37* The Crutiatus Potion

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Severus decided to abandon the work in the office before he even started something; a free weekend, a late breakfast and the sudden interest of the headmaster made Severus feel even more uneasy. He walked restless through some lonely parts of the Hogwarts grounds, but nothing restored the inner calm. The escaping foul temper of the professor reprimanded some students on return to the yard. As much as he looked forward to a quiet child-free castle, the more he knew that the summer didn't bring any good. Self-contempt sneaked through Severus' blood, killing the false brightness of the morning. A relation with Leonor was dangerous, highly risky in spying. Mistrust had many faces; Dumbledore's non-verbal signs were just one of them. The Dark Lord wouldn't be patient; he was harder to please before putting punishment aside.

Albus found Severus reading in his private chamber. Dumbledore's small talk encouraged Severus only a little. It intensified only the feeling of helplessness against the apparently wiser headmaster. A small fire filled the room with a comfortable temperature. Even in summer, it was difficult on the lower floors to do without if the shadows of the afternoon touched forest and lake.

"What have you and Leonor been investigating?" Dumbledore put some wood to the fire before positioning himself in front of Severus with a scrutinizing look.

"A potion against the after-effects of the Crutiatus Curse. It helps against the pain, the tremor; the mental damage caused by the lethal stimulation of the nervous system. Nevertheless, it needs to be taken in time. Leonor tested the potion on the muggles," said Severus flatly.

"I presume the stocks are filled and St. Mungo's is equipped?"

"A hand-picked number of people know about it."

"Well done, both of you," Dumbledore sounded truly approving. "Is there anything else you want me to tell?"

Severus glanced at the old wizard suspiciously and handed him the written recipe and a small flask. "The quantity is sufficient for the treatment of the first twenty-four hours after the attack." Dumbledore put both into his robes and waited attentively, but Severus was not willing to discuss anything further. Everything was written down; the way of developing the remedy did not matter.

"I'm pleased you like Leonor's company. She's very smart, even-tempered, your age—"

"I noticed," Severus said it quietly cutting short the conversation about private matters. There was no reason to ask for anything yet. He hoped the healer status saved Leonor, St. Mungo's a welcome refuge.

"How's Karkaroff these days?" questioned Dumbledore lightly.

"He has plans; I trust he's well-prepared to last out a while. He won't be the Dark Lords first interest. Igor will gain time by that."

"—and your plans?"

"The same as at the Yule Ball—"

"Does Leonor agree to it? She may need to understand your motives." Dumbledore tilted his head with a stern expression.

"It's nobody's concern. I keep my promise to save Potter," snapped Severus. Worry shot through him like a catastrophic forest fire mingled with the discontent of the current situation. Of course, she knew, guessed it so easily nearly a year ago. He didn't mind anymore; Leonor had not used it against him. Severus was able to hide many things from many people, but he had not been able to hide it from the pretty dark-haired woman. He hardly admitted it to himself. He got lost in her eyes, the soft lips and the delicate body, even more since she knew. Wasn't a spy's best practice the secrecy and solitude? It had been Severus guarantee of survival, and he broke it with meeting Leonor! Why should Dumbledore know that it released part of the task's burden when it sealed more danger to another person? What help would it be?

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