8* A Secret Tale

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Note: That story part cotains adult topic such as crime, murder, rape.

Scott hid in a dark niche, her back pressed against the stone wall. Lupin, Weasley, and Potter appeared from the dungeons; all looked cross and agitated. She didn't want to be seen. The blood pulsated in Leonor's ears. When they were out of sight, Leonor descended into the torch-lit passageway and took a deep breath. She wanted to talk to Snape, badly. She knocked. Severus answered unpleasant, "Enter!"

Leonor went into the office and closed the door silently without looking at Snape. She had practised the sentence again and again, but it was different standing here. The office was gloomy, and the only light came from the fireplace. Snape stood behind the desk and his expression hidden in the dark.

"I owe you an explanation. I'll meet you at the 'Three Broomsticks', eight o'clock, today," said Leonor harshly; the voice hoarse as if it wasn't her own.

Leonor was the last person he had expected. A visit from another student was likely, or Albus after the encounter with Potter. But Lupin wouldn't divulge the detour of his precious little friend too quickly. Severus looked at Leonor like an unwelcome intruder; hiding the little pleasure that it was her walking in. He anticipated she would turn and leave, but she didn't move. Even the poor light showed her weary and stressed face; like a nagging problem and sleepless nights were bothering her. She was pretty in the dark robes illuminated by the flames. He subconsciously rubbed his left arm and sneered, "You can explain yourself right away. There can't be much to say."

Leonor shook her head contacting the dark eyes and walked vigorously towards Snape. She took his left forearm with practised hand movements. Severus was about to wriggle himself free, but her grip was firm and trained with rebellious patients. A silent spell rolled the sleeves up to the elbow. She sighed, "I'm sorry."

Severus looked furiously down at Leonor. He swore; he should have used his wand to keep her on distance. Now the damage was done. The cut was prominent, but even in the dimness the skull and the snake were hard to overlook. Leonor brushed with her hand over the inside of his forearm, the cut still painful red and visible, but mended. He could bear to show the injury of her own curse, but not the mistakes of his past. Leonor looked up into his eyes and let go of his arm. The silence was heavy, and Severus fought hard to remain composed.

"Severus, I have to look after your arm. The cut is cured, but my curse also creates an infection. It may not heal before weeks or even month," Leonor said determinedly.

He snarled through gritted teeth, "And what makes you believe I will let you after all?"

"It hurts and it's getting worse. There's no reason for me to tell anybody. I've bound to my pledge of secrecy anyway. I should have come earlier; I know that," pleaded Leonor still focused on Severus' contorted face. He was dumbstruck. Leonor pointed Severus to sit down and to put the arm on the table. She took bandages, a vial and a larger bowl from her bag before she asked, "What did you use to relieve the pain? Most would use Dittany, but it makes matters worse in this case."

"Different brews including St. John's Wort, Arnica, and Belladonna." He sat slowly while his fury transformed into the knowledge that she had seen the Dark Mark. He couldn't make it undone. The only gain of it was a reliable healing saving more nightly experiments. He lit the torches with a lazy wave of his hand. Leonor put the sore arm on a white blanket, hung her cloak to a hook next to Severus' teaching robes and walked to the sink to wash her hands.

"I combined a simple spell creating deep cuts and a dark curse to create spreading infections. It will wear off, but it takes longer. The curse is stronger relating to the other magic on your arm. It needs the cold-pressed oil of the seeds of an Araucaria to heal the infection quickly. The cut heals for a healthy person alone and masks the real issue. Other herbs will ease the pain, but merely await the curse to die away by itself." Leonor smiled. She felt confident that Snape would obey the treatment. Her fear to end in another fight turned into the belief of sorting out the mistake soon.

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