Chapter 27: Venting

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Chloe sat beside Rachel on the top of her truck in the junkyard.

"So, tell me what's troubling you." Rachel said. Chloe let out a sigh. "Everything, Rach'. I can't stand the world right now." She said. Rachel wrapped her arm around Chloe and brought her close. "I understand that. I know the feeling all too well." Rachel said. Chloe leaned her head on Rachel's shoulder. Listening to her soft breaths.

"I was just trying to defend you, Rachel. Victoria was talking shit about you." Chloe said. "I know, Chloe. And I appreciate it a lot." Rachel told her. "And if I'm being honest, Victoria had it coming." Rachel said. "That's what I told Frank this afternoon." Chloe said. "I went to buy some weed. I wasn't having any of it. I needed to get high." She told Rachel.

"Got any?" Rachel questioned. "Nah, sorry. All out." Chloe told her. Rachel smiled and shook her head. She spoke up with, "You know, it's kinda hot that you punched Victoria. Wish I was there to see it." Rachel said. "Well, here's the battle scar..." Chloe said and showed Rachel her bruised knuckles.

"Damn. Looks like that hurt for a while." Rachel said with widen eyes. "Yeah. Until my mom called me to Two Whales to give me a stern lecture about life basically." Chloe said. "She went on about how she doesn't want me to sit at home all day or come out to the junkyard and how she wants me to actually do something with my life." Chloe told Rachel.

"As if I do anything anyway." Chloe added with a shrug. "Why the hell does she care about what I do anyway?" Chloe said. "Because you're her daughter." Rachel softly said. "She cares because she doesn't want you to end up in the streets." Rachel added.

"By thinking I should work at some diner?" Chloe said. It was clear that Chloe was being unreasonable. "Rachel, that's not going to make things better. If anything, working at the diner will make things worse." Chloe said. She sighed heavily and leaned her forearms on her knees. Rachel didn't know what else to say. Chloe was a difficult person to reason with when she was upset. And right now, Chloe was being extremely unreasonable.

"And... and then she... brought up... Max." Chloe said suddenly.

"Max?" Rachel said. Chloe nodded.

"Yeah. Max. You know, the person who left me here in this hickhole town." Chloe said. "I can't stand hearing that name anymore. It just brings back too many memories. Memories that she probably forgot and made new ones with her new friends. Leaving me in her past to forget about." Chloe said as a scowl formed on her face.

"Hey. Forget about her. Because now I'm here." Rachel told Chloe. She grabbed Chloe's hand and lightly squeezed it. "Anything else you wanna tell me?" Rachel asked. "Just that I'm a fuckup. Why can't I do anything right?" Chloe said. "Hey, shhhh. Don't talk about yourself like that." Rachel said. "Why not? It's the truth." Chloe said.

"Blackwell's done with me. My mom wants me to work at the diner. Sometimes I think you're all I have left, Rachel." Chloe said. Chloe could admit that maybe she was being a little dramatic with her words. Obviously her mother just wants the best for her. But Chloe didn't see it that way. It was another rough time for her which made it harder to concentrate.

"No, Chloe, of course not. Your mom still loves you." Rachel said. "I know things between you can get a little out of hand. But that doesn't mean she doesn't love you." Rachel grabbed Chloe's hand.

"Why don't you come stay with me for tonight... I'm going to my moms house to have supper." Rachel said. "I'll call Joyce and tell her."

"Are you sure?" Chloe questioned.

"Yes, Chloe. Come stay with me for awhile. I'm sure my mom won't mind." Rachel said. Chloe thought about this idea and if it was a good idea or not. Chloe looked at Rachel and nodded.

"Okay." Chloe softly muttered out.

Rachel smiled and wrapped Chloe into her arms. Resting her chin on Chloe's shoulder. When they separated the hug, Rachel said, "Anything else?" Chloe sighed. "Life just sucks right now." She said.

"Life is... hard." Chloe said.

"I know." Rachel said. "Just come with me. I promise after a few days, things will be a whole lot easier. Okay?" Rachel said. "I hope so." Chloe responded. "I just don't understand though... why do I need to work at the diner?" Chloe said. "Well, I don't have to. But my mom would like me to. And if I don't, both she and David will get on my ass about shit that's not their business." Chloe told Rachel.

"I know..." Rachel said softly. Rachel listened to Chloe vent for a while longer. She was angry that bad shit happened to Chloe all the time. She didn't deserve any of this. To be harassed at school. To be suspended. Asked to do things she isn't comfortable with.

Rachel felt horrible she couldn't do anything else other then to listen to Chloe angrily spew out her words. Chloe often dissed herself, saying that she's not a good daughter and how she keeps messing things up. But Rachel didn't believe any of it and always assured Chloe that she is a wonderful daughter. And how much she means to her.

"I can't wait until we're ditching this wasteland. Until we're in LA." Chloe said. "That's if you don't leave me to like everybody else does." Chloe muttered.

Rachel glared at Chloe.

"Hey. I told you that I'm not leaving you. You're coming with me, Chloe." Rachel said, her expression softening. "I found you here. And you know that what I find, I keep." Rachel told Chloe. She gripped Chloe's shoulder. "You hear me?" She said. Chloe looked at Rachel with tears glistening in her eyes.

Rachel wiped at the tears that managed to slip away from Chloe's eyes and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. Once they parted, Rachel stared into Chloe's eyes and gently ran her fingers down Chloe's cheek.

"Come on. Lets go to my place." Rachel said in a soft whisper. Chloe kept their stare for a moment and nodded.

Rachel hopped off the truck, along with Chloe, and entered the truck.

The engine roared as Chloe started the truck. Just before Chloe was about to drive off, Rachel placed an assuring hand on her shoulder. Chloe looked at her and a small smile formed on her face. Rachel warmly smiled back and let her hand slide down Chloe's shoulder.

Chloe pressed her foot on the pedal and drove off to Rachel's house.

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