3* Professor Scott

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The afternoon was at the brightest peak and foreboding twilight. Leonor was planning to get back to Hogwarts tonight. She couldn't enjoy the beautiful view across the countryside. She targeted to get the textbooks at Diagon Alley first. Her personal belongings were still packed in the hall of her house from the latest assignment at Gringotts. A few arrangements would be enough to be ready to start at Hogwarts. Pauline, her owl, would deliver a message to her friends telling them she would be back at the preparations for New Year's Eve. She knew what to do next but couldn't sort her emotions.

She was torn between the satisfaction of being accepted to the job and the unmistakable feeling of being cheated too. McGonagall disliked her before Leonor set a foot into Dumbledore's study. Lupin wasn't prepared at all. And Snape wasn't informed either, he just stepped in by coincidence. Dumbledore knew more than he was willing to share. She could hardly suppress her disappointment that none of the superiors considered her clever enough to recognize a werewolf.

Today's most useful man was Snape. He seemed to be well-aware of his subject and could be helpful to her exam preparations. She smiled to herself — it was hard to say what Severus Snape was. He had shown little of himself. There was honesty in his hesitation. Leonor was looking forward to the job, single-minded to take as much advantage of it as possible.


The night was clear and dry for December. Leonor had left the misty weather of London behind again. The second time today she arrived in Hogsmeade silently. This time in front of the Hogwarts gates. She was relieved when the gates could be opened by her with a simple spell. Leonor locked them again after entering and consumed the beauty of the lake, the lawns and the towering castle with the shimmering lights. She had missed it earlier but would find time to explore soon.

She entered the castle and went to the dimly lit passageway searching Filch's office. At the far end were shadows on the wall made by a fire.

"Mr Filch?" asked Leonor watching an old morose looking man reading a newspaper.

Filch and a cat on his lap looked grudgingly at her. Both got up from the chair and the man answered with a creaky voice, "Professor McGonagall told me you insisted on arriving late making me patrol to the seventh floor again. I'd rather have relaxed. I wiped the smudgy floor all day for the ungrateful mob of students!"

"I'm sorry," Leonor hardly suppressed a smile.

Filch passed her leading the way up the stairs and corridors. He was followed by the cat and murmured to himself while Leonor tried to remember the way to her quarters. Filch handed her an ancient key and left still grieving and muttering under his breath. She didn't hold Filch back and turned the key around in the keyhole. The open door revealed a fair room with a separate bedroom. The best was the fascinating sight; clear moonlight illuminated the dark surroundings and gave a silvery shade to the lake. It was beautiful.


Leonor woke deliberately early the next morning. She wanted to prepare and explore as much as possible before sitting in the lessons. The witch followed some students down to the Great Hall. The staff table was deserted. Leonor recognized the different house decorations and noticed the suspicious glances of the few students having breakfast this early. She sat down alone still soaking up the impressive enchanted ceiling and getting lost in her own thoughts.

"Lupin makes you work early then." The quiet statement brought Leonor back to the more present matters of the morning.

"Professor Snape—," Leonor smiled covering her helplessness behind some small talk.

"No, he doesn't. I wanted to leaf through the textbooks and await the owl with the missing copies."

Snape sat next to her when an eagle owl with a package soared into the hall dropping the books into Leonor's lap.

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