Chapter 17: The Amber Household

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Rachel softly closed the door behind her. There was a woman in the kitchen. Likely Rachel's mother. Rachel turned to Chloe and nodded. "Trust me, it won't be too bad." She said. Chloe shrugged. "If you say so." She said back.

As the teenagers walked over to the kitchen, a man suddenly spoke.

"Oh. Rachel's home, dear." He said. "And uh... she brought a friend." He said. Eyeing over at the nervous Chloe. Rachel's mother held out her arms. "Our star returns!" She said and hugged her daughter. "You're just in time for dinner. It's almost ready." She turned to Chloe and offered a welcoming smile.

"I don't believe we've met. I'm Rose." She said, offering her hand out to Chloe.

"Uh, Chloe." She said as she shook Rose's hand. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Amber." Chloe added. "Likewise. This is my husband, James." He smiled warmly at her. "Hello." He greeted. "I assume you're the Chloe Rachel's been speaking about?" He said. Rachel blushed and looked away.

"Uh, heh, I guess that'd be me." Chloe said with a nervous chuckle. Flattered that Rachel told her parents about her. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Chloe." Rose said. Chloe smiled and nodded.

"Rachel, you were spectacular tonight." James said. "Yes, we're very proud of you, honey." Rose added. "Thanks." Rachel said to her parents.

"Chloe, why don't you join us for dinner?" Rose said. "Of course. That sounds nice." James said positively. "I made chicken a la king. I'm sure you're both very hungry." Rose said. "Yeah, no thanks." Chloe said. "I'm more of a Burger a la King kinda gal." She added.

Rose chucked softly. "She's funny, isn't she?" She said to James. Rachel eyed at Chloe. A hint of playfulness in her eyes. "Yeah. I'm aware." She said. "Chloe, I know you and Rachel have become such quick friends. I do insist you join us for dinner. Don't you agree, Rachel?" James said.

"Of course. Chloe, would you join us for dinner, please?" Rachel questioned. Chloe nervously responded with, "Yeah. Sure." Rose smiled. "Excellent. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes." She said. "In the mean time, why don't you show our guest around the house, Rachel?" James said. "Yeah. Of course." Rachel replied.

As Rachel's parents parted from them, Rachel gripped her hands to her hips. "Obviously..." She started. "This is the living room." Rachel said. "Hmm... Impressive." Chloe said, eyeing around the large room. Which was all connected with the kitchen and dining area. Medals and awards hung on the walls. Family pictures littered the walls.

"And in there is my dads office." Rachel said, pointing towards a closed door. "And that's pretty much the gist of the first floor." Rachel said. "How about we go upstairs?" She said. "Yeah, awesome." Chloe said. Rachel smiled and nodded and led Chloe up the stairs.

"What you're about to enter is completely private to everybody else. You should be honored to have the privilege to enter the room of Rachel Amber." Rachel told her with a serious expression.

Chloe laughed. "Oh, you're full of shit." She said. Rachel shared a laugh with Chloe and opened her room.

Rachel's room had a lot of posters on the walls. Bulletin boards with even more posters and some notes. Theater masks hung on the wall. Symbolizing Rachel's passion for acting.

Glow in the dark stars stuck on the wall above Rachel's bed. And an extremely noticeable star light shined down onto the room.

Rachel's room was just filled with amazing stuff. Rachel sat down on her bed and looked at Chloe. "So. What do you think?" She asked. "Very impressive. I will never have anything like this." Chloe told her. Rachel patted the spot beside her on the bed. Chloe approached the bed and sat down beside Rachel.

"This is nice and all, but my dad still kissed that woman." Rachel said. Chloe wrapped her arm around Rachel and nodded sympathetically. Letting Rachel lay her head on her shoulder. "I know." Chloe said softly. "It's so hard to see him act like it never even happened." Rachel told Chloe. "Like... he's totally ignoring the fact he cheated on my mom." Rachel continued. "Just brushing it off. Like nothing ever happened." She said.

"I know. But I'm right here." Chloe told her. "Thanks, Chloe. You... you make it so much easier for me." Rachel told her. "But it still sucks." She said. "I feel like I can relate to you so much more." Rachel said as she lifted her head off of Chloe's shoulder to look at her.

"You're dad is gone. My dad is a cheating asshole." Chloe nodded. Frowning at the floor. She wanted to help Rachel as best she could. She didn't want Rachel to feel the anger her father left her with and the feeling of abandonment she felt from Max.

Which is something Chloe will never do to Rachel. Once school was finished, they were ditching Arcadia Bay. Together.

"Thanks for being here, Chloe. It... really helps to know I have you here." Rachel said. "Of course. I'll always be here for you." Chloe told her. Rachel smiled at her. "I know..." Rachel said.

Chloe's phone got a sudden notification. Drawing the attention of both girls. "What is it?" Rachel asked as Chloe examined her phone. "Shit." Chloe muttered.

From: MOM
Chloe? Justin Williams' mom called me a few minutes ago. Were you at the play?

From: MOM
I would have liked to see it with you.

"It's my mom..."

"Are you going to respond?" Rachel asked. Chloe eyed down at her phone and sighed. She started typing a text to her mother.

From: ME
yeah i was

From: MOM
Well I hope you enjoyed it.

From: MOM
It would be nice to see you tonight. Are you coming home soon?

Chloe groaned and rolled her eyes.

Are you serious with this right now?

From: MOM
Please, Chloe. I miss you.

Chloe just sighed and put her phone away. She placed her face in her palms and let out another frustrated sigh.

"Are you okay?" Rachel questioned. "I just hate that my mom wants me to come home all the time." Chloe told her. "Especially now that David's moved in." Chloe said. "Makes it even harder to even call that place my home." Rachel nodded. "That's exactly how I feel with my dad being here." She said. "Like I said earlier. You can stay with me tonight." Rachel said.

Chloe looked up and smiled softly at Rachel. Who softly applied her hand on top of Chloe's on her lap.

"Girls! Dinners ready!" Rose said from downstairs.

Both of them exhaled and stood from the bed. "Coming!" Rachel said. She turned to Chloe. "Okay, Chloe. We just need to make it through dinner. Try not to say anything that... you know..." Chloe raised her eyebrow. "That I'd normally say?" She said. Rachel nodded.

"Exactly. Now come on. Let's go eat." Rachel said and led Chloe down the stairs.

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