Chapter 16: The Neighborhood

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Stars twinkled in the beautiful night sky. Rachel and Chloe walked through the lonely neighborhood to Rachel's house.

"I love nights after a show!" Rachel said. "No more nerves, just the adrenaline you're left with..." Rachel turned to Chloe and gripped her hips. Chloe smiled at Rachel. "You were really good, Rachel. I probably could never do what you did tonight." She said.

"Sure you could. All you have to do is forget about everyone and get lost in the moment." Rachel said. Chloe closed her eyes and sighed happily.

"Someone looks happy." Rachel said.

"I feel... really awesome." Chloe said. "If you told me I'd be this happy tonight?" Rachel frowned at Chloe. "You've been through so much shit, haven't you?" She said. "Right now's pretty good." Chloe said nervously.

Rachel blushed and pushed her hair behind her ear. Chloe knew she was on the right track and continued. "The whole show was good. But you were even better." Chloe told her. Rachel looked at Chloe and smiled. She walked over to Chloe's side and offered her arm out to her.

But Chloe had a different idea.

Chloe nervously grabbed Rachel's hand and the two slowly walked together hand in hand. Both nervously smiling. Rachel turned her head to look at Chloe.

Chloe saw this from the corner of her eye and quickly looked away. Scared to look Rachel in the eye. But it was a good kind of scared. After a few sweet moments, Rachel spoke.

"Don't go."

"What?" Chloe questioned her. "Don't go. Stay with me tonight." Rachel told her. Chloe was overwhelmingly happy. Not only is she holding hands with the popular girl, but the popular girl is asking her to stay. Chloe smiled at Rachel.

"Okay." She said.

After a few more steps, Rachel's hand left Chloe's. "So..." Rachel said as she started swinging around a streetlight post. "How's that truck coming?" She asked. "Truck?" Chloe asked. "The truck in the junkyard. How's it coming?" Rachel asked. "What about it?" Chloe said. "Aren't you fixing it?" Rachel questioned.

"Well, I was just seeing if I could." Chloe told her. "Well? Can you, or can't you?" Rachel asked. After thinking about it, Chloe confidently said, "Yeah. I can. I will." A suggestive smile spread across Rachel's face.

"That's hot." She said.

"Yeah, yeah." Chloe said back.

"But in other words, when you get that done, you're driving me to school every day." Rachel told Chloe. "Tsk, you wish." Chloe said. "And... when we're finished with school, we can run away together. Leave this forsaken wasteland behind." Rachel said.

Rachel started backing away from Chloe with her arms spread out. "But... what kinda location is capable of withstanding Chloe Price and Rachel Amber's existence, hmm..." Rachel said and laughed. Gripping her hand to her hip.

"Why not... LA?" Chloe said. Rachel smiled and approached the taller girl. "Perfect. Imagine this." Rachel said, putting her hands out in front of them.

"Sixty degrees every night. You and me on the Santa Monica pier, stuffing our mouths with food, smoking up, and finally... looking at the moon shine along the waves."

Rachel smirked at Chloe.

"And some handsome blond guy will slide in next to us and smile at you." Chloe scoffed. "Yeah, sure. Okay." She said. Rachel continued with, "He'll say "You have the most beautiful eyes," and I'll get super jealous and say, "Back off, she's with me."

Chloe pushed Rachel's shoulder. "You're so full of shit." She said.

"I love this time of night." Rachel said. "There's always this feeling of everything being possible." She added. Chloe sighed. "Rachel, just stop." She said. Rachel turned to Chloe and shrugged her shoulders questionably.

"If you don't mean this, it's just making me feel like shit that this life you're describing, just won't happen... at least not for me." Chloe said. "You'll probably just end up leaving me like everyone else." She added.

"Hey..." Rachel said. "If I'm leaving, I'm taking you with me." She said. Rachel took Chloe's hands and started spinning with her. The two shared a laugh as the world around them spun.

"Chloe! What will it take to convince you to come with me?" Rachel questioned as they came to a halt. Chloe thought about her answer. And finally, she thought of something.

"Okay... how about..." Chloe started. She seemed to be struggling to say it. Almost hesitating too. Chloe eyed at Rachel and smiled nervously before looking away. It suddenly clicked with Rachel what Chloe wanted.

"Oh." Rachel said. A small smile forming on her face.

She slowly reached for Chloe's hands and gently held them. Rachel looked into Chloe's blue eyes as she slowly leaned in. For the first few seconds, Chloe regretted it. Worried she might embarrass herself. But once Rachel's soft lips touched hers, she gave in and kissed Rachel.

Sharing her fist kiss with the shorter blonde girl.

Rachel parted from Chloe and looked her in the eyes. "Does that convince you?" She asked. "Yea-" Not letting Chloe finish, Rachel kissed Chloe again. Chloe slowly, hesitantly rested her hands on Rachel's hips. Softly running her hands up Rachel's back.

Their noses brushed softly against each other as they kissed.

Chloe moaned softly and they parted. Rachel smiled at Chloe. "Holy shit." Chloe muttered, astonished about what just happened moments ago. "Right?" Rachel said. Smiling happily at Chloe.

White pollen started blowing from the trees around them. Lightly covering them. "What is this stuff?" Chloe questioned as she examined it in her hand. She softly blew on her hand. Sending the pollen through the air. "It's a sign." Rachel said. "Of what?" Chloe asked.

"Of what we have." Rachel told her.

"If you want to, I'm ready." She added. Chloe smiled at Rachel and approached her. Softly wiping pollen out of her hair. "That sounds perfect." Chloe told her. Rachel quickly grabbed Chloe's hand and ran with her down the street towards her house.

Chloe was pretty nervous to meet Rachel's parents. Especially after what Rachel told her about her father. Maybe he was just a stuck up asshole who's taking advantage of their money. And a cheating dirtbag who goes behind his wife with other women.

Rachel led Chloe to a large, fancy house. Something that was way out of Chloe's debt. Rachel ran up the front steps and turned to Chloe. Who was still amazed at the large house. Which was nothing new to the popular girl. Rachel gripped her hand to her hip and gestured Chloe to walk on over to her.

Chloe nodded and started her way over to the front steps.

"God, you're so slow, Price." Rachel said as she grabbed Chloe's hands and ripped her up. "Shut up." Chloe said with a chuckle. Rachel turned to the door and opened it.

Bringing Chloe inside with her.

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