Chapter 30: Profound Love

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Chloe and Rachel walked side by side through Arcadia Bay.

The setting was picture perfect. The night sky full of stars. But over the horizon, the sunset shined over the ocean with the sky shining a bright orange and yellow.

"So this is what you dragged me out the house for?" Chloe said. "Yeah. Beautiful, isn't it?" Rachel said as she looked out into the ocean. Chloe looked at Rachel. She looked stunningly beautiful as always. Chloe smiled and grabbed Rachel's hand. The blonde girl looked at Chloe and smiled as they walked down the street together.

"You feel any better?" Rachel questioned.

Chloe sighed. "I don't know." She said. "Right now, I'm pretty relaxed. It's a perfect night, and I'm with the most beautiful girl ever." Chloe said. Bringing a smile to Rachel's face. "But I can't forget what I said to my mom. Maybe I was a little too harsh." Chloe said.

Rachel tightened her grip on Chloe's hand. "Hey now. Don't go dissing yourself." Rachel told her. "Just focus on me tonight, okay?" Rachel said. Chloe breathed deeply and nodded. "Okay." Chloe said. Rachel nodded. "Good. Now... let's go have some hella fun." Rachel said.

A smile grew on Chloe's face through Rachel's enthusiasm. As the night went on, Chloe and Rachel enjoyed their time together. Laughing and playfully pushing each other. For once, Chloe felt happy again. It had been a while since she felt this way. But with Rachel, it was easy to feel happy.

The lights lit up Arcadia Bay's local park. With couples enjoying the night together. As Chloe and Rachel were doing.

"Here, let's sit down." Rachel said and led Chloe to a table. Once they were sat down, Rachel smiled at Chloe. "Perfect night, isn't it?" She said. Chloe smiled and said, "Hella perfect."

Rachel reached across their table and applied her hands onto Chloe's. She looked into Chloe's blue eyes and held their gaze for a second.

This moment... everything... is all just right.

Rachel leaned over the table and pressed a soft kiss to Chloe's lips. The blue-haired woman closed her eyes as Rachel kissed her. She never wanted it to end. But Rachel pulled away and smiled at her.

Chloe, keeping their eye contact, raised her hand and brushed Rachel's hair behind her ear and ran her finger down her cheek.

Rachel pressed her hand onto Chloe's to keep her from pulling away. "God, you're so fucking beautiful, you know that?" Rachel said. "Huh... and I thought I was looking at the most beautiful girl in existence..." Chloe replied.

The pair stood up and walked around the park for a while.

"This reminds me so much of the night after The Tempest play." Rachel said. "Everything about that night was so perfect."

Chloe replied, "Just like now."

Rachel turned to Chloe and gave her a side smile. Chloe stared into Rachel's hazel eyes. Seeing joy in them. Bringing a smile to her face.

But the feeling of Joyce's disappointment still lingered in the back of Chloe's mind. And this was clear to Rachel as Chloe's smile disappeared into a frown. Rachel's eyebrows furrowed as Chloe let out a sad sigh.

"Still thinking about Joyce?" Rachel questioned.

Chloe nodded. "Yeah..." She said.

"I... I didn't mean to say what I did. I was just angry. I will go home eventually. But right now, I just can't." Chloe said. "I feel like I fucked up. Like always..."

Rachel listened with a heavy expression. She knew Chloe was hurting. After being suspended and arguing with her mother, it was no doubt that Chloe would be feeling down. Rachel turned to Chloe and stopped in front of her.

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