11* Hidden Places

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A reliable method of solace was work and isolation. Occlumency helped to restore all control, locking the hurtful feelings deep inside. A visit to Francesco's had been cancelled; Maria's proximity and questioning look too difficult to answer without lying. Instead, Leonor worked frantically finishing the thesis. It was completed thirty minutes before the Quidditch Final; neatly stapled on the desk. Leonor stepped tense into the backyard leaving London. She scowled at the stadium searching the way in. The stands behind one goal post were decorated in silver and green. A stray dog followed Leonor to the stadium. He escaped from the trees of the nearby forest and run playfully along the path. The dog looked like searching for company and it seemed he silently suggested every now and then an entrance. But Leonor headed further taking the first narrow stair to the Slytherin stands. The big black dog barked and growled. Leonor couldn't believe it, as if even animals despised her decision. Leonor followed a narrow staircase upwards, determined to never support any Hogwarts House again. The stands were crowded to the brim. Every living soul of Hogwarts found the way down. Madam Hooch talked to the players on the pitch, the game ready to kick off. The weather summoned its best of April, sunshine and a mild breezy wind below a blue sky; it honoured the importance of the day.

It was a sea of noise, an ocean of green and silver, flags and banners danced cheerily in the wind. Leonor stood on the top row of seats, but the voices of the Slytherins hardly drowned much of the Gryffindor supporters. The presence of the snake was nothing compared to the red and gold lions dominating the circle. Leonor's carefully maintained composure crumbled into support for the Slytherins; a person more dressed in green velvet wouldn't make a difference to the crimson robes and rosettes. Before ending the thought, Leonor had been taken into a seat, warmly welcomed and excitedly introduced to the recent winning history. The kids absorbed the match proudly. Leonor found it difficult following the fast moves, the commentator and observing the general mood in the stands at once. With Gryffindor leading the score, tension and nerves grew and suddenly it was over. Potter caught the snitch catapulting the lions to victory. Reality settled quickly. The sudden silence on the silvery-green mass oppressive against the jubilation of the winners. The stand emptied noiselessly; nothing eased the pain of the defeated. Leonor marked her respect silently. The players exited the changing room when Leonor was about to walk to the gates and escape Hogwarts. She embraced Draco first. He was still sweaty in the Quidditch robes, pale with an unmistakable wet glance in his eyes. He didn't let go as if Leonor could take the weight of losing against Potter from his shoulders. Leonor hugged the other boys too until they started skulking back to the castle. Leonor was grateful the winners celebrated inside; giving the hurt egos time to process the defeat.

Moving back to the path Leonor saw Severus standing in the shadows of the wooden framework below the stands; dark, tall and imposing. She swallowed the thrill of the unexpected, recognizing some concern in the unfathomable expression. The dark eyes pleaded almost for approval to speak. Leonor said nothing. She didn't know what to say, just waited to regain self-control.

"Can we talk?" he said quietly.

"Do you like to be comforted as well?" Leonor snapped. It was all that was left of her resistance.

"No," Severus answered nonchalantly.

"You avoid me. You understand that?" This wasn't about Quidditch. The fear to experience another disaster balanced out the wish to talk to Severus. Daniel made her move to New York, settle into a new office, and integrate with other colleagues. Disgrace at Hogwarts meant leaving England. Leonor protected her vulnerable self carefully.

Severus retreated from the dark taking Leonor's arm unceremoniously. He dragged Leonor towards the edge of the forest and later swiftly along the lawn, to the lake, glancing backwards occasionally. The pebbles crunched below Severus' steps; his cloak billowed in the breeze. Leonor followed still, a little breathless and nervous. The little waves smacked evenly to the shore. The sunlight dipped the lake into dazzling white and silver. It was quiet and peaceful. He stopped at the water behind an embankment shielding them from view.

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