13* The Black Lake

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Leonor woke by a message for an early visit in the headmaster's study. Dumbledore apologized for the early call but explained Flitwick's concern as unnecessary. All students would enjoy the beautiful summer instead and the defence classes were cancelled. The worries about Lupin had been explained by an 'unexpected event' leading to the painful transformation into a werewolf last night. Lupin would recover over the weekend.

Leonor did not mind. She preferred some days off before the exam period at St. Mungo's to finish the Gringotts assignment. Dumbledore engaged her in various questions about her internships in France and Romania, an interest he had never shown in the past months. Leonor left his office with a peculiar feeling and stopped at a window in the seventh floor. The lake stretched like a mirror between the Scottish mountains. The light so bright dipping the bluish grey into various reflections of the sun. Owls circled the sky before heading in different directions delivering the news to families and friends.

"The letters of the parents will arrive soon. The headmaster will need to find a new teacher for the next year," said a drawling voice behind Leonor.

"Good morning. Have the news already spread?"

Severus grinned smugly, and Leonor couldn't hide a small grin as well.

"I leave soon," whispered Leonor. She considered the tired man's eyes, deep tunnels, unfathomable as always. It didn't unnerve her anymore, and she suddenly knew all that mattered was there; deep inside and would swim to the surface if it was necessary. Leonor liked teaching the children. The job at Hogwarts had been pleasant, the contacts interesting and promising, but it had been Severus to make a difference coming out of the shallow small talks. Their acquaintance retreated from publicity into a more profound relationship. Severus would solve the issue with the treasure chest. There was no doubt, she trusted in him. In a loss of words, she walked to her private room; busying herself to keep the focus. The ancient rusty key from Filch lay on the table. Leonor attached an already prepared note to it and hexed it to Filch's dungeon with a lazy wave.

"He still hands out keys?" Severus filled the door frame glancing into the room.

"Yes, he gave me a key, but I assume most teachers prefer their own protective enchantments in a house full of sorcerers, so do I."

Leonor placed a disillusionment charm over her bag and vanished it as well.

"Will you find the invisible suitcase, or do you need some help?"

"Yeah, it took me a while to send it precisely to the drawer in the bedroom. I used to trip over it in the hall, but I improved," responded Leonor with a half-grin. "The muggles notice flying objects very suspiciously and neighbours are often very observant meddling with the business of others."

"Will you have breakfast?"

"No. I've said all my goodbyes yesterday and don't want to repeat myself."

"Would you join me for a morning walk?" said Severus in a low voice. Leonor focused her favourite professor swiftly. His gaze wandered from curious observation of the room to the floor. It had been Leonor's wish to walk around the lake, and she had silently hoped to not walk alone.

"Why not?" answered Leonor reassuringly.

Leonor followed Severus down the moving staircases into the fresh morning. They almost collided with some Gryffindors rounding a corner on the third floor. Severus shot them a contemptuous look. The students looked anxious after the billowing cloaks until the swishing of fabric melted into silence.

Leonor and Severus were alone at the lake. The wind was asleep, and nobody could tell if the Merpeople were awake or not. The branches of the aged trees hung deep over the shoreline, and the water shone in the golden sunlight of the rising day.

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