Chapter 23: Free Meals

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Chloe pulled up to Two Whales and got out of the truck.

Once she stepped inside, she walked over to the booth she and Rachel normally sit. She pulled out her phone and texted Rachel. As she was texting, Joyce approached the table.

"Tell me what you want, Chloe, I'm in a rush." Joyce said. "Uhhh... just a hamburger." Chloe told her mother. Joyce turned to the counter and walked to the back. Chloe looked down at her phone and saw a response from Rachel.

From: RACH
Cool. Get something for me?

From: ME

Chloe scanned the crowded diner for her mother but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. And she was too lazy to get up. So Chloe slouched into the seat and waited for her mother to bring her hamburger.

Looks like Rachel isn't getting anything from Two Whales. I'm just too lazy to go find my mom. Or maybe I'm just too fat. Am I?

Joyce came back with Chloe's hamburger and put it in front of her. "Chloe, I'm gonna be home late tonight, okay?" Joyce said quickly. "Ugh, you're leaving me with David?" Chloe muttered. "Please, Chloe, do me a favor and don't cause trouble for your step-father, okay?" Joyce requested.

Chloe rolled her eyes and slouched in her seat. "Whatever." She said. But Joyce had already left as she was in a rush.

Chloe stared at the clouds slowly traveling across the sky. Hating the fact that she's going to be at home with David. At least when she's done hanging out with Rachel. There was something between Chloe and David that just didn't work.

Although David isn't as loud with it, Chloe makes her statements about him loud and clear for both him and Joyce to hear.

As Chloe finished her hamburger, Rachel texted her. Chloe grabbed her phone off the table and studied the text.

From: RACH
School's over. Come get me.

From: ME
coming for dat ass

Chloe chuckled to herself as she read what she just texted to Rachel. She stood from the booth and exited the diner. Chloe approached her truck and opened the door. Once she was seated, she started her truck and drove to Blackwell.

Chloe pulled up to the front steps and pulled out her phone to text Rachel. Chloe told Rachel that she was waiting. Rachel responded and Chloe put her phone away. Chloe drummed her fingers on the wheel as she waited for Rachel. Finally, the door opened and Rachel hopped in.

"I don't see anything from Two Whales..." Rachel said.

Chloe grinned. "Sorry, Rach'. I was extremely hungry." She said. "Wow, that's such a low, Chloe." Rachel said. Chloe laughed. "Nah, my mom was super busy. Two Whales was having a serious rush today. Sorry I didn't get you anything." Chloe said. Rachel let out a frustrated sigh.

"Chloe, it's been such a long day today. I don't think I need this right now, okay?" Rachel said. Catching Chloe off guard. Rachel breathed deeply through her nose and sighed. "I'm sorry." Rachel said and looked at Chloe. "That was uncalled for." She said. Chloe rubbed Rachel's arm. "Why don't we get you something to eat and you can talk to me. Tell me what's bothering you." Chloe said.

Rachel gave Chloe a weak smile. "That sounds nice." She said. "Gimme a kiss?" Rachel asked. Chloe smiled and leaned across the seat to give Rachel a kiss. Chloe stepped on the pedal and drove back to Two Whales so Rachel could have something to eat.

"Is your mom still there?" Rachel asked. "Yeah. She's going to be late tonight. So I'm stuck with my step-ass in the mean time." Chloe said. "Well you're staying with me for a few hours anyway." Rachel told her. Chloe smirked. "Damn right, Rach'." Chloe said. Rachel let out a sudden sigh. "Chloe, I really need to talk to you when we get there, okay?" Rachel said. Chloe nodded. "You got it, Rachel. You can let it all out once we get there." Chloe told her.

Rachel nodded and looked out her window.

Damn, I wonder what's bothering Rachel. I hope she's alright. She seemed okay when we made out at lunch. Maybe that's why she brought me with her was to distract her of what's bothering her. I'll try to help her when we get to Two Whales.

Chloe pulled into the Two Whales parking lot and the two stepped out of the truck.

Once they were sat down, a waitress approached them. Rachel told her a hamburger was fine, as Chloe had earlier. She gave them a nod and walked to the back. Chloe looked at Rachel and said, "Start wherever you want..." Rachel nodded and pressed her back to the seat and let out a sigh.

"Chloe, I know I asked this at the lighthouse last Friday. But... are you happy? With me?"

"Yes, Rachel. I'm happy with you, okay?" Chloe said. "Why do you keep asking me that? Are you... not happy with me?" Chloe questioned her. "No, it's not that. I just... I don't know, Chloe. Things are weird right now." Rachel said as she slouched into the seat and crossed her arms. Looking away from Chloe.

"Weird? Weird how?" Chloe questioned. "Come on, Rach'. You can talk to me. Tell me what's bothering you."

Rachel looked into Chloe's eyes.


"Hey there, Rachel. Sorry for the wait." Joyce said suddenly, bringing Rachel's hamburger to the table. "Thanks, Joyce." Rachel said with a soft tone in her voice. "You want anything else, Chloe?" Her mother asked. Chloe replied with a head shake. Once Joyce was gone, Rachel started eating her hamburger.

"You were gonna tell me something?" Chloe said. "What?" Rachel questioned. "You were about to tell me something." Chloe told her. "Oh. It was nothing. Forget it." Rachel responded. "Are you sure?" Chloe asked. Rachel smiled at her. "I'm sure Chloe. Sorry for worrying you." Rachel told her.

"It's just been really weird for me recently." Rachel said. "I know the feeling." Chloe said, a little more calm now. "You still want to hang out with me? Or did I scare you away..." Rachel said. Chloe smiled and laid her hands on top of Rachel's.

"You could never scare me away, Rach'." Chloe assured.

Rachel smiled at her. "Where would I even be without you, Chloe Price?" Rachel said. "I don't know. Probably lost with some unattractive guy." Chloe said with an amused grin.

"Yeah... some guy." Rachel said with a small, soft expression. Looking away from Chloe.

"Anyway. Eat up and we can head to your dorm. I've had about enough of this place for one day." Chloe said. "I've had about enough of this whole day." Rachel said. "Don't worry, Rach'. We're gonna have fun." Chloe said. "How about instead of your dorm, we can go to the junkyard." Chloe suggested.

Rachel nodded. "Sounds good, Chloe." She said. "Right. Okay, let's go." Chloe said, tugging on Rachel's arm and standing up. Expecting Rachel to be following her.

Rachel sighed and shook her head with a small frown. She heard Chloe call out, "Rachel. Come on, let's go!" Rachel looked at Chloe over her shoulder and stood up and followed her out the door to the truck.

As they drove, Chloe didn't notice that Rachel was sulking. She looked out her window with a guilty expression. She looked at Chloe and opened her mouth to say something. But instead she closed her eyes and decided against it. She pressed her back to the seat and continued to look outside.

Watching as the world went on by.

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