Chloe... I know I already said this, but... I'm really sorry." She started. "Whatever we have between us, it's... intense, new, and in a way, awesome. You had the courage to tell me you feel the same way. And I fucked you over and treated you like shit." Rachel said, dropping her shoulders in a sulk.

Chloe took Rachel's chin in her hand. Resting her other hand on Rachel's upper arm. "Hey, that doesn't matter. What matters is that we're here together now." Chloe assured. Rachel smiled at Chloe and wrapped her arms tightly around her. Embracing her tightly. Rachel rested her head closely against Chloe's.

"I just want you to know..." Rachel said as she broke the hug. "I'm lucky you're here with me. You're a badass, Chloe Price."


"Remember that biker asshole last night?" Rachel questioned. "The one who wouldn't let you into the mill? You talked your way right past him."

"You saw that?" Chloe said.

"And those skeevy douchebags who followed you upstairs? You dropped that guy with only a single bottle to the face." Rachel said. "Well, because you showed up at the last minute." Chloe said, rubbing her neck nervously.

"And Thursday, last week? When Drew was picking on Nathan? You stood your ground and called him out without any type of hesitation." Rachel added. "That was pretty sweet, actually." Chloe said, failing to hide a smile. "See what I'm talking about?" Rachel said. "You're the real thing, Chloe. I don't know anyone else like you. And you hang out with me today, no questions asked."

"Well, when the popular kid asks you to hang out, you don't decline." Chloe responded.

"Oh... so I didn't win you over with my..." Rachel spun around and faced her back towards Chloe with her hand on her hip and looked over her shoulder. "Dashing good looks?" She added and winked at Chloe.

"Okay, well that... and you're the popular kid and I'm... the loner. So, I guess both." Chloe said. Rachel chuckled and playfully pushed Chloe. "Thanks for coming to see me, Chloe. I really regretted leaving you. It... was my fault."

"We were both kind of the queen of shitty." Chloe said. "Yeah, I guess we were." Rachel said with a small chuckle. "As painful as it's gonna be, I should probably head home." Rachel said. "Yeah, me too. Although I really don't want to." Chloe said. "I know the feeling." Rachel said.

Chloe felt a grip on her hand. She looked down at her hand and saw Rachel's fingers intertwined with hers. "I'll see you tomorrow." Rachel said. She suddenly leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Chloe's cheek. Making her blush furiously. Rachel smiled at Chloe and walked away from the park.

Chloe sighed happily as she watched Rachel walk away. She turned down the trail and made her way to her house.

Feeling butterflies in her stomach.


Chloe was fast asleep on her bed. Having just fell asleep in her clothes without any blankets covering her. The door softly opened as her worried sick mother poked her head in.

Joyce saw Chloe asleep on her bed and sighed with relief as her daughter had finally returned home. She walked over to Chloe and kissed her cheek.

"Good night, dear." Joyce softly said.

A cool breeze blew into the room. Joyce saw that the window was open. Chloe probably snuck in a few hours ago. She quietly closed the window and exited the teenagers room.

Softly closing the door behind her.

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