Chapter 5: An Unpleasant Future

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Chloe happily opened the door to her house and walked inside. Satisfied with how the day ended. She strutted into the living room. But a voice soon spoke.

"It's about damn time." David said.

"David, please." Joyce said. Chloe turned her head and saw her mother sitting at the table with David. "Uhhh... what's this about?" Chloe questioned. David stood from his chair and approached Chloe. Joyce followed shortly behind him.

"You're mother was worried sick. Where were you, Chloe?" David said. "David, calm down." Joyce said. "She texted you multiple times! And yet, you just ignored her." David continued. "I drove all around Arcadia Bay. LOOKING for you." He said. "Now tell me and your mother. Where were you?" David demanded.

"It's none of your damn business where I was." Chloe told him. "Chloe!" Joyce said. "I don't have to tell this asshat shit I do." Chloe said. "Do not use that language with your mother." David told her. "If my mother has anything to say, she will say it to me." Chloe said back. "She has. That's the problem. You don't listen. You never do." David said. "If you'd listen to me, instead of fighting and arguing with me, you might actually learn a thing or two."

"Like how to have no job? Or how to be a soldier?" Chloe said to David. "Soldiers put family and future above self and now." David said. "You have to stop doing this to your mother, Chloe. Stop running away. Stop avoiding her. She's your mother. And she needs you." David said.

"Chloe, please. Listen to David. I tried text messaging and calling you. I was so worried." Joyce said. "I see you slipping away from me, Chloe. I'm worried about you." Joyce said. "Why?" Chloe questioned. "With your disregard for my rules, coming home way after curfew. And now this?" Joyce said.

"You are disrespecting your mothers policies, Chloe. You will start listening and respecting your mother right now." David said. "I need your help, Chloe. Me. Your mother. Please understand where I'm coming from." She said. "Mom, I understand." Chloe started. But David came in with, "No, you don't! If you did, you wouldn't be sneaking out or coming home late all the time. I told you this morning, Chloe, that you owe your mother better responsibility." He said.

"And with what just happened? Shows you don't listen to anyone but yourself." David said. He took a deep breath and looked at the teenager.

"Chloe, I care about your mother very much." He said more calmly. "I'm willing to forgive you for the... incident that occurred this morning if you promise to improve your actions." David said. Drawing Joyce's attention.

"Incident? What incident?" She questioned. David faced her. "Chloe stepped out of line in my car this morning. She insulted me, swore at me..." Chloe crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. "But with an apology, I'm willing to start over." David said.

"Are you still going to be dating my mom?" Chloe questioned. David nodded. "Yes, of course." "And will you be coming to our house?" Chloe asked. "I... plan to." He told her.

"Then go fuck yourself, David." Chloe told him.

David sighed. "That's what I thought." Joyce placed her hand on his shoulder. David looked at her. She said to him, "I think it's time to tell her."

"Tell me what?" Chloe asked.

David looked at her with authority. Stepping toward her. "You're mother and I have been... discussing things. And with your reoccurring disobedient actions. Like using drugs. Drinking alcohol. And running away. We've come to an agreement that the best thing for everyone at this point is for me to move in." David told Chloe.

Chloe's world shattered into a million pieces. Everything that happened today wasn't relevant and all disappeared into darkness. Her heart pounded rapidly in her chest. Her face started to heat up. Her jaw tightened and she clenched her fists tightly together.

"Absolutely no fucking way!" Chloe angrily said.

"Chloe, after everything that's been happening with you the past few months... I'm lost. Completely. I need help." Joyce said. "Exactly." David said. "We need a firmer hand that can steer this ship more steadily."

"Talk to me Chloe. Tell me what you're feeling." Joyce said.

Chloe's world slowly started to swirl into a blackhole. Everything was going great until this. Chloe sighed and looked into her mothers eyes.

"Mom, I know... I know I've been fucking up. I... I'm a fuckup. And I'm sorry." Chloe said. "I've been shutting you out even though I need you. And, you need me. I know that. I know the decisions I'm making aren't good ones. I wish I could do better, but I can't. I'm trying my very fucking best, mom, but I just can't." Chloe said.

"But this... this just isn't the answer to our problems." Chloe told her mother. "I'm sorry, but this is the only answer I have, Chloe." Joyce said.

Chloe looked up at Joyce. "I never thought that in a million years you'd choose David over me. I guess I took that for granted. And I'm sorry." Chloe said with a shrug. Joyce shook her head. "Chloe, I'm not choosing anyone over anyone else." She said. "It's about us starting a home together. All three of us." Joyce added.

"Chloe. I promise it'll be better than you're thinking. Once we're settled and running smoothly, you'll see what a stable household can be like." David told her. Chloe was feeling all sorts of emotions. And they surely weren't good ones. She shook her head and turned to the door.

"Hey!" David called out. "Chloe, where are you going?" Joyce said as she quickly followed Chloe to the door. "Chloe, stop." Joyce said as she grabbed her daughters arm. Chloe turned to her mother.

"There is no home. Not when he's here." Chloe told Joyce. She took her mothers hand off of her arm and turned the door knob and ripped it open. "Chloe!" Joyce said towards her daughter. Chloe ignored her mother's plea and quickly left the house.

"Chloe, get back here this instant!" David said. Chloe ignored both of their orders behind her and continued her quick pace away from the house. Tears starting to build up in her eyes. She quickly wiped at them and continued walking.

Chloe was extremely angry and hurt. Feeling angry that David is moving in with them and with her mother for agreeing with it. But hurt that Joyce seemed to have sided with David and choosing him over her. But also that she was just a bad daughter and probably a disappointment to Joyce. And to their family name.

Chloe sighed as she let the tears drip from her eyes. Now that David is officially moving in, there was nothing left at that house for her. Ever again. Chloe wiped at her eyes and sat down at a bench. Her phone vibrated several times in her pocket. She took out her phone and examined the texts her mother sent.

From: MOM
I'm worried about you, Chloe.

From: MOM
Please don't stay out too long.

From: MOM
Chloe, please come home. Let's just talk.

Chloe sighed and responded to her mother.

From: ME
why? so you and the mustache can lecture me more?

From: MOM
No. To come see me.

From: MOM
Chloe, just come home please.

Chloe put her phone away and sighed. She lost all trust in her mother at this point. The fact that she and David spoke behind Chloe's back about him having to move in severely hurt Chloe. She suddenly got an idea. She pulled out her phone again and texted Rachel.

From: ME

Hey Chloe. What's up?

From: ME
can u come meet me?

So soon?

From: ME
yes, please just come see me

Okay. I'll meet you at Blackwell

From: ME
see you soon

Chloe put her phone away and stood from the bench to meet Rachel at Blackwell. Which wasn't too far of a walk. All of the bad thoughts and emotions left Chloe as she realized she was about to see Rachel again.

A happy smile spread across her face as she walked down the sidewalk toward Blackwell Academy.

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