18* The Triwizard Tournament

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Two cauldrons simmered over a low flame on the workbench. Leonor stirred absentmindedly. The leaves of the bushes fell sedately to the ground, the colours bright and yellow. Leonor waited for Bagman and Dumbledore and dwelt in some thoughts. She recovered from the pressure of the summer. The bruises healed faster now. It made everything easier. A smile curled her lips thinking of a large Siberian eagle owl arriving in the morning after Severus' visit. The day was already at its peak. Leonor had overslept. The owl mimicked her and woke with a start when Leonor opened the window pain. Likely the bird waited since dawn and zoomed jumpily through the room to drop a heavy book into Leonor's lap. She anticipated the sender by examining the title on the leathery old binding and opened the letter expectantly.

"Hope you had a good night. Get well soon!"

Leonor stretched enjoying the autumn sun. Yes, she had a good night. She blushed remembering the dream; the feelings were new and unfamiliar. She felt still embarrassed. It was her wish to meet Severus again. Nevertheless, they had not met since the opening. Leonor subdued the sparkling tingles in her stomach, she needed to sort out her own business first. The described incantations eased the pain caused by the emphatic curse. Severus had a point in finding the correct counter spell. The book was back at its rightful owner in the meantime. It was the first task given to the new eagle owl. Pauline and Hugo were a pair now. The bird trainer wrote about 'love at first sight' and praised Pauline to have 'chosen the best trained bird'. A second order was open for two years now; it added a drop of sadness and Leonor sighed; she had to be patient even though it was important especially with a war ahead.

The bell at the front door rang, and cheerful noises announced the awaited guests. Bagman and Dumbledore shook Leonor's hand kindly; both dressed in eye-catching colourful robes that made Leonor smile. She gestured the men to the small sitting area in the sales room. Flames crackled in the fireplace.

"Would you like something to drink?" offered Leonor. Dumbledore refused with a twinkle in his eyes. Bagman accepted a Butterbeer longingly. Leonor sat grinning with a mug of tea to listen to the reason of the visit.

"Yeah—," said Bagman gulping down the beer, "—you surely heard of the event to take place at Hogwarts this year?"

"I did. It was in the Daily Prophet, wasn't it?"

"There is a little challenge—," Bagman continued nervously with a side glance at Dumbledore who started to explain playing with his fingertips and glancing over his half-moon spectacles.

"The book of rules requires the support of the participating schools in their native languages to ensure health and well-being of the foreign students. Professor Karkaroff and Madam Maxime insist on a French and Bulgarian speaking healer and interpreter. Bartemius Crouch was supposed to take the role in supporting Madam Pomfrey, but the workload at the ministry doesn't allow him to be more frequently than necessary at the school."

Bagman nodded pompously before Dumbledore continued with an intensive look across the small coffee table. "The ministry likes to employ you to support the interests of Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. If I'm not mistaken your language skills are sufficient to meet the wishes of the foreign headmasters and you know the school and staff as well."

Leonor held Dumbledore's gaze strictly suppressing the surprise and delight with occluding magic before answering in a business-like tone, "It's a generous offer, thank you."

"Indeed!" cheered Bagman and beat himself at his legs.

"But I must disappoint you, I've already running assignments and have to do my duties here as well," Leonor answered with a cool look from Dumbledore to Bagman.

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