Chapter 22: Cherish These Moments

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Chloe pulled up to Blackwell. She and Rachel got out of the truck. Rachel grabbed their bags and tossed Chloe her bag. As they walked up the steps, Rachel looked at Chloe.

"You know, I was hearing that we're getting a new teacher soon." Rachel said. "Oh?" Chloe questioned. "When is that happening?" She asked Rachel. "I think pretty soon, actually." Rachel told her. "And it's gonna be hella badass. Why you may ask?" Rachel said. "Yeah. Why is getting a new teacher so exciting?" Chloe asked.

"Because supposedly, it's the one and only Mark Jefferson." Rachel told her.

Chloe looked at her. "Like... the Mark Jefferson?" She questioned. Rachel nodded. "I know, right? It's gonna be so exciting." She said. Chloe smirked. "Awesome sauce. That's so rad." Chloe said.

Mark Jefferson is well known across America for his photography which he started in the nineties. And the fact that he was rumoured to teach at Blackwell surprised Chloe as she has seen some of his work. And admittedly, was a little impressed by it.

"Okay, I'll see you later." Rachel said. She kissed Chloe deeply and parted from her. Rachel winked at Chloe and walked to her first period class. Chloe smirked confidently and walked to her class. The day went by as usual. Boring and slow. Chloe slouched into her chair and looked out the window. Watching the clouds slowly travel across the blue sky.

I wonder what Max's thinking right now... maybe she's thinking the exact thing about me. It's been so long.

The students were dismissed for the lunch break. As Chloe left the classroom, she got a text from Rachel.

From: RACH
Meet me out front.

From: ME
ok. why?

From: RACH
You'll see.

Chloe, questionably, put her phone in her pocket and made her way to the front doors. She thought about what Rachel could be needing out front. And why they couldn't just meet at their lockers.

As Chloe got to the main lobby, there was a banner hanging from wall to wall. And there were welcome decorations. Chloe looked at the banner which had the words "Welcome Mark Jefferson!" Chloe raised her eyebrow and smirked.

Wow... how cheesy is this? It's adorable, but cheesy.

This confirmed that Mark Jefferson was coming to teach photography at Blackwell Academy. Chloe saw a group of girls she always tried to avoid standing by the doors. Chatting about the famous photographer.

"I can't believe Mark Jefferson is coming to Blackwell." Victoria said. "It feels so unreal." She added. "And he's sooo hot." Courtney said. "Oh, totally..." Victoria replied. She saw Chloe pass them and smirked.

"Oh hey there, Chloe..." Victoria said with a hint of tease in her voice. "How are you?" She asked. Chloe groaned and turned to the girl of fashion. "I'm just great, Victoria..." Chloe told her. "Great? Oh, that's good." Victoria said. An amused grin formed on Courtney's face. "Hey, have you heard that Mark Jefferson is coming to Blackwell?" Victoria questioned, planting her hand on her hip.

"Uh, yes?" Chloe said. "It's not that big of a deal..." Chloe told her. "Uh- what?" Victoria said. "Not a big deal?! How can you say that?" Victoria said to Chloe. "What a loser..." Courtney muttered. "You're right about that." Chloe said towards Courtney with a grin. Chloe started backing away to the door and turned.

"Why is Chloe even still at Blackwell?" Chloe heard Victoria say as she left the school. But she didn't care what she or her friends said about her. She was in a proud relationship with the most popular girl in the school. Which surprisingly, not much people knew about.

Chloe saw Rachel sitting by the fountain. She approached her and sat next to her. "Okay, Rach'. You wanted me, you got me." Chloe said. Rachel grinned and took Chloe's hand. "Follow me." She said. "Follow you wher-" Without letting her finish, Rachel pulled Chloe off the fountain and started leading her somewhere.

Rachel led Chloe to a side of the academy nobody ever came to. "Rach', what are we-" Rachel pushed Chloe to the wall. She grabbed her wrists and pinned them to the wall. Rachel looked into Chloe's eyes with determination. Rachel kissed Chloe deeply. Not letting go of her wrists. Chloe moaned as she felt Rachel's tongue in her mouth.

Rachel parted from Chloe and kissed down her jaw to her neck. Chloe closed her eyes as she felt Rachel's lips on her neck. Rachel had full control here. There was no fighting her for it.

Rachel pressed one final, wet kiss to Chloe's neck and looked at her. "I can't stop thinking about you..." Rachel said. "Feeling's mutual." Chloe said back. "All the things I can do to you..." Rachel added. "What's stopping you?" Chloe told her. Rachel grinned and pressed another kiss to Chloe's lips.

After hanging out for the entire lunch hour, the warning bell rang that signaled classes were starting in fifteen minutes.

"Cherish these moments, Chloe. You don't know when they might stop..." Rachel said and winked. Chloe snorted. "Yeah. Like you could ever resist me, Rach'." She said. "You're right. You're just too sexy to say no to." Rachel said and pressed a kiss to Chloe's lips. "Come see me at my dorm after school?" Rachel asked. Chloe grinned.

"You don't even need to ask." Chloe said. "Good." Rachel told her. "Because you'd better come either way." She said. Rachel and Chloe stood up and walked around to the campus. "It sucks that you don't have one though." Rachel said. "One day, Rach'. One day." Chloe told her.

Rachel grabbed a firm hold on Chloe's hand on their way to the campus. "You know, Chloe? You're hella awesome..." Rachel said. "You're hella hot." Chloe replied. Rachel smiled and kissed Chloe's cheek.

Once they got to the campus, Rachel turned to her blue-haired girlfriend. "So. Meet me out here, okay?" She said. Chloe nodded. "Got it." She confirmed. Rachel grinned. "Good. I'll see you later, baby." Rachel said and kissed Chloe.

Hearing Rachel call her baby made Chloe feel butterflies in her stomach. Chloe watched Rachel walk away to the doors. Chloe sighed with happiness and entered the academy.

Chloe sat down in her desk as the bell for fourth period rang. Now that Chloe had something to look forward to, it made the day even longer to get through. But it was worth it.

Rachel was worth it.

And Chloe was happy with Rachel. She made her feel so alive. Happiness that Chloe never felt until they started hanging out. The happiness that Max made her feel before she vanished to Seattle.

From time to time, Chloe thought about what would happen if Max ever returned some day and how much she changed. Or if she even liked photography anymore.

But Chloe has moved on with Rachel. And she was happy with her. But there was always a small part of Max that lingered in Chloe's mind. Max left Chloe's thoughts as class ended. Everyone stood from their seats and walked to the door.

Chloe had a fifth period spare so she had some time to herself as Rachel had gym class for the last period of the day. Chloe usually went to Two Whales for a free meal as she waited for Rachel.

Chloe hopped into her truck and drove off to Two Whales as her mother worked a shift the hour Chloe was dismissed. Giving Chloe her reasoning for a free meal.

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