Chapter 24: The Strike

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After spending the day together, Chloe drove her girlfriend back to Blackwell. She pulled up to the front steps. Rachel looked at Chloe and grabbed her hand.

"Hey. Sorry I was kinda a drag today. It's just been a little weird for me recently." Rachel said. "And... I wouldn't blame you for wanting a small break." She added.

Chloe smiled at her. "I would never ask that. Rachel, you have nothing to be sorry for, okay? None of that mushy shit." She said. Rachel chuckled. "Still though. I feel like I brought you down with me today. And I'm sorry for that." Rachel said, looking at Chloe.

Chloe smiled at her girlfriend. "It's okay, Rach'. Now. Get out of here." Chloe told her. "Not without a kiss..." Rachel said. Chloe grinned and pressed a kiss to her lips. Chloe watched as Rachel stepped out of the truck and walk up the steps. Chloe stepped on the pedal and drove off to her house.

There was something off about Rachel today. She's normally hella fun. But today, she was kinda distant and quiet. She seems good now, but I'm worried. Maybe I did something to bother her. I wouldn't be too surprised. I tend to ruin a lot of things in my life.

Chloe pulled into the driveway and stepped out of the truck. As Chloe entered into the house, she heard the TV on in the living room. David was probably watching TV. Chloe wanted to avoid him so she just made her way to her room.

"Chloe. We need to talk." David's voice said.

"Dammit." Chloe muttered. She turned and saw David standing at the bottom of the steps with his arms crossed. "What is it, David?" Chloe said as she flopped down onto a step.

"Joyce will be home late tonight." David started. "I expect you to behave while she's gone. Please. Just don't start anything and we'll be fine." He said. "Don't go sneaking out. Don't be smoking up. And for crying out loud, don't blast that punk shit." David told her. "I can do whatever the hell I want, David. Deal with it." Chloe told him. David let out a sigh.

"You see? This is what I'm talking about. You always have to start things up."

"I don't have time for this shit." Chloe said and stood up and continued walking up the steps to her room. David listened as Chloe slammed her door. He glared up the steps and shook his head as he walked over to the couch.

"Fucking dickhead." Chloe muttered as she laid down onto her bed.

It was getting late. And it was a long, dragging day. Chloe was exhausted. She stood up and took her jacket off followed by slipping her shirt over her head. She kicked her boots off by the mirror in the corner of her room and ripped her socks off. She pulled her jeans off and slipped on some light blue boxers.

And lastly, she put a navy blue t-shirt on with the words "rock" on it and lied back down onto the bed. She put her hand behind her head and her other hand rested on her stomach. She breathed deeply through her nose and closed her eyes.

The next day, Chloe picked Rachel up at Blackwell and drove to Two Whales for breakfast.

"I had the weirdest dream last night." Rachel said. "But it was kinda awesome at the same time." She added. "Oh? What was it about?" Chloe asked.

"I dreamed that I had a lamborghini, and that I was super rich. And that I lived in LA." Rachel said. "And you were there with me." She added. Chloe nodded. "Hopefully that will be us when we get out of here." Chloe said. "I have no doubt, Chloe." Rachel told her.

"Hell yeah Rach'. We're leaving Arcadia Bay and we're sure as shit not looking back." Chloe said.

"Couldn't have said it any better myself." Rachel said. "Just like Max, huh?" Rachel amusingly added. "Yeah, exactly. Except she didn't bring her best friend along." Chloe said with a shrug. "Well... it's her loss. And because of that, we found each other." Rachel said. Chloe smiled and nodded.

After they ate their breakfast at Two Whales, they returned to Blackwell. Once they were parked in Blackwells parking lot, they stepped out and closed their doors. They walked around the hood and Rachel smiled at Chloe. She reached out her hand to Chloe. Who happily took her hand and they walked to the steps.

They entered the academy and walked over to their lockers. "Any work due?" Rachel jokingly asked. Chloe shook her head. "Thankfully not..." Chloe said. "I'm surprised." Rachel told her. "What, that I can actually do work?" Chloe said. Rachel let out a laugh.


"Get the fuck out of my way."

The voice of Nathan Prescott demanded. Rachel and Chloe watched as Nathan pushed a kid named Daniel DaCosta out of his way and into a locker. Daniel nearly lost his footing and stumbled into the lockers. Pressing his arms against them to keep himself on his feet.

Rachel looked at Chloe and said, "Hold on a sec." Chloe watched Rachel quickly approach Nathan who was now getting in Daniel's face and calling him a loser.

Rachel put her hand on Nathan's shoulder. Making him turn to her. Once he saw her, he immediately calmed down and listened to what Rachel had to say. He listened with a calm expression and his hands stuffed in his pockets. Nodding a few times.

Once they were done, Rachel walked back to Chloe.

"What did he say?" Chloe asked. "Just that he wasn't having a good morning, that's all." Rachel told Chloe and closed her locker. Chloe looked over at Nathan walking down the hallway.

I didn't like the exchange between Rachel and Nathan. They looked way to close to each other.

"I'll see you later, okay?" Rachel said. Chloe looked at her and nodded. Rachel smiled and wrapped her arms around Chloe's neck and pressed a passionate kiss to her lips. Chloe closed her eyes as she felt Rachel's lips kiss hers. Forgetting all the bad thoughts she had about her and Nathan.

Rachel parted from Chloe and smiled at her. She didn't care if people were looking. She cared less what they thought. She loved Chloe.

But neither of them have actually said it yet.

"Come see me at the lunch break." Rachel said. Chloe nodded. "I'll be there." She said. "You better." Rachel told her and they went to their separate classes.

As Chloe walked to her class, a voice called out to her.

"Chloe Price..." Victoria said. Courtney Wagner and Taylor Christensen following shortly behind her. Chloe groaned and turned to them. "What?" Chloe said to them. Victoria laughed. "You think you're all tough because you're dating Rachel Amber?" She said. Courtney and Taylor laughed.

"I honestly never took Rachel as that type." Victoria said. "What, being gay? So what, Victoria?" Chloe said, shrugging her shoulders. "It really doesn't matter." She added. "M-maybe she's right." Courtney said. But Victoria dismissed her with a glare.

Victoria turned to Chloe with a scowl. She approached Chloe with fire in her eyes.

"Listen up, bitch. Don't you dare talk to me like that! I'm on so many levels above you. Why don't you go back to your goddamn trailer?" Victoria said toward the rebellious young woman. "Like Rachel Amber sees anything in you anyway..." Victoria added with a smug grin.

Chloe felt herself start to burn. She clenched her fists tightly and suddenly drew her right arm backwards and threw a punch across the jaw of Victoria Chase. The power of the strike sent Victoria crashing to the ground with a numb jaw.

"Oh my god!" Courtney said. Taylor kneeled down beside Victoria. "Vic! Victoria, are you okay?" She questioned, shaking Victoria's shoulder. Victoria clutched her hand to her jaw in a pained wince. Nearby students gathered around Victoria to see what happened.

Chloe stood there. Tears coming out of her eyes. Fists clenched. Angry as hell.

She suddenly felt a tight grip wrap around her arm. She looked at who it was and instantly recognized the individual as her step-father, David Madsen. He stared into her eyes with anger.

"Let's. Go." He demanded and started pulling Chloe to the principal's office.

Rachel, along with a few more students, entered the lobby through the double doors. She saw a devastated Victoria with a trickle of blood leaking down her lip. Crying as Taylor helped her off the ground. An extremely noticable bruise formed just inches away from her bottom lip.

She saw David bringing Chloe to the principal's office. Her heart sank to her feet.

"Oh no..."

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