Chapter 4: The Lies of a Truth

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Rachel led Chloe to a beautiful view of the ocean. Chloe slowed her pace and examined the area. Her mouth hanging open in awe of the amazing surroundings.

Rachel sat at the end of the cliff and looked at Chloe.

"Take a seat, Price." Rachel said, patting the spot beside her. "The view's amazing." Chloe said as she nervously approached the blonde girl and sat beside her on the edge of the cliff with the water far below their feet.

Alright, Chloe. You're sitting right next to Rachel Amber. Just relax and stay cool.

Wait... am I... nervous? Is that what I'm feeling? Max would probably know. Wish I could ask her.

Is this where people make small talk? Is that what I should be doing right now instead of shitting my pants?

"So... it's pretty nice Rachel out, isn't it?" Chloe said, immediately recognizing her extremely noticeable mistake in her words. Rachel laughed and said, "What did you say?"

"Uh-- weather! I meant weather!" Chloe said, embarrassed, sliding her hand down her face. "It's nice weather." Chloe added to her sentence nervously.

"It sure is..." Rachel said back. Looking away to hide a smile from Chloe.

"So... it's weird, isn't it? That we're here together." Rachel said. "You mean because I have no friends and avoid people at all cost?" Chloe questioned. "Well, that's not true." Rachel told her. "You do have friends." She added.

"Well... there was one person. She was pretty cool. Her name was Max. But she left for greener, more northern pastures and left me here." Rachel nodded assuringly. "Sorry to hear that." She said. "You know, I've been meaning to say thanks." Chloe brought up. "For having someone to hang with?" Rachel joked.

"No, dummy. For last night. That was cool." Chloe told her. "If you hadn't shown up..." "Dickheads like them are usually around here in Arcadia Bay." Rachel said. "I'm just saying I owe you one." Chloe replied. "I'll hold you to that." Rachel told her with a playful grin.

"Now. You're probably wondering why we're out here and what we're doing." Rachel said. "Yeah, the thought occurred." Chloe told her. "Well... I want to get to know you." Rachel said. Chloe's heart dropped to her feet.

No way. No way in hell she just said that!

"Really?" Chloe questioned. "Yeah. Really." Rachel assured her. "You're one of a kind, Chloe Price." Rachel said. "I have a game we can play to make it easier." She added.

"V-Card's been punched already. Sorry, Rachel." Chloe told her. Rachel raised her eyebrows. "Wow!" She said. Chloe stroked her fingers through her hair nervously. "Too far?" She asked. "Well, I don't know..." Rachel said.

Chloe laughed nervously and said, "Okay. Right. A game. I'm all ears."

"Two truths and a lie." Rachel announced. "What?" Chloe questioned. "Two truths and a lie. It's a game where each person offers three facts about themselves. Two of them are true and the other is...?" "A lie?" Chloe unsurely said. "Right. And we have to guess which is which." Rachel said.

"Okay. Sounds fun. You're on." Chloe said.

"I'll start us off... I'm ambidextrous..." Rachel started. "I'm a New York kid. The land of fashion and broadway. To which I will one day return when my heinous exile here in Arcadia Bay comes to an end."

"New York? Never been." Chloe said. "Not much of a world traveller, are you?" Rachel said. "Not yet, at least." Chloe told her.

"If there's one place you could go, where would that be? Russia, Greece... Kathmandu?" Rachel said. "Kathmandu?" Chloe guessed. "There will be a time where I climb Everest." Rachel told Chloe confidently.

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