26* New Year

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The lake froze more and more every day. Leonor couldn't decide if she liked it better in summer or with the untouched white coat. The change of seasons made the view certainly more attractive. She sat on a stump of a tree at the shore, the nudging waves banished under the ice. Pauline and Hugo sat motionless above in the branches of a large copper beech. They had their heads hidden in the speckled feathers and enjoyed the silence with a nap. Leonor yawned, the pressure of the last weeks lifted slowly.

It was much too early to visit Rosmerta. Leonor met the headmasters, Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey in the staff room. The other staff members left to have a short vacation, visiting family and friends. She hoped to see Severus, but his study was closed and the usual dim orange glow in the crack under the door was missing. Leonor killed the time with lingering over memories.

She reviewed the past year, staring into the direction of the hidden cove with the single birch tree. A small smile curled her lips. The first day at Hogwarts felt like years ago. So much had happened in the past twelve months. She graduated as a healer and soon after escaped barely a serious threat with the Gringotts assignment. The oppressive dream of a dark couple in a cottage woke her still occasionally; she still sensed danger even though the sandy surroundings with the barren grass looked rather pleasant and peaceful. She had been poisoned and rescued gloriously. She bought the apothecary. The house in London was leased out to a young couple of muggle students. Her business run well, Hogwarts needed her again, the guild trusted with some secret and even St. Mungo's engaged her frequently. There was nothing to complain about that, it just made her life stable. The working situation developed much better than expected.

Richard and Brian asked on every possible occasion if Leonor would like to join the South America research sometime in the new year. Brian needed a potions expert. The idea of returning to Argentina for a visit tempted; searching a trace of her grandmother's house was still on Leonor's work list. Unfortunately, Juan still lived his criminal life. The old contact at MACUSA wrote the regular seasonal greeting and hinted that there were tracks of him down to Colombia. Leonor withheld any answer to St. Mungo's. There would likely be enough applicants in case the fears of a darker future became public. Leonor sketched circles in the snow. She sensed the life in England was close to home now; no reason to risk travelling to Brazil.

The row about Severus at the opening party strained the relationship to the Romano's. Maria and Matteo spoke overenthusiastic about the muggle girlfriend from the neighbourhood to eliminate the awkward silence. The girl would celebrate tonight at the restaurant together with the whole family. Maria eyed Leonor's shiny diamond several times but said nothing. Hogwarts was not mentioned once. Leonor took soon a place behind the bar to uncork the wine for the celebration with Severus' knife. Francesco watched the smooth rotations of the wizard's gadget before asking Leonor curiously about the 'development' with the dark-haired wizard. It was good to speak about it. Leonor confided in him about the dance and that they would meet later in the tavern. She beamed, and Francesco patted her fatherly. He would be happy if Leonor found a partner. However, his attempts to convince her of a 'temporary' resentment in the women's friendship were feeble. Leonor appreciated the small comfort, but the uncordial mood of Maria had something final. Francesco escorted Leonor into the backyard and the conversation made her feel uneasy recapping the exact words.

"Leonor, do you think it will be fine if Matteo marries a normal person, a muggle as you call it?" Francesco hesitated and fidgeted with the tealights on the tables.

"You're married to a witch and it works well," answered Leonor hesitatingly.

"Maria doesn't work in the magic world; it is easy for us. She never wanted anything different from using cooking and cleaning spells. But Matteo and his duty at the hospital — he'll never be able to invite friends or to share his success. Isn't it difficult to wander in between the worlds?"

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