40* Riddle's Estate

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A severe cold pressed air through the lungs when Severus' wand touched the Dark Mark and the spell transported him to the destination of the reborn master. He looked around. His magic wand pointed aimless into the surroundings of the secluded manor. The balmy breeze of the summer evening waved grass and trees slowly. The landscape showed mild and pleasant hills above a valley of grassland. It was all the same; it couldn't kill the strain. Nerves and mind concentrated by sheer determination. The estate gave a deserted impression although the garden wasn't neglected for too long. The mansion stood in the shadows; the large entrance with the golden door knocker was just thirty feet away. A faint light from the hallway illuminated the stairs. The warm appearance was almost friendly. No sign exposed the crimes planned inside. Severus seized the ebony wand waiting for the door to open. It took less than a minute until no other than Wormtail peered into the night to let the late arrival inside.

Severus walked with steady steps into the mansion. He did not even greet the rat. Pointing the black wand silently into the ugly face resulted in a pathetic whimper. Severus swallowed seeing the murderer and continued through the dimly lit corridor into the parlour at the opposite side of the entrance. He flung the door open to see Lucius Malfoy in a kneeling position surrounded by faithful Death Eaters before kneeling down himself. Severus did not speak nor dare to look at his lord. A murmur went through the crowd followed by a swish of clothes and hushed steps. Lucius returned into the circle obviously relieved to leave the place of interrogation. Silence fell.

Severus' mind was blank, his eyes fixed on the floor. The Dark Lord taunted him by circling the defenceless applicant; it was the same game as fourteen years ago. When Severus asked to spare Lily Potter, it resulted in the same unnerving circles. Voldemort agreed much later to reward his inferior with the woman. It was only when Dumbledore offered a teaching post. A spy was valuable to both sides, more valuable than a complaining Slughorn in the potion's classroom. The Dark Lord controlled the school through Severus, at least he believed in it. And Dumbledore — had another pawn under his wings, like the creatures in the forbidden forest. Hagrid and Remus were always in the old man's mind to pacify fringe groups. Planned Dumbledore to make use of them in the new war? Severus didn't want to be a pawn, but the feeling never left the whole year. The evil presence closed in on Severus. The Dark Lord would have the first word. Severus remained in the uncomfortable position. He didn't whine. He didn't pray. Time elapsed.

"Get up!" The Dark Lord emphasized the demand with a silent 'Crucio'. Pain shot through Severus, less than a second, but enough to make his moves awkward and slow. A cold laugh filled the room, followed by an insecure laughter of the watching audience. Oh, yes, they all hoped to be spared! They all feared those quick merciless spells; the twitch of the long thin fingers showed the rotten rebirth.

"What gives us the pleasure of the late visit?" mocked the master's hissing voice after another pause.

"I request to return to your service, my lord." Severus looked straight into Voldemort's face. The red snake-like eyes gave a disgusting contrast to the greyish-white robes and skin. Severus suppressed the urge to throw up. Voldemort bathed himself in the fearful tension floating through the dust-laden gaunt room. Only the light swishing of fabric filled now the silence.

"Indeed. And why would I accept it?" The evil wizard flicked his wand twice. All Death Eaters retreated quickly while Severus dropped to the floor once again. The Dark Lord spelled the 'Unforgivable' precisely.

"Wormtail, help him up!" said Voldemort sarcastically, but Severus was already back on his feet addressing the Dark Lord again. The rat wouldn't touch him. Severus spoke with a steady smooth voice and his eyes never left the red ones.

"My lord, I provide you with fourteen years of information. Dumbledore trusts me and believes that I'm only here on his orders."

"Tell me about Harry Potter!" The high-pitched voice of the master carried a fatal calm. Voldemort's eyes never left Severus' gaze either and Severus felt a headache building up. Emptiness wrapped itself around his mind like a cold, tight steel band.

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