Chapter 28: Special Guest

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"Have you seen Sera recently?" Chloe questioned as they sat at a red light.

"After that day she came to see me when we were at the lighthouse, we've kept in touch." Rachel said. "Without you, Chloe, none of that would ever happen. You even went back into the mill when Damen Merrick was there, just so you could get me to meet my mom." Rachel said.

"You were in the hospital, Rachel. I was going to do anything for you." Chloe told her.

The light turned green and the cars up ahead started driving. Chloe followed them down the road.

"Rachel, I was so scared when he stabbed you." Chloe said. "Just another thing I can say that I fucked up." She added. "Hey. I told you not to worry about that, okay?" Rachel said. "You saved my life. And because of that, I'm still here. With you." Rachel told Chloe. "What if you weren't? I'd be so lost without you." Chloe said.

"And here we are. Going to my house." Rachel said with a clear smile. Assuring Chloe that everything was alright. "I guess. But I still think about what would happen if I lost you." Chloe said. "Just the thought of..." Chloe stopped herself. Rachel could hear the guilt in Chloe's voice.

"Come on, Chloe." Rachel said and bumped Chloe's shoulder with her fist. "I'm right here." Rachel assured. "And I'm not going anywhere." She said. "Once I'm done at Blackwell, I'm taking you and we're heading to LA." Rachel said. "Right. Once you're done." Chloe muttered.

"Don't beat yourself up about it, Chloe. You still mean a lot to me. That will never change." Rachel said. Chloe, still keeping her gaze on the road, nodded. "Okay." Chloe said.

Rachel's house was in the distance. The familiar large house of the Amber's. Which Chloe was used to as she and Rachel spent every day together. Either hanging out at her place or Rachel's dorm and the odd times at her house when Rachel went to visit Rose.

Once parked near the house, they stepped out of the truck and approached the house. Rachel gripped the handle and opened the door. They entered the house and closed the door behind them.

"Hello, Rachel." Mrs. Amber said and wrapped her daughter into a welcoming hug. "Hi, mom." Rachel greeted. Rose looked at Chloe she smiled warmly. "Hello, Chloe. Nice to see you again." She said, politely locking her hands together. "Hi Rose." Chloe said.

"Dinner will be ready in a little bit. And we have another guest coming as well so you two be on your best behavior." Rose said with a soft look in her eyes. "Got it. Come on, Chloe." Rachel said and took Chloe's hand and led her up the stairs to her room. "We'll just be upstairs..." Rachel said to her mother.

Rose nodded with a gentle smile. "Alright." She said softly.

Rachel and Chloe sat on the bed in silence. Until Rachel spoke.

"You know... when you told me what my dad really did when I was in the hospital, I was so mad at him."

Chloe's lips frowned at the corners. She nodded and looked at Rachel. "I didn't want to tell you, Rach'. I wish I had something good to tell you but that's what Sera told me." Chloe said. "I... I couldn't hide that from you." She added. "Even though she wanted me to."

Rachel nodded. "It's weird. In a way... I miss him." Rachel said. "Do you know if he's still up in New York?" Chloe questioned. Rachel nodded. "Been there ever since." Rachel told her. "He said he can't even look at us." Rachel said.

"Like it's your fault? That's hella bullshit." Chloe said.

"No. Like he hurt us. Hurt me. So bad. He blames himself and he wants to stay as far away as possible. Just to keep us from anymore harm." Rachel said. Her voice getting lower and lower.

Chloe studied Rachel. Her long blonde hair flowing down her back. Her beautiful hazel colored eyes. Her perfect face.

Chloe slowly reached for Rachel's cheek. She gently made Rachel look at her. The two stared at each other for a moment. Letting the moment settle in. Chloe slowly leaned in and pressed her lips against Rachel's. Arching her head to kiss her. Rachel laid her hand on Chloe's cheek as they kissed.

Chloe deepened the kiss by bringing Rachel closer. Rachel softly moaned against their kiss. Chloe kissed Rachel's jaw and moved down to her neck.

Chloe took Rachel's arm and pressed a soft kiss to her star tattoo. Chloe kissed Rachel's wrist several times and kissed all the way down her arm. Coming up her neck and back to her lips.

The kiss was soft, but also determined. Chloe was marking Rachel as hers. Rachel softly glided her hand down Chloe's arm. Planting her hand on top of Chloe's on the bed. Chloe parted from Rachel and sent her a devilish smirk and patted her lap.

Rachel grinned and she straddled Chloe's lap and pressed her hands to her shoulders. Pushing her down on the bed. Rachel leaned down on top of Chloe and pressed another passionate kiss to Chloe's lips. Determined to make Chloe feel good.

Rachel forgot all the bad thoughts she had about her father. Chloe made her happy. And right now, she was showing her how much she means to her.

Rachel pinned Chloe's wrists to the bed as they kissed. Not letting them go. A thought came into Rachel's mind. She felt guilty and suddenly pulled away from Chloe.

"Why are you stopping?" Chloe questioned.

Rachel sat up and sighed. "Sorry. Things are still weird right now."

"Come on, Rach'. You gotta tell me what's going on." Chloe said. "It's... it's nothing. Really." Rachel assured. "Well, it's definitely something if its been bothering you for this whole time." Chloe said.

"Chloe, look. I... I..."

"Go on, Rach'."

"Chloe... me... me and Fr-"

"Dinner's ready!" Rose called from down the stairs. "Just a second!" Rachel called back. She looked down at Chloe. "We'll talk later, okay? How about after dinner?" Rachel said.

"I mean... yeah, sure." Chloe said.

"Come on." Rachel said and got off of Chloe and led her to the door. Chloe was a little agitated that Rachel kept putting it off. Whatever was bothering her. Chloe had the anxiety that maybe over time, Rachel stopped wanting to be with her and was about to leave.

But maybe that wasn't the case. Maybe it's just the overwhelming jitters they get when they're around each other. Chloe gets those all the time around Rachel.

Chloe's actually been working on the courage to tell Rachel she loves her. But Chloe's currently waiting for the right moment to tell her. Otherwise, if she just blatantly says it, it's not too meaningful.

"I wonder who this "special guest" is?" Rachel questioned as they left the room. "I guess we're about to find out." Chloe replied.

As Chloe and Rachel made their way down the stairs, they heard the door open and Rose greet someone. Whoever it was, it sounded like they and Rose were good friends.

Once they reached the bottom of the steps, Rachel spotted a very familiar blonde woman standing in the door way.

Sera? She's the special guest?

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