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Oof, to be honest, in the last chapter idk y I said that Y/n should trust Peggy.... BUT WE'LL JUST GO WITH IT! Onto ze story ^[]^
~Y/n's POV~
"ALRIGHT! So tomorrow after classes, you should ask John to meet you in the park [or which ever place you prefer] and just talk a bit.... Once that you can just tell him that you have wanted to tell him something and just confess! Easy as that... RIGHT?" Peggy said... I just nodded, "Welp, me and the guys are gonna go back to our dorms.. Good luck tomorrow Y/n!" Alex said, and with that, the guys headed out the dlol) . Me and Peggy got in our PJ's and went to sleep.


(This is still Y/n's POV just so you know)
I woke up and looked a the clock, it was 4:26 so I decided to get payback to Peggy. I walked into her room quietly and started jumping on her bed and yelling: "PEGGY, PEGGY! WAKE UP WE NEED TO GET TO CLASSES AND GET READYYYYY!!" Peggy woke up kinda mad, and she just said in a super sleepy voice "Y/nnnnnnnnnnn... Why do you do this to meeeeeeeee..." I just smiled and said "Because you were doing this to me for 2 days... So this was PAYBACK!" (I don't remember if its two days or not, and I should know this cuz I'm the author lol) So I just walked out of her room to get ready. I used a [your favorite color] shirt with flowers and tiny stars on there, and I used jeans. I brushed my hair then I walked out. Suprisingly, Peggy was out first... "What took you so long?" Peggy said and she smirked. I looked at the time, it was 5:36 and it was Thursday WHOO! Peggy gave me a piece of bread with some Nutella on it (if you don't like Nutella, you can change it... But who doesn't like Nutella XD) And we both walked out to our first class...

While we were walking Peggy just said outta the blue, "So you ready for today?" She said with a smirk.. "Um, what do you mea-- OOOHHH, yea no I'm not ready.." How could I forget a day like this.. Confessing to John that I like him.. What if he doesn't like me?! "Aw, come on Y/n! If he says he doesn't like you than he can relize that the most cutest girl had just confessed to him!" Peggy said, with a huge smile on her face. I blushed at what she had said... I don't consider myself "Cute" but I say I'm "OK." We finally got to our class and I sat next to Laurens...

~Laurens' POV~
I saw Y/n walk in the room, and she sat next to me, she said, "Hey John, after classes can you meet me in the park at 5?" I just nodded and the teacher started talking.

~After Ze Classes~ (here we go!)

~Y/n's POV~
After the classes I went to the park and waited for John. It was 4:49 so I still had time to think of what I should say when I confess to John. I was talking to myself when I heard a familiar voice.. "What are you talkin' to, Y/n?" I turned around and saw John! Oh god, I'm so nervous. "So Y/n, what'd you want to tell me?" "J-john... I like you... And not l-like a friend... I-I LIKE, like y-you...." I said, I was looking down and blushing so much. John grabbed my chin and he kissed me. I was shocked, but kissed back. We stopped kissing and John said, "The first time I saw you, I was in love with you... Your personality, your smile, everything! And I just wanna say, I love you Y/n... Will you be my girlfriend?" "I would love to..." I smiled and kissed him...
TWO STORYS IN ONE DAY... DAMN ONE AT 1 IN THE MORNING AND ONE AT 1 IN THE AFTERNOON TOO WOW!!! This chapter has 741 words.... Sometimes I surprise myself a bit.... Oh yea... And remember when Peggy said that Y/n and John should talk a bit... Welp pretend they were talking and shit before the confession ok? Ok... And I'm to lazy to fix it XD

Editor: 28NightWolf
Detailor: XxKittyPoroxX

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