Chapter 21: The Lighthouse

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3 years later

The bell rung for the day and students left the academy. Out walked Rachel Amber, who was now eighteen years old, and Chloe Price, now nineteen years old.

Chloe's had blue hair for a few years now. She's completely changed her style to a punk-rock look. Usually wearing pale blue ripped jeans, black boots, and a white tank top with a skull on it. Lastly, she also favors her necklace with three bullets, black leather jacket, and her dark blue beanie. Chloe also had a tattoo sleeve covering her right arm of a design featuring flowers, blue butterflies, and a golden skull.

Rachel has kept her same look with some slight changes, but over the years has gotten two tattoos. One on her right calf of a dragon, and a star on the inside of her left wrist.

"You good to hang today?" Rachel asked with a slightly deeper voice.

"Anytime, Rach'." Chloe said. Rachel grinned. "Cool. We should go to the lighthouse." She said. Chloe nodded. "Sounds good." Chloe said. "Maybe even have a make out session." Rachel teased and winked at Chloe. "Don't tease me." Chloe told her with a playful shove.

"We should hit up Frank first. Get some of the good stuff." Rachel said. Chloe grinned. "Hella yes, I like the way you think." Chloe said. They got into Chloe's truck and drove off. Rachel pulled out her phone and called Frank. The phone rang until he picked up.

"Yo Frank, could we meet up?" Rachel questioned. "No, not right now." Rachel said to Frank. Chloe questioned what she meant. "I'm with Chloe." She told him. "Yeah... Okay, awesome. Meet you there." Rachel said and put her phone away. "Not right now?" Chloe questioned her words.

"Oh, he's just... talking about... stuff. Don't worry about it..." Rachel told her.

Chloe's expression was questionable, but she shrugged it off and kept driving.

"So where's he at?" Chloe asked. "At the beach. After that, we can go to the lighthouse." Rachel said. Chloe grinned and nodded. "Sounds rad." She said. Rachel slouched in the seat and looked out her window.

Chloe reached the beach. One of Franks many spots where he parked his RV. Rachel unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to Chloe.

"Stay here, Chloe. I'll be back." Rachel told her. "Why?" Chloe asked her. "Just do it, okay? I'll get us the weed and we'll go chill by the lighthouse." Rachel said. Not knowing why, Chloe nodded. Rachel nodded back and she closed the door and walked towards the RV.

Wonder why she asked me to stay here. She gets hella weird around Frank. Especially when I'm around.

Rachel's distracting figure caught Chloe's attention. With her denim shorts and womanly hip sway, Chloe couldn't help but stare.

But all thoughts left Chloe's head once she saw Frank emerge from his RV. But all she could see were their interactions. Not their words. She watched carefully as Frank held out his hand. Rachel gave him a wad of cash for exchange for the weed.

Frank handed her a bag of weed and put the cash in his pocket. Chloe looked away and waited.

God, what's taking so damn long? Wonder what they're saying...

Rachel turned and walked away from Frank. He watched her walk away. Looking slightly disappointed. Rachel returned to the truck and opened the door. Letting herself in.

"What was that about?" Chloe asked her. "He's just being a dumb fuck. Let's go." Rachel said. Chloe started the truck and drove off to the lighthouse. On the way there, Rachel opened the bag.

"Hey, don't you dare! Not without me." Chloe told her. Rachel grinned. "Oh come on, Price. Just one whiff?" Chloe shook her head. "Nope. You gotta wait until we get there, Amber." Chloe said. "Oh fine." Rachel said and closed the bag.

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