14* St. Mungo's Hospital

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It was dark outside. The bedroom room window revealed a small band of light in the distance. Leonor's eyes were still closed. She nestled in the pillow avoiding the thought of getting up soon. Her duty started at dawn. It was the last day at St. Mungo's and the past four weeks had been everything to Leonor. It was an extremely challenging time. Leonor rolled over to the side to swing her legs out of the bed slowly. Pauline was still hunting; she had not seen the owl for days. Even if Leonor slept at home, it was too late, and Pauline left already into the nightly adventures. In the morning, Leonor put some biscuits into the cage and returned to St. Mungo's. Leonor felt like sleeping through a full day; a night with more than six hours of closed eyes would already be an improvement.

Leonor dressed while brewing a strong coffee. She left the terrace house through the front door with a hot double-wall cup. The walks from and to the hospital provided Leonor with some fresh air and time to recapitulate the events of the day. The Magical Medical Committee had organized a job rotation, but not between different medical wards. It was a rotation between different patients and treatments. Some days Leonor and the other examinees felt like on a round trip between transfiguration and charm accidents, poisoned and bitten patients and infections of all various kinds. They gave their suggestions for treatment and headed to the next patient waiting for a diagnosis. The last week was much better, still busy and challenging, but at least everybody breathed again by the assignment to a special ward. Jakub, the Pole, worked in the reception and emergency area. The increasing number of East European guests visiting the Quidditch World Cup made his native language very welcome. Brian, the 'advisory' healer, worked in the ward of infectious diseases. Despite his arrogant manner, he was well-adept in curing them. Leonor was assigned to the ward for Spell Damage to look after two cursed muggles and some long-term inmates. Lucy and Alexander Connor had been found unconscious by a ministry official near their home recently. The Auror department suspected the Crutiatus Curse, but without a clue of the origin. Initially, every try of waking them made them scream in agony. Lucy and Alexander had no perception of their surroundings anymore. They slept restlessly and constantly whining in the meantime, an unsatisfying improvement. Leonor frowned. Deep lines appeared on her forehead entering the closed ward. It was unlikely for the middle-aged couple to ever return home.

"Good morning, Olivia! How was the night?"

"The usual, Leonor." The healer in charge yawned.

"Fine. I'll make the morning round for the medicine and do the regular checks. Good night, sleep well!" Leonor grinned and took the notebook. Olivia looked pathetic.


Leonor sat smiling on the hospital bed next to Frank and Alice Longbottom. Alice was holding Leonor's hand as if she understood the goodbye. Leonor returned, but not in the daily routine as within the last week. Leonor would miss the friendly pair of Ex-Aurors and hugged Alice when the curtains to the small area opened. A round-faced boy and a formidable witch with an archaic hat entered. Both glanced at Leonor.

"Hello, Neville, nice to see you. Are you Neville's grandmother? Mrs Longbottom, I'm Leonor Scott, currently doing a healer's examination. I met Neville last term at Hogwarts."

Leonor shook their both hands and Alice nudged curiously at the nightgown.

"Neville, you didn't tell to have lessons in healing?"

"No, no!" said Leonor, "I've been teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts, but only once a month. So, nothing special to mention."

Neville blushed while his grandmother was taken aback.

"Professor, thank you," Neville spoke sheepishly.

"Why? I've only given a new potion to your parents; they are very lovely patients." Leonor gave a questioning look to the boy.

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