Chapter 6: A Yard of Junk

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"Damn... that really sucks. I'm sorry, Chloe." Rachel said as they walked down the train tracks. "I... don't even know what to say." "It's okay. I'm just glad I have someone to talk to about it." Chloe said. Rachel just replied with a silent nod. Seeming pretty out of it.

Rachel's been awfully quiet. I wonder what's going on...

"You, okay?" Chloe questioned. Rachel looked up from her trance. "Oh... yeah, I'm fine." Rachel said. Chloe wasn't convinced, but didn't want to push it. She just nodded her head and continued walking beside Rachel down the tracks.

Chloe balanced herself on one of the rails beside Rachel and walked along it. Walking at a slow pace together. Rachel looked on with a sad expression. She closed her eyes and breathed through her nose.

"No way. Hey, check this out!" Chloe suddenly said.

"What?" Rachel responded.

The two faced a junkyard. Chloe gestured into the yard with a smile. "Okay. Yeah. A pile of trash. So cool." Rachel said. "Uh, yeah, an awesome pile of trash. Let's explore." Chloe told her. Rachel sighed and walked passed Chloe. "Go have fun, Chloe." She said. "I'm sitting down."

Chloe watched Rachel sit down in the junkyard. She leaned forward and rested her chin in her hand. Drumming her fingers against her knee.

Rachel's been pretty distant. And hasn't been saying much. She also seems kinda upset. What's her deal?

Chloe awkwardly wandered slowly into the park. Swaying around and checking it out. She looked at Rachel and wondered what she was dealing with and what brought her down so suddenly. Since only hours ago, she was the funnest person to be around. Now she's pretty quiet and distant.

"I heard that actors are moody, but wow Rachel."

"You think I'm being moody? I'm not. I just need space. Is that alright with you?"

Chloe's quick temper was almost triggered, but she resisted her anger and responded with, "Okay..." Which came out more nastier than she'd wished. But there was just something off about Rachel. Chloe turned to her. Determined to get an answer.

"You know what? No. I thought we had a great time today. Why are you suddenly acting like this?"

"I'm not acting like anything. I just need my own space and to be left alone."

Chloe calmly breathed and nodded. "Yeah, I get it. Okay? I know I'm not the easiest person to be around. I don't exactly have tons of experience with the whole, friendship, kinda thing." Rachel looked up at Chloe and said, "Not everything revolves around you, Chloe." Rachel stood to her feet and faced Chloe.

"I never said it did. I just know how you feel and... I understand." Rachel shook her head. "No. You really don't." She said.

Rachel picked up an old bottle and shouted, "Fuck!" And threw it. Nearly hitting Chloe with it.

"Uhhh..." Chloe muttered, confused if Rachel intended to hit her. Rachel let out a frustrated grunt. She sat down and placed her face in her palms. Sighing heavily.

Okay, I'm still not sure what's bothering Rachel, but it looks like she gets smashy when she's angry. I can work with that.

Chloe spotted a baseball bat leaning against a red rusted car and walked over to grab it. She looked towards Rachel. Wondering if she should give her the bat or do something to entertain her.

"Check it out." Chloe said.

Rachel groaned quietly and turned around to see what Chloe was up to.

"You know, I don't always drink beer." Chloe started, holding a beer bottle. "But when I do, I prefer drinking it next to an old toilet." She said. Chloe put the bottle on the toilet next to her and swung the bat against it.

"Home run! The crowd is going wild!" Chloe enthusiastically said.

"Can I see?" Rachel questioned behind her. Chloe smiled and said, "Sure." Feeling happy that she must have cheered Rachel up. She took the bat out of Chloe's hand and looked into her eyes.

"When I say leave me alone, I mean it, Chloe." Rachel said, tossing the bat away.

"Are you kidding me?" Chloe questioned her. Seeing as her act didn't do anything but agitate the popular girl. Her temper was quick to react and Chloe said what was on her mind.

"I get you're the school princess and all, who has the DA daddy, and spotless grades and every one of the perfect little Victoria Chases kissing your perfect ass... but you know what, Rachel? Fuck you."

Rachel threw her arms up. "Okay. Great." She said. "I'm leaving. See you around, Chloe." Rachel turned her back to Chloe and started walking away.

"You can't leave!" Chloe called out.

"Just watch me." Rachel said back, not bothering to even say it over her shoulder.

Chloe immediately realized she screwed up again. She never intended to go as far as telling Rachel off or making her leave.

"Rachel, wait! Don't go."

Rachel's tracks came to a stop. She turned to face Chloe and raised her arms. "Why not?" She asked. Rachel started walking back into the yard. Gesturing Chloe to explain and crossed her arms.

"I'm not gonna ruin this the way I ruin everything else in my life." Chloe told her.

"Explain to me what "this" is..." Rachel said. "I mean... fuck. Are you actually going to make me say it?" Chloe said. "I don't get it. What do you have to say?" Rachel questioned her. Chloe braced herself to say the words. Something she never wanted to admit to anyone. Especially Rachel herself.

"A friendship... but... something a lot more than that..." Chloe told her. Rachel raised her eyebrows. Not expecting Chloe to have felt that way towards her. She nervously pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Weird, right? I know." Chloe said. "But today was honestly the best day I've had since... my dad died." Rachel's heart dropped to her feet. Hearing that Chloe didn't have a father was the first time ever hearing about it.

"I know I didn't mention it before. But I didn't because we were having such a great time. And when I almost ruined all of it just now, the way I ruin everything, it made me realize..." Chloe took a deep breath. "Whatever we have between us... it's special." Chloe said.

"I lost my dad. My best friend. I... I can't lose you, too..." Chloe said.

Rachel didn't know what to say. All of this was a lot to take in. The silence was making Chloe uncomfortable, so she said, "Come on, say something..."

"Chloe... I... I'm sorry. But... I can't. I just... I just can't. Even though I want to." Rachel said, a guilty frown forming on her face.

Chloe didn't show it, but her heart broke. She really thought Rachel was the one. But just like Max, she wasn't. "Why not?" Chloe asked. "Because I can't." Rachel told her. "I know it's not fair. But it's how it is." She said. Rachel slowly approached Chloe.

"Chloe. Look at me." Rachel said. She softly applied her hand to Chloe's cheek. "I'm glad you feel it, too." Rachel said with a soft tone. She gently wiped a tear away from Chloe's eye. Rachel softly stroked Chloe's cheek and rested her hand on her shoulder. Rachel started backing away from Chloe.

"Goodbye, Chloe." She said and walked away from the junkyard. Chloe watched as Rachel walked out of view.

"Come back." She quietly said.

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