Chapter 19: The Truth Comes Out

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"I'm going to tell you everything. But are you sure Chloe should-"

Rachel quickly grabbed Chloe's hand. "Chloe stays." She said to her father. James studied his daughter for a moment. But nodded and said, "Of course." He sighed and looked at Rachel. "Starting us off, in every way possible, Rose is my wife and your mother." Rachel slowly nodded.

"But the woman you saw... her name is Sera. And she's your birth mother." James said. He breathed deeply and looked at his daughter. "Tonight, you're going to know everything. Everything I've shielded from you for so long. But the truth isn't always the kindest. Are you sure you're ready for this?" James asked.

Rachel took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes." She said.

James nodded. Signaling to his daughter that he was going to tell her everything.

"When I was a kid in high school, there was this one person that everybody adored." James began listing, "Her teachers, her friends... Sera was an honor. Every boy wanted to date her." James smiled slightly. "And then she picked me. I could barely even believe it. I felt like I was on top of the world. But sometimes, I think about maybe that's why I was blinded by her." James said.

James continued on about how Sera seemed so alive and happy. Passionate about life. But that maybe he just wasn't enough for her. Sera was never looking for careers, or joining college. Families. But she was only looking for an escape. From reality.

"When we found out Sera was pregnant, I was sure that would've solved her problems. And it did... for a little while." James continued.

"Rachel, becoming your father was one of the greatest moments of my life. There was so much love. But... I was still blind."

James went on about that even though Sera loved their daughter dearly, it just wasn't enough to save her. There was always the need to escape from the world.

"I tried my best to help her. For over a year, I convinced myself that maybe she was still a good person. That whatever happened, no matter how bad, she wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

"But I was wrong." James said.

"Sera was a destructive person. A void of nothing but hatred for everybody. Someone who could never be satisfied, by anyone or anything."

Rachel's heart thumped in her chest rapidly as she listened to her father and what he had to say about her birth mother. She listened as he said that made his choice that day she saw them together.

A choice that he wouldn't ever allow Sera to harm their daughter again.

James ran his hands over his face. "What you saw, Rachel... it's true. We did kiss. But it was the saddest kiss of my life." He said. "It was a kiss goodbye. Forever." He continued with, "I told her I was proud of her. It felt like she seemed to have finally gotten her life back." James shook his head.

"But, she just didn't get to decide one day to be a mother. Not after everything she's done. Not after all the people she hurt, or the lives that she destroyed."


"Sera. You were given the greatest gift in the world. You had the change to be your daughter's mother. A chance to raise her and see her first steps. First words." James told Sera. He glared at her and shook his head.

"But that bridge has burned years ago. You squandered it." He said.

Sera looked at him with guilty eyes. She shook her head, pleading him to see her daughter. But James was done. He turned his back on her and left her. Sera stood there all alone. Watching as James got into his car and drive away.


"I never wanted to hurt her like that. It was so painful. But I'd do it again, and again, and again, too keep you safe." James said. Rose rubbed his shoulder softly. Showing her affection for him. Rachel nodded her head as she took in what she was told.

"So was that the first time, in fifteen years, you've seen or spoken to her?" Rachel asked him. "No." James told her. He said, "I send her money every single month. That's the arrangement we have." Rose turned to a chair and sat down.

"But, now she wants to see me?" Rachel asked. James nodded. "Yes. But it can't happen." He said. Rachel rested her hand on Chloe's knee. Chloe slipped her hand underneath Rachel's and covered it with her other hand.

"That doesn't seem too fair." Chloe said as she faced Mr. Amber. "If Rachel wants to see her, she should have that right."

"Drug addiction is a disease." James said. "And its affects on others around you are contagious. I will not allow you or Rachel to fall victim to her disease." Chloe shrugged. "So? That doesn't mean Rachel can't meet her." She said. Rachel nodded and supported her friend.

"Yeah. And maybe the fact that she wants to see me, maybe she's gotten better?"

"Maybe so." James said. "But consider this, Rachel. For fifteen years, she's preferred that money to you." He told her. Chloe looked at her friend. Feeling all sorts of emotions for her.

Rachel let out a shaky breath. Feeling lightheaded after hearing about her mother and what her father just told her.

"I... I need to lie down I think." Rachel said. She pressed her hands on the couch and pushed herself up. Rachel slowly approached the stairs and made her way up. Step after step. Chloe watched as Rachel disappeared around the corner.

James lowered himself into a chair and ran his fingers through his hair. Chloe sat down on the table in front of him and said, "I bet this is hard for you too, Mr. Amber." James nodded. "It was hard to tell her all that. But it could be far worse." He said. "But I'm afraid she'll want to meet Sera. I've dreaded it for so long."

"So that's why you never told her?" Chloe asked. James nodded. "You have no idea what pain Sera has caused. Her addiction led her to do terrible things." James shook his head. "I don't want Rachel to go through any of that." He said. "Shouldn't that be Rachel's decision to meet her?" Chloe asked.

"Rachel has always been curious and determined. She's always going to want to know more than she needs too." James said. "I can believe that." Chloe told him.

"She won't be concerned about her own safety. She never has been." James said.

"Is Sera involved with any of the drug dealers around here?" Chloe questioned. James shrugged. "I wouldn't be surprised." He said. "Because that's who she is."

"Chloe?" Rose softly spoke. Chloe looked over her shoulder at her. "I'd... appreciate it if you went to check on Rachel. You... might be the only one she'll talk to right now." Rose said. Chloe nodded and stood up.

"Chloe, before you go." James said. "Do as your conscience dictates. But I ask that you put my daughter's safety before anything else." He said. Chloe gave him a nod.

"That's my priority. I will always protect Rachel." Chloe told them.

James nodded. "I appreciate it. But keep in mind you're both still kids. I know you've experienced loss. Please, protect her from that." James said. "I'll do what I can." Chloe told him. "I care a lot about her." She added.

James smiled slightly. "I know. Thank you, Chloe." He said.

Chloe turned to the stairs and walked up to Rachel's room.

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