30* Francesco's Wish

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The dimmed lights illuminated the dining room enough to have a decent meal. The interior created a familiar, almost romantic, atmosphere. A strange feeling of stepping into the unknown stretched through Severus body. He glanced round the guests, holding the wand tight under the cloaks, concentrating on magical activity. The stick of ebony wood rippled slightly, pointing into the direction of the service hatch with delicious smelling dinner plates. The usage of the protective unspoken magic after so long time worked, still new, but not forgotten and reliable detecting a threat. Severus studied a while to separate Leonor's magic from others. Now he could control it. He got the hang of it during observing Leonor's lessons. Furthermore, the work with the spare magic wand from the bedroom improved. The wand located Leonor when Severus apparated from the shack exactly and now she was kind of 'unrecognisable'. They were the only witch and wizard, except the lady cook hitting energetically on a bell. The bar keeper looked up, glanced over to the kitchen and noticed the new arrivals. He beamed without a moment hesitation. Francesco set the poured soft drinks to an already full tray and pelted towards them.

"Mamma Mia! Here you are! I serve those meals quickly and then I'm right with you." Francesco embraced Leonor and Severus as if they were just one large person. Severus felt how the woman's soft body moved closer and her arms firmer around his waist avoiding toppling over by the forceful welcoming. His heartbeat increased, and the flowery scent of silky dark hair flowed into his nose.

"Let's sit at the bar for a moment," said Severus as if it could calm the excitement. He watched his date privately while Leonor climbed the bar stool and obviously greeted some acquaintances from the distance with a small wave. Severus grudgingly sympathized with the boys preferring more and more muggle clothes touchable skin, visible curves. Francesco returned and shook Severus hands as if he would like to rip them off. The heartiness of the literally stranger was touching and made Severus unable to produce a scowl or sneer in response. He couldn't recall when he had been warmly welcomed, never maybe. Severus collected reasons to disdain himself useless in shallow party talk, feared for his biting tongue and sharp mind, despised for past and present by his peers. Apparently, none of it mattered to the muggle.

"Follow me! I reserved the best table near the fireplace." Francesco led them through the restaurant to a table for two, set with a white tablecloth and shining crystal glasses. "I'll bring the menus right away," said Francesco, pressed the wine list into Severus' hands to hurry away again.

Severus felt awkward. He'd never eaten in a muggle restaurant nor had an idea of choosing a wine without making himself a fool. He once saved money to invite Lily, but never could ask her out. Potter saw to that after their O.W.L.'s. Now, old and new banknotes lay carefully folded in a purse, and he was dressed like a muggle and needed to behave like one. Severus exhaled strained, still staring at the Italian wines. The writing became indistinct and long-buried memories flashed fast into sight the bakery selling to Spinner's End reluctantly and turning each penny twice, the corner shop accusing the stringy dark-haired boy of theft, the restaurant at Lily's place serving only the middle-class families with the polished appearances. His family had not been welcomed in the muggle world, a heritage of his father's behaviour and his mother's weakness. Distant voices echoed into Severus' ears, and he fought fervently to force the childhood back into the depth of his brain. It didn't work. It never worked well if he was together with Leonor. He barely listened to Francesco's recommendations and nodded absentmindedly when Leonor agreed to it. Severus fumed inwardly about all the lost chances. His life followed a constant path of being at the wrong time in the wrong place. Unwelcome by his father, a burden to his mother, trapped in the Dark Lord's ranks by his knowledge and the stupid adolescent wish to belong somewhere. And now? He created hope of friendship and love in the only person trusting and smiling at him. He risked her misfortune with his own foolish behaviour to belong to that woman in one or another way. His happiness created only pain.

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