Chapter 7: The Wrath is Unleashed

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Chloe stood alone in the junkyard. Having just confessed her feelings toward Rachel Amber. Who actually returned the feelings, but unlike Chloe, wasn't ready to act on them. If ever. Chloe felt broken inside. The same feeling she felt when her father, William, was killed. And when her best friend, Max Caulfield, left her the same day of her fathers funeral.

Chloe glanced around the yard and spotted the baseball bat Rachel threw just minutes ago. A fire had started and spread rapidly inside Chloe. Something that she's never felt before. Anger that exploded out of control.

She quickly approached the weapon and grabbed it. She turned to the junkyard with one of the most harshest glares anyone could have.

Fuck. This. Place.

Chloe stomped her way over to a bottle and swung the bat as hard as she could. Shattering it to pieces. A mannequin stood a few feet away from Chloe. She looked into its lifeless eyes.

Don't go, I'm scared of myself.

"She's fake. And you know it." Chloe said as she approached the mannequin. "And you can't ever take your eyes off her. Who else fits that description perfectly?" Chloe swung the bat at the mannequin's head. Letting out a fierce grunt. Sending it through the air.

"Fuck off, Rachel."

Nobody expects me here.

Chloe spotted a box of junk. She huffed and made her way over to it. She dropped her bat and grabbed the box and ripped it to the ground. Several items came spilling out of it. One of which caught Chloe's attention. A camera. Instantly making Chloe think of Max.

She left, she left, she left, she left...

"You know, Max? I never understood your hard-on for cameras. Ever! You took a million pictures of us. And not one of them showed you were leaving me when I needed you most." Chloe swung down the baseball bat with aggression. Smashing it to pieces. Chloe kicked what was left of the camera and stomped around the junkyard for more things to destroy.

Save me.

A sign with a smiling girl that read "Good Kiddos" agitated Chloe as if the girl was amused by her anger. Chloe swung at the post of the sign several times. Knocking it low to the ground. She grabbed a can of paint and threw it at the girls face as hard as she could. Splattering the paint. Chloe crouched down and used her hand to create an image in the painting.

I'm a fuckup.

She grabbed her bat and swung at the remaining cans of paint. Sending them sprawling into multiple directions. She saw an old monitor sitting on a chair. She swung her bat into the monitor and got it stuck. She pressed her foot against the chair and pushed it. Pulling her bat free of the monitor.

Daddy, why do you look different? I'm scared.

Chloe saw a toolbox that reminded her of David.

"To rip a family apart piece by piece, it's important to bring the proper tools." Chloe threw down the bat and grabbed the toolbox and threw it deeper into the yard.

"Fuck you, David."

The damage was done. William was long dead. Max was in Seattle. David was moving in. And Rachel rejected Chloe's feelings toward her and left her in the junkyard. Everything around her was smashed and broken. Painted on. Destroyed. With the bat still in hand, Chloe let her anger control her actions and started destroying everything in sight with the bat.

Mindlessly swinging at things and the ground. Kicking and stomping on any of the destroyed objects. Anything that was in sight, Chloe destroyed. An old truck fell victim to Chloe's outburst. She swung down onto the trucks bed multiple times.

She shut the tailgate of the truck with her hand with aggression and walked around to the front. Tears still falling from her eyes.

With the adrenaline still high, Chloe examined the area for anything else to destroy. Something to get rid of all the bad emotions inside of her. To get rid of everything. But then Chloe spotted something. An old, yet rusty familiar vehicle. Chloe dropped the bat to her feet. All that anger turned to overwhelming sadness.

William's old car.

"Dad?" Chloe cried.

Seeing the old car. Forgotten here in the junkyard. Seeing the impact the truck left on the car. Seeing where it struck. Exactly where Willam sat.

Chloe slowly approached the old car. Remembering when her mother, Joyce, walked into the house that day. Tears filled her eyes. And when she said, "You're father is dead." Bringing Chloe to her knees and crying in her mothers arms.

Chloe pressed her hands softly on the hood. Feeling those strong emotions come back. That burning fire. Everything.

Chloe slammed her clenched fists down onto the hood. Backing away from it to avoid anymore damage. But she couldn't control herself. She ran up to the car and slammed down again. Letting out her cries. Tears dripped down onto the hood. Chloe screamed as she hit the car again. The pain starting to emerge in her hands. With one final weak hit, Chloe's emotions all disappeared. Just leaving her with overwhelming sadness and pure heartbreak.

She slowly fell to the ground and cried in her hands. She rolled to her side and cried. Harder than she ever has in her life. Ever since that day, Chloe's life has been rough. And just went all downhill. She just wanted everything back. Her father. Best friend. Her old life.


"I just called to tell you that I miss you my old friend."

Chloe recognized she was wearing her old Arcadia Bay shirt. And that her father loved this song. He turned down the song and looked at her over the seat.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" He questioned. "You're... not real." Chloe told him. William chuckled and said, "I'm not, huh?"

What is this? What's going on?

"There's a bright side, kiddo. All you have to do is find your way to it." William told her. "There is no bright side." Chloe said back. "Of course there is. Remember, you made a new friend today." William said. They drove by a large tree and a girl approached it. Chloe didn't get a good enough look to tell who she was.

But it almost looked like Rachel.

"That was some exchange between you two." William said. "A lovers' quarrel, you might say? She nearly took your head off."

They had passed the same tree. And Chloe could see that it was Rachel standing in front of it. "What's it to you?" Chloe said to William.

"Sorry, dear. I'm butting into your personal business, aren't I?" William said. "But sometimes, people need you." He said, turning to look at Chloe again. He pointed ahead. They started to slow down.

And suddenly, Rachel appeared at Chloe's window.

"Even when they don't admit it." William said. Rachel raised her hand to the window and pressed it against the window. Chloe slowly pressed her hand to the window agaisnt Rachel's. Feeling some sort of connection.

A special connection.

"Chloe..." William said. Chloe looked at her father. He smiled at her and said, "She's the one..." Chloe gave him a questionable expression. She turned to face the blonde girl. Rachel softly smiled at her.

"Rachel..." Chloe muttered.

"Come find me, Chloe." Rachel said and backed away from the vehicle.


Chloe suddenly woke up. And it was dark out. She realized she fell asleep in William's car. She sat up and rubbed her hand over her face and got out of the car. She ran her hand over the hood as she walked around to the front.

But there was something about that dream. About that tree. About Rachel. And there was only one place with a tree like that. And that was Arcadia Bay's local park.

"I'm coming, Rachel."

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