12* Dumbledore's Superiority

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The students chattered excited and relaxed about the end of the exams and their plans for the summer holiday. Leonor was annoyed. The joyous fuss contradicted her blue mood. It was the last day of the job. The exams were finished, and Lupin said goodbye with gratitude. He would soon take the drink and sleep in his study while the moon diffused its white shimmering light.

Severus was distant as usual. Hattie delivered a brief note with a deep bow. The paper was again exclusive.

"We meet on your last day. I will find you."

"Did Professor Snape say something in addition?"

"Master said nothing, he only ordered to bring the letter immediately." Hattie bowed again, and her ears flushed pink.

"Hattie?" Leonor commanded menacingly.

"Master was very angry. He studied in the restricted section very often and left the school a couple of times. Dumbledore was not pleased. Hattie will punish herself to bespeak master's secret, but Mistress must not go to Gringotts."

Hattie swayed fearfully on her heels, wringing the clean tea towel with the small hands and started to slap herself into the face.

"Master and Hattie don't want Mistress to be reckless," screamed the little elf continuing with the painful slaps.

"Stop it!" Leonor caught the elf's arms and lifted Hattie to the air.

"I'll order you to stop punishing yourself. Professor Snape told me already. It's no secret, you understand?"

The old elf hung motionless for a moment. Leonor let her down and Hattie made a deep, relieved curtsey before vanishing with a little plop.


Leonor wandered the castle to say goodbye and to transfer the message to practice soon as a healer in Hogsmeade. The idea transformed from a wish into a solid decision. The marketing progressed whenever meeting witches and wizards.

A treatment for the two girls had also been delivered. She would be in contact with them to see if there was any improvement over the summer holidays. She'd likely need to make amendments but needed some results and possible side effects to improve the formula. Pauline would be engaged in travelling between the girls and some St. Mungo's patients to be observed for long term-recovery. Leonor was looking forward to some very busy forthcoming month. Everything for the departure from Hogwarts was prepared.

Leonor exited the staff room and passed Lupin's office. The door was left a little ajar. She walked in double checking. The Wolfsbane Potion was untouched and cold. A yellowed parchment laid unfolded on the desk. Black dots moved in a smart sketch of the castle floors. She could recognize familiar names. Dumbledore was with the minister of magic in his study. Severus was in the hospital wing together with spots labelled Pomfrey, Black, Potter, Granger, and Weasley. Leonor was fascinated by the map, took it and followed Severus from the hospital wing to the seventh floor. Severus avoided the main stairs using hidden passages to the west tower. He was slow as if Black didn't support the walk, and Leonor arrived via the official way first. She watched Severus emerge behind a tapestry, Black unconsciously on a stretcher. Dumbledore and Fudge waited at Flitwick's office door and the four disappeared into the room. Leonor prepared herself to eavesdrop the conversation. She couldn't explain the longing to do so but established the well-trained FBI procedure. Leonor circled the area casting a strong 'Auditas hex' and hid by a disillusionment charm. She held her breath when Fudge and Snape left. Dumbledore stayed behind and started a conversation with Black. Leonor understood every word and followed Dumbledore later veiled, dropping the map back into Lupin's office. She would have liked to stop and warn the enraged Snape, but she couldn't, not with Fudge in tow. She watched Potter and Granger leaving and returning to the ward at precise bell chime of the large clock. Her mouth fell open watching Buckbeak flying across the lake. Black must have been on his back. The theory became reality when Severus and the minister of magic raged into the ward once more. Leonor bit her lips, but she would not intervene. The damage on Severus was done earlier by Dumbledore's words; Black's escape was only the icing on the cake. Leonor believed Dumbledore would explain it to him later and followed Dumbledore again upstairs. She entrenched herself in good sight of the gargoyle and the corridor waiting to see Severus, but neither Dumbledore left his office, nor anybody came to visit. Waiting felt endless. It was around midnight. She decided to walk to the dungeons. Severus needed to know.

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