36* Moody and the Maze

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Leonor and Severus walked quietly down the large marble stairwells. Most figures in the paintings turned their heads and murmured. The last students crossed the school on their way back to the dormitories. The balmy breeze of an early summer evening blew into the ground floor. Severus chewed on what to do next. He would feel better if Leonor slept at Hogwarts; a safe possibility for a few remaining days only.

"Good night! Thanks for helping. It was worth a try—," said Leonor sadly and pocketed her hands into the cloak but failed to sound final.

"You look shaken."

"I'll manage. Hogsmeade is my home now."

"Sure. I can offer a good wine for a change—" Severus tilted his head and moved some dark strands behind the ears. He felt paler than usual considering Leonor's sun-kissed cheeks. Leonor shrugged.

For once, he pushed her to stay; using one of the last possibilities for a private talk. She would not like his friendship once he returned to the Dark Lord's service. Severus glanced around and checked the yard with a brief, but careful look. Everything was empty and quiet. Leonor followed him once more into the depth of the dungeons. Severus shoved her through the narrow passage behind the alcove. He looked forward to a decent fire in his private room and a glass of elfish ice wine.

Leonor spoke nothing, and Severus only gestured her to sit. A small flame cackled soon in the fireplace sending a warm light across the threadbare furniture. Severus liked it that way; simple and manageable sized, like the dormitory he once called home.

"You've got the same view to forest and lake; just a couple of storeys below."

"It's better from the upper floors or from the tower," replied Severus dryly.

"I see, neither decoration nor a view is important to you." Leonor managed a small smile.

Lines appeared between Severus' eyebrows. "I don't trust any painting in this house."

Severus handed a crystal goblet to Leonor but did not dare to sit on the sofa. He took his favourite armchair instead.

"A sparkling wine?" asked Leonor watching the fizzing beads in the elegant cup.

"Icewine. The merchant says it has a crisp taste, refreshing, and light."

"You haven't tried it before?"

"No, have you?"

"I'm not an expert of wizarding wines. Cheers!" Leonor smiled genuinely. "It's good!" she exclaimed. Severus nodded enjoying some more gulps.

"Have you any clue what happened to Barty Crouch Sr?"

"No, not really. Potter called for the headmaster but didn't want to tell a thing to me. I'm sure he was involved. He was so eager to talk to the headmaster. Dumbledore returned later with Potter, Krum, and Moody from the forest. I could see it from here. I just heard that Crouch is dead, but his body wasn't found."

"Strange, is it? Crouch's behaviour all year, the Crutiatus near his home, the missing staff member — what if Crouch was a secret admirer of the Dark Lord?"

"Crouch Sr? He was ambitious, sentenced everybody with the slightest involvement into the dark arts. I believe he knew that his son tormented Frank and Alice Longbottom, or he wouldn't have sent him to Azkaban. The Crutiatus is the signature of his son and if he was in company with the Lestrange's—"

"But his son died in Azkaban—"


"—and he was blond?"

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