7* The Potion Master's Study

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The morning sun dipped the Great Hall into a golden glance. Dust danced like invisible powder in the light. It was still early and quiet. The tables almost completely empty. Dumbledore and Severus talked quietly. Leonor felt uneasy as if an unknown might obliged her to take sides. Dumbledore seemed almost finished with breakfast. Leonor took it as excuse to sit next to Severus.

"Good morning! Have you both had a good night?" Leonor started conversationally.

"Very relaxing indeed," said Dumbledore. "Have you settled down well?" His eyes blinked towards Leonor.

"Yes, very well. Scottish air prevents sleeplessness better than any sleeping draught. I'm looking forward to the spring to take a walk around the lake."

"A wise decision, you'll not be disappointed," Dumbledore answered.

"Severus, have you been working with the theory of Nettesheimer?" continued Leonor still talkative but determinedly changing the subject to potions.

Snape considered her a moment as if he had to find the reason for the change of subject before answering. Leonor held his gaze and smiled discerning some pleasure in his expression.

"There have been many improvements to Nettesheimer's work. So why do you want to know about him?"

"I mean the latest theory of Heintz Nettesheimer, a younger descendant of Heinrich. There was an article in a periodical about two years ago, not of much importance, but likely a theory to use if the identification of potion's components by Scarpin's Revelaspell doesn't work entirely."

Snape smirked, but couldn't answer anymore. A commotion had started outside and Professor McGonagall entered with two students, both Slytherin. Snape got to his feet and walked down the aisle his cloak billowing behind him. Leonor watched the conversation but couldn't figure the reason for the turmoil. McGonagall appeared thin-lipped and Snape furious. Leonor would check the hour glasses in the entrance hall later.

Dumbledore padded Leonor on the shoulder and chuckled, "Please excuse me. I cannot contribute to Revelaspell or what was the other name? I hope Severus doesn't disappoint you!"

Leonor blushed and felt sweaty. The connection with Severus didn't go unnoticed. She tried to convince herself of simple collegiality and nothing more. At least some other professors had been talking to her in the past days and expressed delight in her close coexistence to muggles for many years.


Leonor finished the day satisfied. The work with the students improved, and they had been released to the weekend. Leonor used precautional silencing charms for practical work now. After lessons, she sat in the staff room writing the report to Lupin. She liked to discuss a couple of things with him, but clearly, it had to wait until next month. Leonor put her thoughts and observations into writing and sealed them walking sluggishly up to the owlery.

Nettesheimer and Revelaspell came back to her mind when entering her quarters recognizing the vial with the unidentified poison. Leonor looked at herself in the mirror. She released her hair from the tight bun and combed it through. A silver hair slide fixed it across her shoulder. She exchanged the long gown with the muggle clothes of the day before. She felt more youthful now. It was warm enough for the walk to Hogsmeade and it wouldn't draw any suspicions at the arrival in London. Leonor seized the overnight bag. She gave the room a last careful look and conjured a thank-you-card to the coffee table for Hattie. The usage of the official way to the ground floor added some time to a final decision. McGonagall closed the doors of the Great Hall with a stern look when Leonor passed. Leonor informed her briefly of the departure tonight and was glad when the headmistress climbed up the marble staircases into another corridor.

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