42* The Approaching Battle

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Dammed disgust and fear transformed into a forceful apparition. The landing made Severus tumbling out of the chosen hide-out in the bushes around Leonor's garden. A branch scratched the back of his hand while putting on the black mask. Animal moans issued from inside. Severus' mind stopped working when inhaling the sound; reminding him that he didn't even know what happened to Zora. It was the price for keeping cover. She saved him from interfering with shagging violent Death Eaters and gave the opportunity to sleep in one of the many blue-ornamented rooms until the pain of the Crutiatus and the evil sight of crimes faded, at least a bit. A picture of a bitten through bloody body made him ask 'why them, why Zora first and now Leonor' and it released the temporary blockade.

The back door stood open and Severus entered quickly though silent. Two petrified people lay on the floor. Their gaze drooled at the huge Greyback striving against an invisible figure pressed flat to the wall. Burn marks on the skin and the dirty shirt showed the resistance of Leonor. The cognition that she was still alive or Greyback wouldn't fight anymore sent all magical force to the tip of Severus' wand and hit the werewolf into the back. The momentary victory enabled Severus to regain an indifferent composure. When Greyback turned, a body sank to the floor.

"The Dark Lord sends me to stop you," drawled Severus.

"The bitch burned me. I'll take her now. Watch!" Greyback moved to bring the body into position, but before he even touched the now lifeless witch another curse made him stop.

"Dare to disobey the Dark Lord," hissed Severus threateningly calm. The companions and Greyback eyed him suspiciously.

"The Dark Lord changed his mind. The bitch is useful to him."

"Just because you have a mask doesn't mean he sent you?"

"Take your friends and leave. Be grateful if I clean up your mistake and tell our master that no damage is done." Severus' voice initiated a hateful look towards the lost prey before Greyback freed the man and woman and toddled off. It felt like ages until the group left slowly under cuss words and complaints cowed by the rising power.

Severus dropped the mask and hurried towards the lifeless body. Leonor's skin was pale; calling it white as a sheet was an understatement. Severus' thumb searched a pulse and pressed his mouth to Leonor's transparent lips feeling a low breath. He uncased a small flask of a strengthening solution from inside his robes and poured it down her throat. A reviving spell made her gulp. Severus was about to carry her upstairs hoping the owls would be home for sending word to Dumbledore and Poppy. But he had to lower her carefully back to the floor when loud shouts came from the street. Obviously, somebody noticed Greyback's struggle and found help at Aberforth's tavern. Severus fled and disappeared duly from the threshold of the door when a bang shook the apothecary and Dumbledore's voice called "She's alive!" The small flask of medicine rolled directly into Dumbledore's hands.


Severus paced up and down the circular office of the headmaster. He saw Madam Pomfrey running across the lawns while hiding behind trees. A disillusionment charm allowed an unnoticed entrance to the headmaster's office; just in case any teacher walked the corridors. The dark-haired wizard felt like a coward waiting for Dumbledore. And still, he knew that being seen at Leonor's place brought more danger to her. Dumbledore will approve; Severus was sure of it.

Suddenly green flames burned up in the fireplace and a psyched Poppy followed a stern looking Dumbledore. She didn't notice the other wizard standing in the middle of the room.

The matron spluttered, "Albus, I've been wrong in believing Leonor is after my job! She looked like supporting the wrong side with the green and black attire and all that knowledge about the Dark Arts! Minerva and I believed St. Mungo's had a reason to turn her down as a healer. I'm so sorry for being touchy and about what happened to her! I cannot believe it's only a day after You-Know-Who's return and there's already a victim!"

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