Chapter 29: Miss Gerhardt

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Rachel and Chloe stood by the steps. Looking into the eyes of Sera Gerhardt. Rachel's birth mother.

Sera parted her gaze away from Rose's and looked at Rachel. A warm smile forming on her face. "Hello, Rachel." Sera greeted. Rachel let out a breath she held in and rushed into Sera's arms.

A smile grew on Rose's face as Rachel hugged her birth mother. Chloe felt somewhat awkward as she was the only non-family member there with Rose being Rachel's mother and Sera her birth mother. At least there was a stereo playing some music to keep it from an awkward silence.

Rachel separated from Sera and said, "What are you doing here?" Sera smiled at Rachel and replied, "Rose was kind enough to invite me to dinner tonight." Chloe still felt a little awkward as Rachel spoke with Sera and Rose. Quietly rubbing the back of her neck.

"Rachel, would you help me set the table?" Rose asked. "Sure." Rachel replied and walked with her mother to grab the plates and cups. "Hello Chloe. Nice to see you." Sera greeted the blue-haired woman. "Oh. Yeah, nice to see you too." Chloe awkwardly replied. "How've you been?" Sera asked as they approached the table together.

"Well, just great. Considering I was just suspended from Blackwell." Chloe said as they sat down. Sera's eyes widen. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..." Chloe assured her with a friendly smile. "It's okay. I'm honestly over it. I'm glad it happened to be honest." Chloe told her as she slouched into the chair.

Sera slowly nodded. Chloe felt what she said made the presence at the table a little awkward.

Sera looked over her shoulder at Rachel. She smiled and turned to Chloe.

"You know, I don't think I ever thanked you for what you did for me and Rachel." Sera said. "Especially for confronting Damen." She added.

Chloe assured Sera with a small smile.

"If it weren't for you, I don't think I would've ever had the courage to meet Rachel." Sera closed her eyes for a moment before speaking again. "After you told me what happened to your father, something happened inside me. Something told me to go see my daughter."

Chloe said, "You're welcome."

Sera looked at Chloe and smiled. "Is it okay to ask how you're doing with...?" Chloe asked, referring to Sera's addictions.

It took a hesitating moment before Sera responded. "I've been doing a lot better recently. I'm trying to be better for Rachel. And whenever she needs me, I'll be a better person for her." Sera told Chloe.

Chloe nodded and said, "I'm sure Rachel would be proud." Sera nodded. "Yeah. I hope so..." She said.

"Chloe. Come with me?" Rachel questioned. Drawing both Chloe and Sera's attention. "Uh, yeah. Sure." Chloe said and stood from her chair and followed Rachel up to her room. Once they were in the room, Rachel turned to Chloe.

"Chloe. Let's just eat dinner tonight, okay? Let's not make a scene of any kind."

"I understand I run my mouth a lot Rach', but is this serious what you dragged me up here to tell me?" Chloe asked.

"Well... also so I could do this to you." Rachel said with a grin and pressed her hands onto Chloe's shoulders. Roughly pushing her against the closed door and kissing her passionately. Rachel separated herself from Chloe and smiled at her.

"You have a thing for pushing me against walls, don't you?" Chloe said with a sly grin. "I mean... I told this person once that you had the most kissable lips." Rachel said, referring to the day at the lighthouse. "And I get kinda turned on when knowing I have full dominance." Rachel added, grinning devilishly at Chloe.

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