Chapter 25: The Principal of Blackwell

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Rachel rubbed Chloe's back as Chloe rested her head on her shoulder. On the opposite end of them was Victoria and Taylor. Courtney was dismissed to class by the principal before he left to discuss the situation with David.

Victoria sat in her chair facing downward. Refusing to meet anyone's eye. Even her friends. She's never been punched before. She was beyond stricken and shocked about what just happened as she's never gone through anything like this before.

The sound of the door opening drew the attention of Rachel and Taylor. In walked Raymond Wells. The principal of the academy. And the head of security, David Madsen. And lastly, Chloe's mother, Joyce.

There was an immediate change in the tone of the room as the adults set foot into the office. Joyce approached her daughter and placed a hand on her shoulder. Lightly squeezing. "Hey, Chloe." Joyce softly said. But Chloe ignored her mother and continued to stay quiet. David walked around to the side of the desk and gripped his hand to his wrist behind his back.

Principal Wells sat down at his desk and cleared his throat.

"Let's proceed." He started. "As you know... Blackwell has a code that is built around a foundation of mutual respect among its staff and students that is meant to foster the environment conducive to education and enrichment." Principal Wells said. "And it seems that today, that respect was broken between two of our students." He added.

"One who is new to the Blackwell disciplinary process..." Principal Wells said, eyeing at Victoria. "And the other, while showing slight improvement over the years, is all too familiar with it." The principal said, looking towards Chloe.

"As I'm told, Ms. Chase, witnesses are saying you instigated the situation." Principal Wells said. "Might I ask what you said to anger Ms. Price?" He questioned Victoria. "I... I said something stupid." Victoria muttered. "Just let it out Ms. Chase." Principal Wells told her. Victoria shifted in her chair uncomfortably and sighed.

"I was saying that... that Rachel saw nothing in Chloe. But that was just me running my mouth. I tend to do that." Victoria told him. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure you left out the part where you called me a bitch as well." Chloe suddenly said. "What?" Joyce questioned. Rachel narrowed her eyes into a glare aiming towards Victoria. Principal Wells eyed at Victoria. "Is that true, Ms. Chase?" He said.

"Only because she-" Victoria said when Chloe interrupted her. "No, because you were saying you didn't take Rachel as being gay. I told you it's not a big deal. Then you're the one who told me off." Chloe said. Victoria scoffed. "Here she goes again. Talking to me in a way that I don't appreciate. I don't have time for this!" Victoria said and was about to stand from her chair. But Taylor grabbed her arm and assured her to sit back down.

"Why do I even need to be here? Look at what she did!" Victoria said, arching her head so Principal Wells could see her bruise on her jaw. He studied it and looked at Victoria.

"That may be the case, but I just told you that witnesses say you started it. But, that doesn't mean Ms. Price is completely off the hook. Her future at Blackwell will be discussed next." Principal Wells said.

Striking fear into Chloe and her mother. Could Chloe's actions cause her future at Blackwell? Maybe punching Victoria really wasn't the best idea. But Chloe had no regrets. She was proud she did.

"Yours too, Ms. Chase." Principal Wells told her. "But I-" Victoria started but the principal retorted. "You're the one who harassed Ms. Price. And understandingly, it angered her. But at the same time, she shouldn't have hit you either. You're both in the wrong here." He said.

"Ms. Chase. You have proved to be an excellent student here at Blackwell. But today, you went against our rules. And for harrassment, I have no choice but to suspend you until further notice..." The principal said. "We will contact your parents and inform them of what happened." He said. Victoria looked on with shock.

"Me? Suspended?" She said. Taylor looked at her and rubbed her shoulder. But Victoria brushed her off. She crossed her arms and huffed. Looking away from the principal.

"As for you, Ms. Price." Principal Wells said as he turned to the blue-haired woman. "Your record here at Blackwell isn't spotless. And I'm not surprised with you as I am with Ms. Chase here..." He said. Joyce glared at him. "What's that supposed to mean?" She questioned. "Are you saying that my daughter is a bully? Do you think she's the bad guy here?" Joyce said.

Principal Wells looked at Joyce. "Ma'am. Your daughter has a history of rudeness and attitudes. Teachers report to me that she also has a tendency to make rude comments during class." He told Joyce. "Shall I continue?" He said.

"Chloe, although you were being harrassed, you reacted with violence when you could have easy ignored the situation. I have no other choice but to suspend you as well." Principal Wells said. Joyce placed a firm grip on her daughters shoulder and frowned. Sighing sadly and shaking her head.

"Both you and Ms. Chase have a chance for reinstatement next fall." Rachel leaned forward. "Please, you can't do that." She said. Principal Wells raised his eyebrow. "Ms. Amber. I understand you're trying to cover for your... girlfriend... but she, along with Ms. Chase, were involved in a rather dire situation. They both need to be disciplined. I'm sorry. But there's my answer." Principal Wells said to Rachel.

"After all she's been through the past few years. Please, allow her one last chance." Joyce pleaded. Principal Wells sighed. "I'm afraid I can not." He said. "David..." Joyce said towards her husband. He looked at his wife with a small frown. He looked away from her and sighed. Refusing to look at his wife.

The principal stood from his chair. "That is all. Good day, Mrs. Madsen..." He said. Joyce rubbed her daughters shoulder. "I'll see you later..." She softly told her. Chloe responded with a nod. Victoria and Taylor stood from their chairs and exited the office. Followed by Joyce.

"Come on..." Rachel gently said to Chloe. She took Chloe's hand and led her out the office. Leaving Principal Wells to discuss the situation with David.

"I'm so sorry." Rachel said. Chloe nodded silently. "Wanna come see me after school?" Rachel questioned. "Yeah. That sounds good." Chloe said. Rachel nodded. "Okay. I'll see you then." She said. Rachel grabbed Chloe's hand and pressed a kiss to her lips.

Chloe pushed the doors open and walked to her truck she and Rachel rode in just an hour ago.

Chloe hopped into her truck and started the engine. She backed out and drove out of the parking lot. She then parted from Blackwell properties and drove to her house.

But another idea popped into her head. She needed to get high. She did a sudden u-turn and drove to the beach as Frank was still parked down there.

She only hoped he was in a good mood today.

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