5* Christmas Eve

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Leonor woke late in the morning. There was no need for a hurry. No duties had been assigned to her. She felt slightly useless at Hogwarts. There were only five students left and all looked perfectly healthy. Rose had been picked up by her parents and Severus calmed their rage about the daughter's injury. The basic multiple-choice tests on the last day of term gave her at least some justification to still be at the school. She would mark them and compile a short report for Professor Lupin.

The weather outside was wintery and not very inviting. But a good walk through the castle grounds would raise the appetite and bring some nice colour into her cheeks. Leonor relaxed today but decided to continue the exam preparations with a studious visit of the library on the next day.

Leonor dressed in black to prepare for the feast. The dress was elegant with green beads around the small neckline. It did well with the dark green lining of the cloak and an anthracite hair slide. She felt tense; it had been a long time since she got invited. Leonor left her room just to meet Albus Dumbledore outside. There was a stern expression on his face and Leonor went minutes later to Hogsmeade.


Severus entered the Great Hall. Leonor was not there yet. They hadn't spoken much in the last two days. He felt grateful towards her for helping Rose and defending Slytherin House in the hospital wing. She cared about them professionally.

The headmaster informed the heads of the houses about Professor Scott's absence. A young couple had called for help. There were complications with the birth of their first child and the expecting father had asked for the matron. Severus swallowed his disappointment. Furthermore, Dumbledore's firecrackers and the funny hats made Severus feel uneasy. Potter's and Weasley's snickering could have reasoned in their memory of Longbottom's boggart. McGonagall's bickering with Trelawny was somewhat childish, but at least some conversation. Severus couldn't avoid glancing at the door. The students were already leaving the hall when Leonor entered. She looked pale and torn. Her steps were unwavering, but Severus saw the deepened dark shadows in the woman's eyes. She looked briefly at him but averted her eyes quickly.

Professor Sprout shouted joyful questions to receive the news about the offspring first-hand. Leonor straightened and forced a smile to her face to tell the former student had given birth to a healthy little girl. She confirmed it was all very normal and no reason to worry. The young parents had likely been overexcited. Dumbledore raised his glass and so did all to celebrate the new-born. Leonor sat between Filch and Trelawny avoiding the conversation about the gratifications a midwife must feel.

Severus watched Leonor carefully. Leonor was searching distraction in small talk with Trelawney about fortune telling when Sybill took her hand with a knowing look, "You want me reading the cards for you, my Dear?"

McGonagall stood up and left shaking her head about the nonsense before Leonor could even answer. Sprout followed close with a suspicious look at Leonor's dress and cloak. Leonor didn't know how to interpret it and concentrated on Sybill. Trelawny was muttering under her breath about the impertinence of people and shuffled the cards, placing one card after the other in front of Leonor. Trelawney made important gestures telling Leonor about a happy life. It sounded much like a muggle horoscope and Leonor smiled politely as if she believed it.

Suddenly Sybill's voice became deep and mystic, "A prince demands forgiveness to bring the joy of a long-lost dream."

Everybody still listened when Trelawney's eyes felt back in their sockets noticing the amused stare at her. Sybill started shuffling the cards again. Snape's expression was grave. A silence followed and Professor Flitwick patted Trelawny on the back grinning, "It's late Sybill, better to retire for the night!"

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