Chapter 15: The Tempest

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Rachel stood onstage. Confidently saying her lines with no stumble or nervousness. She was a born star. Someone who loved to be onstage and in front of a crowd.

"By accident most strange, bountiful Fortune hath mine enemies brought to this shore." Rachel said. She turned to Dana and said her next line.

"Here cease more questions. Thou art inclined to sleep."

Dana let out a yawn and stretched her arms and sat down. "Tis a good dullness, and give it way. I know thou canst not choose. Come away, servant, come! Approach, my Ariel. Come!" Juliet Watson stepped out and onto the stage and approached Rachel.

"All hail, great mistress." Juliet said. "I come to answer thy best pleasure." Chloe couldn't help but smirk with amusement.

Wow. So glad I don't have to act any of this.

"Most fearless, generous spirit!" Rachel said. "Hast thou performed to point the tempest that I bade thee?"

"I boarded the kings ship; in every cabin, I flamed amazement." Juliet said. She started her next line. "The fire and cracks of sulfurous roaring the most mighty Neptune seem'd to besiege and make his bold waves tremble."

"My brave spirit!" Rachel said. "Who was so firm, so constant, that this coil would not infect his reason?"

"Not a soul." Juliet stated. "The King's son, Ferdinand, was the first man that leaped from his ship... and cried... "Hell is empty, and all the devils are here!"

Man... there's probably some alternate universe out there that has me doing this shit. And it wouldn't surprise me if Rachel talked me into it.

"But are they, Ariel, safe?" Rachel said.

Juliet turned to the ship and walked toward it. Once she was standing in her spot, she said her next line.

"Not a hair perished, and, as thou bad'st me... I have dispersed them 'but the isle..." Juliet jumped off the ship. "In troops!"

"Ariel, thy, charge exactly is performed." Rachel said. "But there's more work."

"Is there more toil? Let me remember thee what thou hast promised." Juliet said. "How now?" Rachel said. She faced Juliet. "What is 't thou canst demand?" She asked.

"My liberty." Juliet said.


"Shake it off. Come on, we'll visit Caliban, my slave." Rachel said as Dana stood up. "Tis a villain, sir, I do not love to look on." Dana said. "He does make our fire," Rachel started. "fetch in our wood. What ho, slave, Caliban! Come forth, I say." Rachel said.

But Nathan didn't come up. Murmurs of confusion echoed through the crowd.

Oh man, this is awkward...

Suddenly, Nathan appeared. Almost like he was shoved onto stage. He nervously eyed at the crowd and cleared his throat.

"Uhh... As wicked dew as e'er my mother, uh, brushed..." Nathan said, awkwardly stumbling in his words.

"Thou poisonous slave, got by the devil himself. Filth as thou art, I have lodged thee in mine own cell, till thou didst seek to violate the honour of my child." Rachel said.

"Uhh..." Nathan muttered.

"This guy... is a freak shoooow!" An audience member said. People started laughing at Nathan's nervousness. Others started whispering.

"Fetch us in fuel, and be quick. So, slave; hence!" Rachel said, hoping to get Nathan off stage.

"Prescooott!" Someone mocked. Others joined in. Making fun of the young Prescott family member. Then, nearly half the crowd was making fun of Nathan and laughing at him.

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