Chapter 10: Drama Kids

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"They're just getting last minute practice done before the play tonight. I'm just here to show Mr. Keaton the work my mom put into my costume last night." Rachel told Chloe.

"Oh. If you're practicing, I probably shouldn't-"

"No, it's okay Chloe." Rachel assured. "Besides. I was hoping we could talk for a bit before school." She added. Chloe smiled. "That sounds awesome." She said. "Cool." Rachel said. They had arrived at the drama room. And there on stage was Hayden Jones and Dana Ward.

"I do beseech you," Hayden started. "chiefly that I might set in my prayers: what is your name?"

"Miranda..." Dana said. "Oh, my father! I have broke your hest to say so!" She concluded.

Mr. Keaton nodded. "Good!" He said.

"Admired Miranda! Indeed worth what's dearest in the world!" Hayden started. Rachel cringed at his poor acting skills and looked at Chloe. Who was failing to hide an amused smile.

"Many a lady I have eyed with best regard, and many a time listened-" Hayden interrupted himself. He stuttered and started again with, "many a time the harmony of their tongues-" He stuttered again. "hath I listened to-"

"Hayden, you're really killing me here!" Mr. Keaton said.

"The play is tonight! You had weeks to be off book. And just look at what you're accomplishing."

"Sorry, Mr. Keaton." Hayden said. The teacher shook his head. "No, don't apologize to me. Apologize to your scene partner, who's been very patient and accommodating." Dana smiled nervously at Hayden.

"And to your fellow actors. But most importantly... yourself." Rachel suddenly stepped in. "Mr. Keaton, sorry to interrupt, but does this look better? I had my mom take it in a bit." She said and spun around several times.

Rachel looks awesome...

Rachel grinned at Chloe and winked at her as she spun around.

This is getting surreal as last night at the park.

"Looking good, Rach'." Dana said. "Very cool." Hayden added. "The star pupil, Rachel. As always." Mr. Keaton said. "Uh, Mr. Keaton?" Dana questioned. "I'm still struggling with, "My affections are then most humble; I have no ambition to see a goodlier man." She doesn't actually mean that, does she?" Dana said.

"Especially since I just admitted I've been banging all the ladies." Hayden said. Rachel gripped her hand to her hip and sighed. "Yeah, that seems hard." She said. "We've been talking about that line forever." She turned to Chloe with a smug smile.

"Perhaps, we need a fresh perspective." She said. Rachel walked up to Chloe and wrapped her arm around her and brought her closer to the group. "The question is... do you think that Miranda's feelings of instant passion for Ferdinand just inexperience and dramatic circumstances or... has she actually just met the love of her life?" Rachel said.

Chloe looked nervously into Rachel's hazel colored eyes. "What do you think, Chloe?" Rachel questioned.

"Well... sometimes when you meet someone who's going to change your life, you just know it, I guess..." Chloe stated. Rachel looked deeply into Chloe's eyes. Smiling softly. Chloe shyly smiled back.

"Also, parents are coming to see the show, right? At twenty bucks a ticket, it's gotta be true love." Chloe added. "Wow, a romantic and a cynic. That actually helps me quite a bit. Thanks." Dana said, giving Chloe a friendly smile.

The bell rung. Signalling that classes were about to begin. "Thanks, Mr. Keaton." Dana said toward him. She looked at Chloe and Rachel and said, "See you later, guys." "Later." Hayden said as he stepped off the stage.

"Great. First period is improv with freshman. It's always so frustrating to see them stumble upon their words!" Mr. Keaton said as he walked out of the room. Rachel turned to Chloe with a smug look. "Still good to hang for a bit?" She questioned. "Uhhh... yeah." Chloe said. "Great. I'll just be a minute." Rachel told Chloe and walked to the back room.

Rachel poked her head out from the room. "Would you mind grabbing my belt for me? I think I left it in my bag that's just over there." She pointed behind Chloe towards the back wall. "Yeah, sure." Chloe said and walked over to Rachel's bag. She crouched down and dug into the bag to find Rachel's belt.

She pulled out a picture of Rachel with her dad. Seeming to be in a forest. Possibly hitchhiking.

Rachel's looks incredibly happy here... Too bad she had to see her dad with that woman yesterday.

Chloe looked at the young Rachel's bright smile. Making her smile as well and she put the picture back into the bag.

At least keeping this picture in her bag must mean she's gotten over it, right?

Chloe gripped what felt like a belt and pulled her hand out. And she was correct. Just as she started walking to the back room, she caught a few messages written on the back of the large flat board.

- R.A. will suck as Prospera!
- If V.C. had any talent, maybe she would've gotten the part.
- Talent? Is that what got Mr. K to cast you, SLUT?

Well, it's not called "Drama Lab" for nothing.

Chloe took out her permanent marker she carried with her and wrote her own message on the flat board.


Chloe grinned to herself. Confident that if Victoria would see this, that she'd be hilariously furious. She put her marker away and walked to the back room. Chloe entered the room and called out to Rachel.

"Rachel, I got your belt." Rachel peeked her head out from behind the dressing screen. "Thanks, Chloe. You can bring it to me." She said. Chloe's shoulders raised as she breathed in deeply. She then breathed out and nervously approached the dressing screen.

Her face went red as she saw Rachel's bra straps wrapping around her shoulders. Her eyes went wide and she froze up. She nervously smiled and said, "You're costume was pretty rad." Rachel looked at her and chuckled. "Thanks." She said.

"So, I assume you brought me some flowers?" Rachel joked. "Oh... uhhh, yeah. They're really pretty." Chloe said awkwardly. "Not as pretty as you, probably." Rachel said and winked at her. Chloe smiled nervously and handed the belt over to Rachel. "I'll let you finish now." Chloe said awkwardly and walked away from Rachel.

Rachel watched Chloe leave. Almost disappointed she didn't stay.

After a few moments, Rachel emerged from the dressing screen. This time, wearing a black t-shirt with a girl playing an electric guitar, dark blue ripped jeans and black converse shoes.

"Wow." Chloe said. "What?" Rachel questioned her. Chloe rubbed the back of her neck nervously and said, "You... clean up nice." Rachel smiled at her. "Thanks. You don't look bad yourself." She said. "Come on. Let's get out of here." Rachel said, patting Chloe's shoulder and leaving the room. Chloe followed Rachel out of the drama room and into the halls.

After talking for a few minutes, the final warning bell rang.

"Let's meet at that junkyard after school, 'kay?" Rachel said. "Yeah. Sure thing." Chloe told her. Rachel smiled and softly kissed Chloe's cheek. "For luck getting through the day." Rachel said and turned on her heel and walked toward her class.

Chloe's face was flushed. But she was happy. She walked to her chemistry class to start the day.

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