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April 22nd, 2013

From: RACH
I just met someone who changed my life

Rachel texted Chloe.

From: RACH
Obviously not as much as you, but this person is seriously hella awesome!

Chloe felt a little jealous as she was at home in her room while Rachel was at Blackwell. Anyone could be there. Chloe's face started to burn as she read over the texts Rachel sent.

From: ME
who is it?

Chloe waited for a response. Hoping to get an idea of who Rachel was talking about. But seconds turned to minutes. Chloe was a little concerned and texted Rachel again.

From: ME

There was still no response from Rachel. Chloe decided to give her a call to see what was up. The call was answered but there was no greeting from Rachel.

"Rach', you there?" Chloe questioned. But all she could hear was a bunch of chattering on the other end. She didn't hear Rachel at all. "Hey, asswipe. Wanna give Rachel back her phone?" Chloe said, assuming someone had her phone. But there was still no response.

Chloe ended the call and texted Rachel again. A little agitated from the previous call. Chloe stared intensely into the screen as she typed out her text. Chloe sent it and waited for an answer. But still no response.

Chloe decided it was enough. She texted Rachel saying she was on her way and stood up from her bed and walked out of her room. She walked down the stairs and left the house. She started her truck and pulled out of the driveway and drove to Blackwell.

Thoughts ran rapidly through Chloe's mind as she made her way over to Blackwell. And she wasn't too happy either. Chloe was always quick to react. And usually got extremely jealous when Rachel talked about someone else.

Chloe arrived at Blackwell and sat out by the front steps. She pulled out her phone and texted Rachel saying that she was there. Chloe waited in her truck for a few minutes. But Rachel never showed up. Chloe rested her cheek on her fist as she impatiently waited. She let out a frustrated groan and started the truck and drove away to avoid any suspicion from the academy.

She drove to Two Whales to see if maybe Rachel was there.

Chloe arrived at the diner and exited the truck and made her way to the entrance. Chloe saw her mother by the counter.

"Mom, have you seen Rachel?" Chloe questioned. "No, I haven't. Why?" Joyce asked. "She's not answering my texts and calls. She claimed she "met someone who changed her life" and stopped responding." Chloe said. Joyce could see the rage in Chloe's eyes.

But she could also see concern in her daughters blue eyes. "Chloe..." Joyce muttered. She put her hands on her hips and sighed. She looked at her daughter and said, "Go sit down. I'll be there in a minute."

Chloe sat in her usual booth and pulled out her phone to text Rachel again.

From: ME
haha very funny rach. lets all scare chloe hilarious

From: ME
im serious stop it

There was still no response from Rachel. Chloe ran her hand down her face. Her chest felt heavy and she was extremely concerned.

Chloe tried multiple times calling Rachel. This was probably about the eighteenth time now.

Rachel lied on the cold, hard floor. Barley conscious. The man with the camera aimed down at her with an evil grin. Snapping several pictures of her. With her unconscious, vulnerable facial expressions being the main focus.

Rachel was helpless. Trapped.

In the Dark Room.


And that's the epilogue. A little sad, I know. But as we all know, with Amberprice, it's sadly not a happy ending.

But to brighten things up, I have a new Life is Strange short-story fanfic coming out on July 1st! Update schedule will be daily around 3:20 p.m. my time. I do hope you'll enjoy it. As I've stated before...

Thanks for your support and stay hella awesome!

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