17* Cathy's Story

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Leonor blocked the fireplace for the Floo Network and locked the front door before going back to the upper floor. Severus leaned still against the low window ledge toying with a little box.

"For you!" he said getting up. The dark grey eyes flashed peevishly.

"You've heard Matteo?" said Leonor calmly.

"I didn't eavesdrop; it was impossible to block out the barking."

Severus was hurt. Surprisingly the indifferent and self-confident outward demeanour suffered by the insult. Matteo had crossed the lines.

"And? You are still here, they are gone," answered Leonor matter-of-factly. Severus seemed to grow an inch and cleared his throat, thrusting the card box into Leonor's hands.

"Congratulation! Hattie sends her regards too."

Leonor opened the bow of the gift ribbon carefully. A small smile curled her lips opening the box.

"Thank you. It's a Swiss Army Knife," she said happily. Severus nodded, and a mischievous grin appeared on his face.

"It's better than that. It will slice and unlock almost everything. The blade and bottle opener will change colours in case the food is poisoned. It will only work for you."

With the words, he took Leonor's hand and adjusted the knife in her palm. He circled his wand and spoke an incantation. Fine lines created a gleaming reticule until knife and hand were covered for a short moment in a white light. Leonor looked at Severus in awe listening to the velvety sound of the incantation. His face was stern and concentrated. His hand cupped her fingers warmly.

"Did you do an unbreakable vow?"

"A kind of it. It's the incantation that comes with the knife. It only shows the special magic for the owner. You should always take it with you. There are a lot of weird people that might be calling healers, and they'll target your wand first. What's with your right arm?"

Severus changed the subject deliberately. It was dark outside in the meantime. His ocean grey eyes looked demanding; the concentration was replaced by the usual scowl.

"I'll tell you. But let's sit downstairs. The complete right side is sore. It was already difficult to manage all day. The painkiller wears off."

The door to the cleaned sales room stood ajar. A curtain to the surgery was open and the mess in the middle room was gone, only several boxes stood in the edge.

"What's this room going to be?"

"It will be the lab, the potions' arena!" Leonor grinned. "The boxes will all go into a high shelf in the edge and the kitchen will be upstairs. I hope to complete also the upper floor soon to move out of London. It's not planned to work as an apothecary all day, maybe I only open for walk-in customers on Saturdays. I hope to do more like a healer and sell ready-made potions; it's better to work on appointment or by mail delivery than standing all day behind the counter."

"What do you do with the house in London?"

Leonor shrugged. "Sell it, if I can, but the muggle agency says it would be better for rent. The house is too small in a quite expensive neighbourhood to get a reasonable price. I cannot say why, but I do not want to sell it if there's another way. It's a half-hour walk to St. Mungo's, it's close to every muggle transportation, Regent's Park is near and a nice place to relax and to find some magical plants—"

While talking, Leonor checked the fridge and took some ciabatta, prosciutto, cheese, butter, olives and a red wine. They sat in silence and started to eat. Leonor's tenseness shrivelled. Severus seemed more relaxed too and Leonor wasn't afraid anymore to tell the story, it was better to talk it through.

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