Chapter 3: The Sight of Her

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Chloe walked up the front steps and made her way through the campus toward the doors of Blackwell Academy.

There was a poster on the board that was The Tempest play that Blackwell was having tomorrow night. And Rachel was the lead. She was actually on the poster. Along with Arcadia Bay's golden child, Nathan Prescott. But a voice Chloe dreaded soon spoke to her.

"There she is, Kari Price!"

Chloe stopped in her tracks and turned to face the one and only, Victoria Chase. Another well known girl around the school who usually spends her money on expensive clothes and shoes.

"It's actually Chloe." She corrected.

"Oh... I'm only teasing, Chloe. People always take me so seriously. It's probably because I won the Beacon's Young Artist Award for my photography." Victoria said. "You don't say." Chloe muttered.

"With that and the Vortex Club, it's hard to keep people from putting me on a pedestal." She smiled widely. "But, who cares? You and Rachel Amber, huh? Never thought I'd see the day." Victoria said. Just hearing that name made Chloe feel more better.

"What about Rachel Amber?" Chloe questioned. "I mean, she did post a slamming selfie of you two rocking out last night. What's that all about?" Victoria asked. "It's really nothing." Chloe said with a shrug.

"Really? I thought it was an awesome time." A voice said.

And in came Rachel Amber. The most popular girl at school. "I'll... leave you to it." Victoria said and walked away from them. Rachel turned to Chloe with a soft smile.

Her attire consisted of a blue flannel, a red shirt, black ripped jeans, and blue hightops.

"Hey." Rachel greeted.

"Hey... Rachel." Chloe said nervously. "Are, you okay?" Rachel questioned. "Wha- what? Y- yeah, I'm fine." Chloe stuttered.

"Sorry... I di- didn't mean what I said." Chloe nervously added. Rachel let out a laugh and shook her head. "I know. Victoria can be a hard person to talk to." Rachel said.

"But last night was so amazing. I had so much fun!" Rachel said. Chloe rubbed the back of her neck. Laughing nervously. "That... was my first time seeing Firewalk live. It was a... pretty wild experience." Chloe said.

Rachel nodded and said, "We definitely need to do it again sometime! I went to bed wishing it never even ended." Rachel lifted her shoulders. "But the thought came to me. Why? Why did it need to end?" She said.

Chloe smiled nervously. Feeling her cheeks burning. "Maybe it doesn't... have to end." Chloe said. Rachel smiled brightly at her.

"We should hang out sometime." Rachel said.

This can't be real. Rachel freaking Amber wants to hang out with me. Am I dreaming?

"Uhhh... y-yeah. That sounds cool." Chloe said. Rachel nodded approvingly. "Sweet! Just text me when and I'll be there." Rachel told her. Chloe laughed nervously. "Def- definitely." She said. "Cool. I have to get to class. See you around, Chloe Price." Rachel said with a wink and walked to the school.

Chloe's heart beated rapidly in her chest. She knew she was blushing furiously. She just hoped Rachel didn't see it. A slow, happy smile spread across Chloe's face and she sighed happily. She started walking toward the steps to get to her first period class. Which was chemistry class.

Throughout the day, Chloe found it even harder to stop thinking of Rachel. As if she wasn't already thinking about her enough. Their recent talk brought Chloe's mood up. A lot higher than her mood is normally. Chloe seriously felt like a different person.

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