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This is just something random I thought of -3-
~Y/N's POV~
I woke up to Peggy jumping up and down on my bed, and she was screaming, "Y\N, Y\N!! WAKE UP!! WE REALLY NEED TO BUY YOU NEW CLOTHES SO JUST. WAKE. UP!!!" I groaned my eyes were heavy and sat up. So I looked at the time. So very sleepily I asked Peggy, "Peggy, it's only 5:25 in the morning why do we have to go so earlyyyyyyy..?" And she just yelled saying, "WE NEED TO GO TO THE MALL RIGHT NOW!!! I JUST LOOKED AT YOUR CLOTHES AND YOU DON'T HAVE MUCH!!" My expression changed to sleepy to confused kinda quick, I asked Peggy, "Um, why would you go through my clothes and stuff, it's privacy you know that, right?" Peggy nodded and just said "I was just curious to how much clothes you have.... Surprisingly you don't have much! So get ready we are going to the mall. RIGHT. NOWW!!" Oh my gosh, she keeps yelling and people are still asleep, I thought. "Okay, Okay..." I said, still half asleep. "Just.. please. Stop yelling!" Peggy stopped and quickly nodded. After she got out of my bedroom I changed my clothes...(into whatever you want, I'm to lazy to put an image right now)

~Time skip to ze mall~

~Peggy's POV~
After Y/N got dressed, we drove to the mall, and we walked in Forever 21 first. I pointed to a crop top that said "Always Hungry". (idk, it was the first thing that popped into my mind) Well, I mean it's true, Y/N and I are always hungry, so I got two of them, one for Y/N, and one for me. We went to look at the shorts\jeans\pants section. (whatever you want it to be) I found a skirt, it was pretty short, so I asked Y/N.

"Hey, Y/N! I found this skirt for you!! I don't know if you would like it though, it seems pretty sho-" she cut me off by saying, "Peggy! This is super short, I don't want random guys staring at me! Anyway, I was thinking of getting this." She showed me shorts that were close to her knee, but not quite there. So I nodded and got the same thing she got so we could be twins! Well, kind of. After we- well I payed for it because Y/N left her wallet at the dorm.... So I payed for it.

After that, we went to get some food. We went to [your favorite restaurant] and we ordered our food. To our surprise, we see two men walk in. And those two men were Laurens and Alexander!

~Laurens' POV~ (didn't see that comin')
Alex and I went to the mall to get some stuff, and by stuff I mean pens, notebooks, Notebooks, pens... You know what I mean, after that we went to a restaurant. (you know what I mean) when Alex and I walk in, we instantly see Peggy and Y/N. Peggy waves at us she was happy, and tell us to sit down with them. I decided to sit across from Y/N, and I got lost in her eyes. 'God, she's so beautiful...' I say in my head. Though I think she noticed because she was trying to get my attention. "Hey, Ya there? Earth to Laurenssssssss!" Y/N said, snapping her fingers..

"H-Huh..? wait, what?" When I finally snapped out of it, she giggled. God, that giggle is so cute.... After we ordered our food and ate, Alex and I went back to our dorm i still was thinking about Y/N...
Oof, I did this chapter at ten in the morning and finished at 12:07 PM, I'm super tired, and sorry this chapter is kinda short, I had a random idea like this so I did it for this chapter, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though it's pretty crappy....

Editor: 28NightWolf

Detailor: XxKittyPoroxX

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