23* The Yule Ball

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Hogsmeade bristled with illuminated decoration. The snow flurries of thepast days dipped the streets and roofs into a shining white glamour and mutedthe steps peacefully. The middle of the week was clear and dry. Leonor steppedinto the clothes shop and wiped the snow from her boots. She waited on thedoormat, doubting if she'd made the right decision to buy something new on theoccasion. The shop assistants helped several customers to select sweaters,gloves and other little accessories. Most of the things were packaged intoboxes and wrapped with gift paper. The shop was full of winter clothes and last-minutepresents. Leonor wandered between the displays to a hallstand with gowns. Shehoped to find something special, but likely it was too late. Leonor sighedinwardly and almost convinced to wear the same dress as for the graduation dinnerat the ministry.

"Ms Scott, I've been waiting for you since you moved to Hogsmeade! I'm so sorry to keep you waiting today."

Leonor startled; it was the same young shop assistant from a year ago. The round-faced friendly witch beamed into her direction. "How can I help you? I assume it shouldn't be a scarf this year?"

"I look for an evening gown," answered Leonor and felt the heat in her cheeks.

"I see, you are invited to the ball. The ball at Hogwarts?" said the shop assistant excitedly and continued without waiting for an answer. "Many girls bought their robes here, already weeks ago. We are almost sold out."

Leonor noticed the scolding undertone but followed her through a door into a large changing room with many open wardrobes full of white wedding gowns and pastel shaded dinner dresses. The young witch spun around with her arms wide to present the total remaining stocks.

"Are there no other colours?" said Leonor a little miffed. She had no clue what to choose. The bell-shaped skirts, the rather revealing necklines, and the puffy sleeves looked good with the bridesmaids and schoolgirls. The shop assistant left the changing room grumpy to come back little later with a stern looking witch. The two women bore an uncanny resemblance, like mother and daughter. The older witch looked Leonor up and down, not unfriendly, but scrutinizing.

"Ashley, get the past seasons collections. The school ball is not a wedding," the older witch waited for her daughter to exit the room and smiled suddenly.

"It's hard to compete with the young girls once you cross the thirties, but we find something for you. How would you look like, elegant, modest, respectable —sexy?" The motherly witch grinned knowingly.

Leonor was lost for words by thinking of Severus and what he would like. She had little issues with age but was unaccustomed to such an invitation. It felt so exciting as if it could change everything of the dreary love life and still it could mean nothing. She almost messed up the potion in one of the lessons while daydreaming and now she blushed vigorously. It was enough of an answer for the experienced owner of the shop.

"I'm Alma. I run this shop already a while. My daughter doesn't get wedding gowns out of her mind since she will marry in spring. You are not the first coming on the last minute. You must be one of the youngest staff members at Hogwarts?" jabbered Alma conversationally.

"Yes, likely," answered Leonor while observing mother and daughter to search through a large pile of dresses. They picked a few and levitated them with their wands. Leonor started to try on the black gowns first and then some others. The old witch only shook her head in disapproval before grubbing two more dresses.

"It will be one of those," she said omnisciently.

Leonor was already tired of dressing and undressing. One of the new dresses shimmered in dark red velvet. The shade of red changed dependent on the light. The round low neck and the long sleeves looked elegant and modest; the colour radiated a passionate energy. There was no expensive decoration, a simple straight cut. Leonor liked it.

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