39* The Beginning

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Severus stared sleepless at the ceiling of his bedroom. He mastered to block Leonor from his thoughts and emotions. He wished it first and failed; he trained and succeeded. The last piece of preparation for Voldemort was completed. The last task of the tournament started soon. He was ready. Thinking the forbidden word gave a strange encouragement, but it wasn't time to say it aloud. Would Voldemort choose to return and kill Potter at once? Thoughts about strategy and tactics crossed his mind but strayed to a pair of dark eyes framed by brown hair. Locking the feelings improved with every new trace of sentiments. The real Severus spoke another goodbye and buried the pain on a graveyard of the worst memories. He forced himself into a restless sleep. The final competition of the tournament brought clarity after a year of wary waiting.


Severus watched the maze concentrated. Now and then he glanced over to the medical tent and his cautious gaze met Leonor's look too often. When they met briefly in the entrance hall the previous day she asked if he got cold feet after the guild's celebration. He brushed her off with a casual sneer while she grinned nervously. She never wanted to beg for a man, but she did. Now she glossed over the details of her weakness and pulled herself together. She had to; there was no other way. Leonor watched Severus distraught. It was even obvious from the distance.

Faint red sparks emitted above the dark green walls. Suddenly there was movement and Hagrid exited the maze from the other side hidden by the medical tent and invisible to the cheering crowd. Leonor gave Severus a severe look before turning hurriedly into the entrance to check what happened. Severus guessed that at least one of the foreign champions needed treatment. The Hogwarts audience didn't notice. Nobody saw the red sparks above the high hedges. All cheered for their own favourite, but Severus had a gut feeling the winner would be a Hogwarts champion. Nobody would know until the game was over.


A piercing pain shot through Severus' forearm. He closed the eyes, counting the seconds. The Dark Lord's summons cut the current concentration and the fragile peace of the past fourteen years into pieces. The call appeared strong and eternal. Severus' hand moved instinctively to the wand. He searched Dumbledore, but the headmaster considered the maze. Severus stood up to find a way through the crowd. Karkaroff moved in the other direction. Their looks met for a split-second and the coward blasted a free passage through the students. The girls and boys fell over confounded like dominoes without knowing the origin. Karkaroff passed the entangled mass of bodies quickly. Severus remained behind; looking at the Hogwarts headmaster who knew nothing of Voldemort's return yet. At least Potter and Digory were still in the maze; Severus wanted them outside the hedges, safely. Neither Hagrid nor McGonagall gave an alarm. Delacour, Krum and the medical staff waited meanwhile outside watching the audience, their expressions stern, but at least everything appeared to be alright.

Karkaroff's mess made it even harder to move forward, but forcing a passage attracted too much attention. The way down the stands took minutes and it felt like years. When Severus set a foot into the half-round arena, the two boys landed hard on the ground. There was something wrong. They arrived from somewhere else not from inside the maze. Cedric was unmoving. Dumbledore stood shocked and tried to separate Harry from Cedric's body. Cedric was dead and Alastor Moody grinned strangely satisfied walking out of the maze and leaning against the enormous green hedge. The cheering crowd stopped abruptly when the terrible news settled; screams pierced air and nerves. Alastor walked the shaken Potter away while Dumbledore tried unsuccessfully to calm the crowd. Minerva and Severus reached the headmaster a moment later after pushing hard against the onlookers. Dumbledore instructed them immediately to follow. They were stopped by questions and panic. It needed all strength and a little magic to get on. Still, it lasted long until the trio rushed uphill towards the castle.

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