Chapter 26: The Trigger

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Chloe saw Frank's RV parked down where it was on Friday when she and Rachel went to the lighthouse. She exited her truck and made her way down to the RV.

As she knocked on the door, Frank's dog started barking. Chloe heard shuffling noises emerging inside before the door opened. Frank made eye contact with Chloe and raised his eyebrow.

"What do you want, Chloe?" He questioned her. "Hey, Frank. How about some dough for you and your mutt?" Chloe said with a grin and pulled a wad of cash from her pocket. Frank's eyes widen. "Where the hell'd you get that?" He said, pointing toward the money in Chloe's grasp. "I got my ways. So. Deal?" Chloe said.

Frank encouraged Chloe to step inside before anybody saw them. Once Chloe was inside, Frank shut the door and turned to her. "Alright, Chloe. You got me." He said. "You're a good man, Frank." Chloe said as she handed him the cash. Frank handed her the weed and shook his head. "No. I'm really not." He told her.

"How's Rachel?" Frank questioned. Chloe narrowed her eyes at him. "Good? Why?" She questioned the dealer. "Just wondering. You two are normally inseparable." He said. "Yeah, about that." Chloe said as she sat down. She opened the bag and put some in her palm.

She raised her hand to her nose and inhaled deeply. The familiar feeling of getting high Chloe was used to. "Big fight?" Frank questioned as he took a hit of his own. Chloe shook her head. "Nah. Suspended." She told him. "You? Or her?" Frank said. "Who the fuck do you think, Frank? I wouldn't be here if I was in school right now, would I?" Chloe said to him.

"Ah. I see. Congratulations." Frank said with a "I give two shits" tone in his voice. "I know right? It's hella rad." Chloe told him. Frank shrugged his shoulders. He seemed awfully quiet. Chloe looked at him and snapped her fingers toward him. "Hey. You good?" She said to him.

"Now that you're suspended, are you seeing Rachel as much anymore?" He said.

"What the fuck, Frank?" Chloe said with a chuckle. "That's kinda creepy." She told him. But she didn't care as she was currently high. She would probably forget he even said anything about Rachel. "Maybe so..." Frank said. Chloe shrugged it off and stared at the wall. Thinking about what she did today.

"I punched someone today." Chloe told Frank. "Oh, splendid." He said. "Who was lucky enough to meet your fist?" He asked. "Some bitch named Victoria Chase. She had it coming for a long time." Chloe told him. "She was saying that she didn't take Rachel as being gay-" Frank heard what Chloe said. Throwing him off guard. But he didn't say anything and listened to Chloe.

"So I punched her across the jaw. My step-douche saw me punch her and dragged me to the principals office. Then he suspended me and Victoria." Chloe told him. "And now here I am. Getting high in some guys RV." She said. Frank nodded. "Sounds like this Victoria deserved it." He said with a shrug. "Whoa. Never expected you to agree with me, Frank." Chloe said.

"Not you. The bitch was shit talking Rachel. And for that, she deserved it." Frank said. Chloe narrowed her eyes at him. "You've been talking about Rachel a whole lot, Frank..." Chloe said. "Why?" She questioned him. He shrugged. "Nothing to hide." He said. "She's just really cool, that's all." Frank told her. "The cash she gave me last week was a shitload." He said.

"So? That was the third time you've ever brought up Rachel." Chloe said. "Are you guys fucking?" She asked. "What?! No! She's like, sixteen for christ sake." Frank said. "Eighteen." Chloe corrected. "Yeah, whatever. What I meant to say is she's too young, Chloe. You know I'm not like that. Sure I do messed up shit, but I'm not that messed up now." He said.

"You better not be 'cause that's my girlfriend you're talking about." Chloe told him. And she was proud to call Rachel that. Frank sighed and shrugged. "Whatever you say, Chloe." He said.

Once the high was starting to wind down, Chloe left the RV and drove off. Still feeling a little high, but in condition to drive. She made her way to the junkyard to spend the rest of the afternoon. Since Rachel was still in school, there was nothing else to do until she was dismissed.

Chloe got a text from her mother. She pulled over to check it. She read over it and rolled her eyes.

From: MOM
Chloe. I have a break right now. Come to the diner, we need to discuss some things.

Are you serious? I don't need this shit.

Chloe groaned and put her phone in her pocket and drove to the Two Whales diner. There was no point in hiding from her mother as they would eventually have this conversation at her house anyway. And Joyce would probably be more persistent by then so better to just go see her now.

Chloe rested her cheek on her fist as she drove to the diner. A lot of stress was weighing her down. And this talk with her mother probably wouldn't be too pleasant either.

She arrived at the Two Whales diner and exited her truck. She closed her door and sighed heavily as she approached the diner. She ripped open the door and entered the diner. She saw her mother sitting at her usual booth and approached it. Joyce took notice of her daughter and said, "You came. Didn't think you would since you just ignored me..."

Chloe didn't respond and sat down with a huff. "So. What do you want to talk about?" Chloe said and crossed her arms. Pressing her back to the seat. Joyce glared at her daughter. "First off, I want you to drop the attitude." She said. "I didn't ask you here to fight. Chloe, I just want to talk."

"Then talk." Chloe told her.

Joyce sighed and placed her elbows on the table. Resting her face in her palms. "Chloe, you always make it so hard. Why can't we just have a civilized discussion?" Joyce said. "I understand you've had it rough, Chloe. But so have I." Joyce told her more calmly. "Please. Let's just talk." She added. Chloe breathed deeply and nodded.

"Okay." Chloe said.

Joyce nodded. "Okay. Now that you're suspended, I want to discuss what happens now." Joyce started. "Maybe you can help me here at the diner. I don't want you going to that junkyard or staying home all day. You have to do something other then spend time by yourself." Joyce told Chloe. "Okay?" She said.

"Mom, you can't be serious." Chloe said. "Chloe, I told you I don't want you staying home all day. You have to do something with your life." Joyce told her.

"I'm sure Max-"

"Don't you bring up Max!" Chloe interrupted. "She's gone, mom. Max is gone. And she's never coming back!" Chloe told her. She stood up from the seat and sped walk to the door. Drawing some eyes to look. Chloe shoved the door open and stomped toward the truck. Tears leaked down her eyes as she entered her truck.

She wiped at her eyes and started her truck and drove off to the junkyard.

What happened was Joyce triggering old memories of Max. And Chloe usually acts on hearing her name. Because there was still a small part of Chloe that was clinging on to her old friend. And just the thought of Max set her off because deep inside, even though she has Rachel, Chloe dearly misses Max. But she questioned if Max would even recognize her anymore.

Chloe wiped at her eyes again and continued onward to the junkyard.

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