19* Dragons and Venom

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The dull and cold November day embraced the importance of the Tournament without any attention. It did not diminish the cheering of the crowd awaiting the fight in great anticipation. Madam Pomfrey fussed in the first-aid tent, frantic about the idea of the ministry to use dragons. Leonor grinned; all preparations were perfect like in a hospital. Ointments for scratches, burns and other possible injuries stood in a cupboard. The younger witch brought also some other than the regular medication as well as a large package of magical plants for potions. Poppy was satisfied; the two healers shared the common sense to better be prepared for the worst case. Professor McGonagall visited them after escorting Potter from the school. Her eyes shimmered in an unusual, wet glance and Leonor transfigured a handkerchief from a piece of paper to show her sympathy. Leonor wanted to distract them a bit and started to talk about the travelling through Europe. She explained to have met Madam Maxime. McGonagall and Pomfrey quieted after learning that Leonor worked with dragons before. Leonor kept the issue with the Horntail's tail still secret whilst being happy to improve the relationship to the two women a bit. It would only be frightening, and nothing changed the task. She should have published the information, but for fear of being discovered, she refused to do it. Peter would publish once somebody continued the research, but due to a lack of dragon-keepers with medical interest, it had not happened yet. Leonor hoped nothing required the knowledge today.

Leonor watched the fight from the first-aid tent until Fleur and Victor came to their official check-up and the healing of some minor injuries. She missed Harry's fight, but the cheers of the crowd and the applause spoke volumes. He had done very well. Leonor exited the tent after the battle quickly sending the two foreign champions to rest. She rushed after the Hungarian Horntail to help the dragon-keepers trapping the beast in the cage. They had already managed a good piece of the way. The lads outwitted the dragon with the nest; the female walked behind the eggs like a goat chasing a carrot. Leonor was breathless running through the forest before drawing level. She slowed down to walk with the lads behind. They sent spells to the dragon's tail from time to time keeping up the speed. Everything was good, and the Horntail set a foot into the cage examining the eggs with an almost gentle look. Leonor changed position to help with chaining the dragon when a reckless stunner hit the back of the beast. The dragon clubbed its tail unexpectedly while turning and changing the radius. Everybody ducked and tried to run, but Leonor was at the wrong side and right in the circle of the blows. The sharp spikes slashed through Leonor's robes. The tail grazed her waist only. She pressed a hand on the slit, but the fabric started to soak up the gushing blood. Peter opened his eyes wide shouting swear words to the young man.

Leonor swayed slightly before sitting on the forest floor, shocked by realizing the happenings. The bleeding diminished soon, and Leonor released the compression of the gash.

"Let it be, Peter. It cannot be changed," Leonor tried to calm herself.

"You know what it means, don't you?" Peter shouted at her.

"I do. Safe the beast. I'll go back to the school. I've prepared some stuff, and I was relieved seeing Potter return without needing it." She managed a sad smile.

"I'll come with you. You need help," said Peter, his voice angry and concerned at once. The young bloke squinted regretfully into Leonor's direction.

"No, you are required here. The dragon must be caged. I'll find somebody to help. There is some time left to act, right?"

"Are you sure?" asked Peter subdued. He knew the suggestion was the only thing to do without risking more injuries.

"Yes," confirmed Leonor and walked swiftly back to the edge of the forest. Her mind was racing about the best way to explain the incident to Madam Pomfrey. She needed to convince the matron fast or there would be no time left for explaining the essentials. Leonor wouldn't be able to finish the antidote herself. She couldn't hope for the additional emotional support in the hospital wing, but the dark green liquid would save her life. A depressed feeling clenched Leonor's chest. She recently evaded the threat of the emphatic curse but would soon face a similar mental pain and severe dreams.

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