21* Advent Dinner

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Leonor exited the green flames shaking the ash from t-shirt andsweatpants. The fire was well-nursed and the chamber on the seventh floor almostoverheated. Hattie must have been here only minutes before. A tray with healthyfood waited and Leonor stole some grapes from the platter. She poured herself alarge glass of pumpkin juice and snorted angrily about forgetting her wand atSnape's study. They both needed time to process the far too private situation. Shereally liked to explain what she couldn't tell two days before, but Severus' maskappeared impenetrable as so often. Leonor decided to sleep at the school fortonight. She felt relieved. All the clothes were back on its hangers and Leonorselected comfortable ones before taking a shower. The warm water made her evenmore hungry. She dressed quickly to snuggle into bed with the dinner tray ather lap. After a while, a knock at the door pulled her out of tasty bread withloads of butter and cheese. Leonor balanced the tray to the coffee table andbelieved to see Severus returning her wand. Her anger vanished with the idea.

"Hi—," she called vividly opening the door, "—what a pleasure." Leonor managed to smile despite the unexpected guests. She laughed about her own stupidity. Snape would likely make her beg for the hawthorn wand the other day. She retreated into the room to let the women pass. Leonor still grinned and Charity spoke first, evidently happy about finding Leonor in such a good mood.

"We hope it's not a bad time to visit?" Charity took a nicely wrapped box from Pomona and trusted it into Leonor's hands. "The candy is delicious, you'll like it."

"Thank you, please sit down. Have some fruits. I hope you don't mind if I finish dinner?"

"Not at all, you look rosy, I mean you eat with an appetite," said Pomona astonished.

Leonor just wanted to answer, but Poppy cut in shaking her head.

"You see, I said he would forget something. She's hungry as a horse. We should have come earlier, but Dumbledore insisted on letting Snape finish it. How are you my dear?" added Madam Pomfrey soothingly. McGonagall did not speak but overlooked the scene like a narrow-eyed hawk.

"I'm good," answered Leonor. "No worries, I wasn't able to eat anyway."

"Do you need anything, some strengthening solutions?" asked Minerva.

"No, not at all. I'll sleep soon, and the last bit of tiredness will be gone by tomorrow."

Charity continued poking around. "Why did you ask Snape and not Poppy? You know, he is— a bit difficult and left you with the elf all day."

"Charity, the antidote is complex. He's a Potions Master, the best of the current generation if I trust the opinion of the guild. I slept it off. I'm fine. There was not much to do except waiting. The elf was bored and fell asleep too." Leonor couldn't explain more, nor did she want to offend Madam Pomfrey. She hoped to have convinced them all that Severus did all right.

"You hear it. It is as it is!" stated Minerva matter-of-factly. Leonor only shrugged.

"Is there anything with the foreign students, any incidents or illness?" asked Leonor quietly. Madam Pomfrey only shook her head and helped herself with something to eat concentrating nervously on her hands. Leonor finished dinner and wondered about the delegation of teachers.

"Did Severus tell you that I'm well again?"

"He told the headmaster in the Great Hall. Albus likes to speak to you anyway. Visit him tomorrow morning," said Minerva with a miffed side glance at Poppy. "I suggest we let Leonor rest now." She raised as if it was urgent to exit the room.

"You don't need to leave. Would you like a glass of wine?" added Leonor conversationally.

Charity and Pomona answered like in a choir, "It would be nice, a girl's night, if it's not too much for you?"

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