10* Nettesheimer's Experiment

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The night resembles a dark cover of dormant sentiments inside us, the stars the encouragement to let them escape. Leonor laid with her hand around the pillow, listening to some grumbling stragglers after a pub night. She had gone early to bed and fell into a deep sleep. It was after midnight now and still time for a long good snooze, instead, some thoughts kept her awake.

The dinner with Lupin finished with harmless small talk. Lupin hadn't noticed Leonor's inward turmoil. The goblet of Wolfsbane Potion brought her back into the present before she had said or done anything silly.

James Potter enjoyed his youth in every possible sense. Leonor had asked casually about Harry's parents at one of the meals, sitting in between McGonagall and Dumbledore. McGonagall praised Lily Potter as one of the most gifted muggle-born witches, pretty, popular, blessed in charms and potions. James and Sirius Black had been excellent in transfiguration. Even McGonagall showed emotions about the great students and the treachery of Black against his best mate. Dumbledore pointed in delight to the duo's inventive mischief. McGonagall at least mentioned the numerous detentions and was relieved Harry didn't follow the role model of his father. McGonagall denied Harry the permission for Hogsmeade visits, considering it appropriate for his safety and thanking Harry's awful aunt and uncle for the excuse. The young Potter and his friends Granger and Weasley were considered the most encouraging group of young students in the school and would likely be prefects later. The Potter's left clearly a footprint at the school even without their tragic death, a brilliant couple at school, adored for the fight against Lord Voldemort.

Severus avoided Leonor. The few words in Lupin's office were more than a hollow warning. Eating together had been impossible. He did not show up early for breakfast and left his meals unfinished before Leonor could even cross the hall to sit next to him. Severus was cold and distant, showing nothing of the emotional man on the stone steps in the narrow passageway. Leonor felt as if she didn't even exist anymore and all the warning about Severus became true.

The lack of conversation was filled by Charity Burbage and her insatiable interest in the way of living as a muggle. An evening with Charity had been a good distraction. Burbage had been honest. She hesitated to talk to Leonor if Snape was around, but Dumbledore recently told about Leonor's past in the muggle world. The evening ended with Leonor inviting Charity to a London sightseeing trip with the usage of muggle transportation for the entire day. Leonor kept her promise on a sunny Sunday in early March introducing Charity to the fantastic world of the non-magic population including all the technical gadgets. In return, Leonor learned a lot about the magical places of England's South, the birthplace of Burbage. Leonor felt guilty to add a drop of bitterness to the pleasant day by answering truthfully the question of her ancestry; Leonor was a pure-blood witch for many generations.

The Saturday afternoon at Hogwarts kept Leonor busy with the oversight of the Hogwarts Grounds. It was a mild day and many children enjoyed a walk or watching the Giant Squid. Leonor's teaching was well-known in the meantime and the faces of the kids more familiar. Leonor smoothed a few fights, healed some scratches and proofed to be good in a counterspell for ferocious growing hair. A boy was grateful to have the afternoon with his girlfriend instead of walking back to the hospital wing. In the twilight, a group of younger Slytherins tried to quiz Leonor about a forthcoming event and liked to know if she would take sides for Slytherin. Leonor did not understand, and they hesitated to give more detail. The students left frustrated and talked heatedly to Snape. He was exiting the portal of the school and dressed in an elegant travelling cloak. He scared off the teens with an unnerved remark when Leonor arrived. It was the perfect moment for a talk; she could have left the school with him. Instead, Leonor pulled a nonchalant face and passed without greeting.

Pauline arrived in London the next morning and presented a fine parchment next to Leonor's breakfast.

"The exam test will take place on Monday before term break, 5 o'clock, potions classroom."

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